Graft-Ridden Pelousy Gets Her Mallet Back

Nope. Everyone knew she could we just hoped the Dem's would retire that old retread and get a younger Dem in there as Speaker.

And why would you want that? Why would you care?

Are you claiming you might approve of any Dem Speaker?


I would want the best person for the job. Pelosi isn't that person. She's old and should have retired long ago.

You can't tell me the Dems don't have a younger go getter type that could be Speaker better than that old hag Pelosi.

Oh bullshit. You're a partisan Republican. Be honest for once. You would attack ANY Dem in that position

Nope. I'm a registered Independent.

Both parties suck but I'd like to see the best possible people in leadership roles and that ain't Pelosi.
And you ain't no Independent. Your posts reek of Trumperism
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So can cite what law she or her husband broke or not?

A multitude of insider-trading laws, stock for favorable legislation which is bold-faced bribery, and theft through conversion in interstate commerce......she'd end up under the jail, yoyo.

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