Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

The men will decide

Will decide to work the universal law to save the nation or go with a few people with a paper law and let the nation fall to destruction
Yea! For the last 250 years our laws have held up pretty good until we found ourselves with a criminal who was willing to hijack all of them. Not sure how the Constitution and our laws have produced all this destruction you are talking about? Lol! Are you speaking from some future travels you may have encountered?

With the voters having the lowest iqs ever thus nation will fall unless stopped

Learn from history

Loons votes in crooks and make harmful laws
Oh, has it now?
Lol! Pretending to come on here to imply you are saying something of value is comical. Worthless, yet comical.

The universal law is different than a paper law

Might makes right !!!

Trump has the might supporters
Might isn't the rule of law or the Constitution. Trash that and you give your country away. I don't think the majority of the country is ready to turn the country over to the likes of organized crime. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that. Tell me, when did you make a conscious decision to be a traitor to your own country and its foundings?

Having a high logic test for voting stops electing crooks and the mafia

Having loons voting that brings in the harm
Glad to here you are qualified to know who the loons are. And you are?

Learn from science on who has the high and low logic ability

The sat math test at the highest level shows how logic ability is with the men
Lol! Pretending to come on here to imply you are saying something of value is comical. Worthless, yet comical.

The universal law is different than a paper law

Might makes right !!!

Trump has the might supporters
Might isn't the rule of law or the Constitution. Trash that and you give your country away. I don't think the majority of the country is ready to turn the country over to the likes of organized crime. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that. Tell me, when did you make a conscious decision to be a traitor to your own country and its foundings?

Might was used to break the paper laws

Andrew Jackson was one and honest Abe another

Might makes right is the only real law
Tell that to the folks who uphold our laws the next time you see them, and they'll look at you like your crazy. And with good reason.

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.
The men will decide

Will decide to work the universal law to save the nation or go with a few people with a paper law and let the nation fall to destruction
Yea! For the last 250 years our laws have held up pretty good until we found ourselves with a criminal who was willing to hijack all of them. Not sure how the Constitution and our laws have produced all this destruction you are talking about? Lol! Are you speaking from some future travels you may have encountered?

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history
Breaking laws is illegal and folks go to jail. Just ask Michael Cohen. He went to jail covering for a criminal who hasn't gone to jail yet for the same crime.

Your posts have become diluted to say the least with your logical thinking ideas here.

If we all listen to your strategy, are you going to sign everyone's bond? Lol! You are talking utter nonsense.
But it's logic that shows what is the correct data to look at to predict correctly

Our wise founders said

There never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

Loons should not be voting because they are blind to understand
The universal law is different than a paper law

Might makes right !!!

Trump has the might supporters
Might isn't the rule of law or the Constitution. Trash that and you give your country away. I don't think the majority of the country is ready to turn the country over to the likes of organized crime. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that. Tell me, when did you make a conscious decision to be a traitor to your own country and its foundings?

Might was used to break the paper laws

Andrew Jackson was one and honest Abe another

Might makes right is the only real law
Tell that to the folks who uphold our laws the next time you see them, and they'll look at you like your crazy. And with good reason.

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.

Yep indeed
The universal law is different than a paper law

Might makes right !!!

Trump has the might supporters
Might isn't the rule of law or the Constitution. Trash that and you give your country away. I don't think the majority of the country is ready to turn the country over to the likes of organized crime. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that. Tell me, when did you make a conscious decision to be a traitor to your own country and its foundings?

Might was used to break the paper laws

Andrew Jackson was one and honest Abe another

Might makes right is the only real law
Tell that to the folks who uphold our laws the next time you see them, and they'll look at you like your crazy. And with good reason.

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.
This coming from a liar who ran from proving the campaign was spied on by the FBI. Talk about wasting someone's time. Scram liar.
The men will decide

Will decide to work the universal law to save the nation or go with a few people with a paper law and let the nation fall to destruction
Yea! For the last 250 years our laws have held up pretty good until we found ourselves with a criminal who was willing to hijack all of them. Not sure how the Constitution and our laws have produced all this destruction you are talking about? Lol! Are you speaking from some future travels you may have encountered?

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history
Breaking laws is illegal and folks go to jail. Just ask Michael Cohen. He went to jail covering for a criminal who hasn't gone to jail yet for the same crime.

Your posts have become diluted to say the least with your logical thinking ideas here.

If we all listen to your strategy, are you going to sign everyone's bond? Lol! You are talking utter nonsense.

You don't know history
Might isn't the rule of law or the Constitution. Trash that and you give your country away. I don't think the majority of the country is ready to turn the country over to the likes of organized crime. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that. Tell me, when did you make a conscious decision to be a traitor to your own country and its foundings?

Might was used to break the paper laws

Andrew Jackson was one and honest Abe another

Might makes right is the only real law
Tell that to the folks who uphold our laws the next time you see them, and they'll look at you like your crazy. And with good reason.

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.
This coming from a liar who ran from proving the campaign was spied on by the FBI. Talk about wasting someone's time. Scram liar.

You admitted you didn’t click on the links I provided. You have lost all credibility (not that you had much to begin with) and you lost another debate. You have embarrassed yourself. Never reply to my posts again.
What's coming is the unwise being stopped from harming the nation

The unwise will not be able to debate they are not made to think ... They will be made to dig ditches

GDP scores rises when people do their ability

A stupid person will be stopped from thinking because that lowers a nations progress with low productivity of a nation
But it's logic that shows what is the correct data to look at to predict correctly

Our wise founders said

There never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

Loons should not be voting because they are blind to understand
And the Loons who surrender our laws and the Constitution, never respected the founders or this country to begin with. So why should those Loons only have the right to vote? Who are they? Answer, we don't know. Do you honestly believe people in this country minus Trump cultists, would actually entertain circumventing our laws and the Constitution because random dudes such as yourself say so? , Because your weird weird fantasies say so? Lol! Not even on a bet. Boss, to say you are way out there, is an understatement. You must believe we are still living in the middle ages?
Might was used to break the paper laws

Andrew Jackson was one and honest Abe another

Might makes right is the only real law
Tell that to the folks who uphold our laws the next time you see them, and they'll look at you like your crazy. And with good reason.

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.
This coming from a liar who ran from proving the campaign was spied on by the FBI. Talk about wasting someone's time. Scram liar.

You admitted you didn’t click on the links I provided. You have lost all credibility (not that you had much to begin with) and you lost another debate. You have embarrassed yourself. Never reply to my posts again.
You couldn't reply to your own links, because there is no proof in those links. Lol! You're a trip.
What's coming is the unwise being stopped from harming the nation

The unwise will not be able to debate they are not made to think ... They will be made to dig ditches

GDP scores rises when people do their ability

A stupid person will be stopped from thinking because that lowers a nations progress with low productivity of a nation
"Not made to think?" You're talking about these folks right; ttps://
Trump loses $100 million dollars for ten straight years, and his followers are qualified to vote;? Some argument you hung your hat on there Mr. Logic.
Tell that to the folks who uphold our laws the next time you see them, and they'll look at you like your crazy. And with good reason.

Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.
This coming from a liar who ran from proving the campaign was spied on by the FBI. Talk about wasting someone's time. Scram liar.

You admitted you didn’t click on the links I provided. You have lost all credibility (not that you had much to begin with) and you lost another debate. You have embarrassed yourself. Never reply to my posts again.
You couldn't reply to your own links, because there is no proof in those links. Lol! You're a trip.

You never opened them. How would you know? Stupid, lonely old man.
Andrew Jackson broke the paper laws

Honest Abe did also

Learn from history

The only law is might makes right

You’re arguing with an idiot so don’t waste your time.
This coming from a liar who ran from proving the campaign was spied on by the FBI. Talk about wasting someone's time. Scram liar.

You admitted you didn’t click on the links I provided. You have lost all credibility (not that you had much to begin with) and you lost another debate. You have embarrassed yourself. Never reply to my posts again.
You couldn't reply to your own links, because there is no proof in those links. Lol! You're a trip.

You never opened them. How would you know? Stupid, lonely old man.
Boss, how damn stupid would a human being have to be, after listening to testimony from the director of the FBI in front of Congress tell us they had no evidence of anyone surveilling the Trump campaign? You can't possibly be that stupid that I would look to another source as evidence and believe that evidence. If, whatever you linked had any resemblance of seriousness to it, it would be on the front pages of the NYT's. How can folks be so gullible? I'll never get that.
And you are a liar who cannot produce evidence the campaign was spied on. How dumb does that make you feel?

I have and many links. You’re just too stupid to click on them. Note how my of posts have many likes and agrees and yours have zero.
Then they are complicit in your lies. Have they produced evidence? No! Have you? No! You're all in the same camp as liars. No evidence exists. "PERIOD!"

And, I haven't read your links, but I will promise you this; none will produce evidence that the campaign was spied on. Your links will provide opinions, but no facts.

Only logic knows what a fact is or not

Trump with the highest logic supporters sees its a fact that the deep state has commuted high treason

And the men with the real power

Seriously, just take a minute and look up the word “logic” in the dictionary. If you’re going to use the word over and over and over again, you might at least try to begin to understand what it means.

Logic ability is the ability that can figure out good from bad. True from false and value from non value

Logic ability is also common sense ability


NO, that’s NOT what it means. You must have a dictionary there somewhere.
Collusion was proven.

What was proven is that the campaign was spied on and they tried to entrap many people.

The campaign was not spied on.

A potential Russian asset was sped on.

The idea Trump hired such a person should tell you something about Trump & wonder why Trump would hire people with known Russian contacts.

Trump was spied upon many times and all people know this if they have a brain
Bigger than a nat
So? Funny how Obama went from being staunchly against gay marriage to an advocate for. If you want double standards and hypocricy to express your fake, selective outrage over, look no further than your side.

But but but that Obama!!!

Obama, like many others, thought the answer was in civil unions. They believed this gave the homosexuals their "marriage". But it did not go far enough & when this was realized, minds changed.

Not the sane as when Lindsey trash talked Trump because what he said then was true.

Gay marriage benefits capitalism. I am all for it.


China promotes western nations liberalism in order to weaken them

China works opposite like America's wise founders
There is absolutely no evidence Trump was spied on. If you yourself have evidence the FBI director doesn't have, you need to let him know. If not, it's only a fantasy, and you can shut up about it, because it's only lie without evidence; FBI Dir. Wray knocks down AG Barr’s claim the Trump campaign was spied on

There is a lot of evidence if you just look. There is no dispute that the campaign was spied in. No one is denying that sans you. The question is was the surveillance warranted and that is what is being investigated now.

BTW I ve been polite and you’ve been a complete asshole. Funny how that is. So with all due respect you’re a fat and old loser.

Go bite a turd, ass clown.
I have and many links. You’re just too stupid to click on them. Note how my of posts have many likes and agrees and yours have zero.
Then they are complicit in your lies. Have they produced evidence? No! Have you? No! You're all in the same camp as liars. No evidence exists. "PERIOD!"

And, I haven't read your links, but I will promise you this; none will produce evidence that the campaign was spied on. Your links will provide opinions, but no facts.

Only logic knows what a fact is or not

Trump with the highest logic supporters sees its a fact that the deep state has commuted high treason

And the men with the real power

Seriously, just take a minute and look up the word “logic” in the dictionary. If you’re going to use the word over and over and over again, you might at least try to begin to understand what it means.

Logic ability is the ability that can figure out good from bad. True from false and value from non value

Logic ability is also common sense ability


NO, that’s NOT what it means. You must have a dictionary there somewhere.


Logic ability is a detective ability

Made for detective work

High logics are prophets who can predict correctly

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