Graham: "don't lecture me you had 8 years under Obama", Sen. Tim Scott sports patriotic facemask.

The only police reforming Obama impacted was to foment rioting and encourage police to fall back in places like Baltimore, allowing that shithole to get worse.
This latest uprising of democrat klan rallies is a total contrivance lit by Marxist enablers.
IMHO, policing at the local and state levels should be managed at the local and state level of gov't. The federal gov't has no business telling them how to do their jobs. And it's not up to the federal gov't to oversee or interfere, not until things get so bad somewhere that it is obvious that the states and cities are incapable of restoring law and order, and even then I think the state governor ought to ask for federal assistance before the feds move in. If the mayor or governor won't ask then it's on them; and if the voters don't vote their sorry asses out of office in the next election then it's really on the people, you get the gov't you deserve in that case.

Now - if it becomes an interstate thing, where serious criminal activity is crossing state lines or when federal laws are broken then that's a different situation. But I think it should be on the states, counties, and cities to get their shit together. the federal gov't has enough problems and issues to deal with that are actually their responsibility.

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