Graham: No evidence of collusion but "tons of evidence of crimes in DOJ/FBI" Yowzah!

Yep. Just kicking the can down the road until the midterms.

I have to say it's not unexpected from Senator Graham. Never shy of the camera and pleased with the response it gets in various GOP circles, Senator Graham has become one of those politicians a lot of conservatives see as a simple opportunist.

Some conservative outlets last week featured bold questions towards Senator Graham (among a few others) as to how he would vote on impeachment of the President should the occasion arise. While a speculative and hypothetical question that no person could legitimately answer if they had no idea what the Articles of Impeachment would include, it does indicate that some conservatives question the Senator as far as simple party loyalty.

What better opportunity would there be for Senator Graham to grab a few headlines, calm a few concerns among the base, throw a little support towards the party before the November elections (kick the can down the road as you put it), and wade on through until his reelection bid in 2020?
Lindsey Graham, has no idea of what Mueller has or doesn't have.
From what I have read in articles by criminal lawyers, collusion is not a crime, period. But conspiracy to break election laws, whether domestically or or using foreign agents, doing so is a felony and that's what Trump should worry about.
Now you can continue your OP that applies to nothing earth shattering.

Do you really think that after all this time, if Mueller has diddly squat on Trump for conspiracy to break election laws that nobody would have leaked it to the press? All those Clinton supporters on his team and nobody leaked it?

I'm thinking if the shoe was on the other foot like Graham says that you would find it quite earth-shattering indeed.

Mueller's team does not leak, period.
Graham doesn't seem to know collusion is not a crime. Yeah, he doesn't know the law or what Mueller has. That makes him credible?
if we have all this evidence, stop talking and prosecute.

If you could learn anything from the GOP during the Trump Administration, it would be foolish to assume they would start prosecution, when they won't even fulfill their own campaign promises, while they control the House, Senate and White House. They are scared of their shadow, and would rather reaffirm their faith in the media, than bite the bullet and do something.
Ever notice they all use the specific term of “no evidence of collusion “. Never “no evidence of wrongdoing “ or “no evidence of crimes”.

Got it!

If collusion doesn't work,
find some other wrong doing or crime

Like, paying a porn star to keep her mouth shut....
Dicks are an exception, of course
Ever notice they all use the specific term of “no evidence of collusion “. Never “no evidence of wrongdoing “ or “no evidence of crimes”.

Got it!

If collusion doesn't work,
find some other wrong doing or crime

Like, paying a porn star to keep her mouth shut....
Dicks are an exception, of course

Paying her with laundered money is! Couldn’t just by off his whore story with good old cash?
Ever notice they all use the specific term of “no evidence of collusion “. Never “no evidence of wrongdoing “ or “no evidence of crimes”.

Got it!

If collusion doesn't work,
find some other wrong doing or crime

Like, paying a porn star to keep her mouth shut....
Dicks are an exception, of course

Paying her with laundered money is! Couldn’t just by off his whore story with good old cash?

Ever notice they all use the specific term of “no evidence of collusion “. Never “no evidence of wrongdoing “ or “no evidence of crimes”.

Got it!

If collusion doesn't work,
find some other wrong doing or crime

Like, paying a porn star to keep her mouth shut....
Dicks are an exception, of course

Paying her with laundered money is! Couldn’t just by off his whore story with good old cash?
Paying her with laundered money is! Couldn’t just by off his whore story with good old cash?
Crazy isn't it!...

I mean, with so much at stake, so close to the election,
what a rookie move...huh

I do have to say, because of all this,
I'm absolutely convinced The Clinton Foundation,
was used to launder, pay to play, money!
Ever notice they all use the specific term of “no evidence of collusion “. Never “no evidence of wrongdoing “ or “no evidence of crimes”.

can't make this up.
Ever notice they all use the specific term of “no evidence of collusion “. Never “no evidence of wrongdoing “ or “no evidence of crimes”.


We have no evidence that you possess a brain either. The facts are that there is indeed no evidence of collusion, and the only criminal acts that the fbi can find are with trump hangers on. And the convictions are for actions that occurred YEARS before trump ever thought of running for office.

But the criminal activity within the upper levels of the fbi are now being exposed and were you a thinking person, instead of a brain dead moron, those illegal activities would give you pause, but they don't, because you aren't.
Lindsey Graham, has no idea of what Mueller has or doesn't have.
From what I have read in articles by criminal lawyers, collusion is not a crime, period. But conspiracy to break election laws, whether domestically or or using foreign agents, doing so is a felony and that's what Trump should worry about.
Now you can continue your OP that applies to nothing earth shattering.

Do you really think that after all this time, if Mueller has diddly squat on Trump for conspiracy to break election laws that nobody would have leaked it to the press? All those Clinton supporters on his team and nobody leaked it?

I'm thinking if the shoe was on the other foot like Graham says that you would find it quite earth-shattering indeed.

Mueller's team does not leak, period.
Graham doesn't seem to know collusion is not a crime. Yeah, he doesn't know the law or what Mueller has. That makes him credible?

They don't? What planet do you live on? Are you truly this ignorant, or are you stupid, or are you merely a political whore who is lying to protect your side?

Leaks in the Mueller investigation mean the endgame must be near
Leaks in the Mueller investigation mean the endgame must be near

"A series of anonymously sourced news accounts about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation don’t amount to evidence of illegal grand jury leaks and could have come from defense attorneys or others outside the investigation, prosecutors said in a court filing on Monday.

Mueller’s team is also urging a federal judge in Virginia to turn down a request from Paul Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman, to hold a hearing in which witnesses could be summoned to testify about the alleged leaks."

Mueller's office opposes hearing on leaks

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