Graham says he is open to Impeachment if.....

You kidding me? His Chief of Staff stood behind a podium and said it WAS Quid Pro Quo.....but you still need more. Mulvaney says we do it all the time. But you still want more? are giving up you golf butt are blowing smoke Lindsey.....
What is POINT? You hate Trump? We know that. It seems YOU are blowing smoke-we all saw the transcript and THERE WAS NO QUID PRO QUO!
let me ask a simple question. If there was absolute proof of a quid pro quo. Military aid for investigating the DNC server and Biden, would you say that was ok or illegal?
I would say OK because I would see it in light of following up on probable corruption. Since Biden probably won't be the Democrat nominee. Trump gains nothing checking up on Biden..
Ok then if there’s no problem with the quid pro quo why are you making the argument that there wasn’t one? Especially when there clearly was one. That makes you sound like your just defending trumps talking points when your true feelings are that there’s nothing wrong with the QPQ
First, I am not a Trump supporter so my opinions are objective. I did not see any quid pro quo in the transcript. I did not see anything wrong with what Hunter Biden did. Joe Biden made a boneheaded tape, kind of like Mulvaney's press conference, but I don't any wrong doing by any of them. And I don't think there clearly was any quid pro quo-my opinion, obviously not yours.
Well good, I like anybody who tries to be fair and objective. Perhaps we have confusion over terminology then. Let’s take QPQ out... would you say this is a fair assessment?
Trump froze aid and used it as leverage to try and get Ukraine to open two investigations, both of which appear to be for political purposes
PUTIN APPROVED president...

Notice that nearly everything trump does benefits Putin.

He holds up Ukrainian aid to fight Russian aggression- Benefited Putin
He impulsively pulls out of Syria -Benefited Putin
He speak ill of NATO and meets with Erdagon -Benefited Putin
Advocates for Russian return to the G-7 - Benefited Putin

The list goes on. You blind, ignorant trumpettes couldn't see the truth if it was written on your forehead. The so called POS president, trump is intent on carry out Putin's orders....

Maybe a trump Hotel in Moscow is again in the works?
OK, silly here is today's lesson for you, Not everything benefits Putin-Trump's sanctions are killing him.
Aid was held up because crooked Ukranians were pocketing the money-THAT help Putin, numbskull.
Putin has to deal with Turkey now-that HURTS Putin-may also hurt Kurds-who cares.
NATO is lazy and behind in their payments-time to wake them up! Meeting with Erdagon benefits us-not Putin-use your damn head.
Putting Russia in G7 allows ALL of us to keep an eye on Russia-benefits us.
If something was written on your head you could not see it bonehead-you would need a mirror! Go sit in the corner until you figure some of this stuff out.

Attempting to reasonably argue with conspiracy theroists, whose life's purpose is to make a flat earther look good. Hat off to you sir.
Shouldn’t you be focus on trying to win an election ? Lol
The can't win another election so they're going to try to throw this in the ring at the last minute
th (2).jpeg

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