Grandfather Claims Self-Defense After Gunning Down 23-Month-Old GrandSon

another pointless, repetitive and illogical argument we get over and over again. Why don't you guys come up with some new material. No one is ignoring the inner city kids and the violence there. No one has ever done that. The violence problem is directly related to drugs. It mainly has to do with drugs, racism and poverty. The left brings up the problems of racism and poverty regularly, which the right responds to by saying it doesn't exist. You want it both ways. You want to say the poor, black inner city community is responsible for their own problems. You want to say that racism does not exist. You want to say that the black community has every advantage and that the reason they don't do better is because the black race is inferior. But the truth is the problems in poor, inner city communities, which are often black communities, do have to do with racism and poverty and drugs. That is the crux of the problem. The gun violence and the gangs are a symptom of the problem. We need to get rid of racism and poverty. If those kids had a viable, reasonable chance at a future like other kids do, they wouldn't be joining gangs. If we could change the situation of poor people, give them better education and a better standard of living, and a real belief in a better future, those kids would not be getting involved in gangs and drugs. You want to say, do nothing for the blacks, for the poor, it's their own fault; and then at the same time you want to say that the left doesn't care and isn't doing anything about the problems of poor inner city kids. Totally illogical.

roflmao. Fail.
Another pointless, repetitive and illogical argument we get over and over again. Why don't you guys come up with some new material. No one is ignoring the inner city kids and the violence there. No one has ever done that. The violence problem is directly related to drugs. It mainly has to do with drugs, racism and poverty. The left brings up the problems of racism and poverty regularly, which the right responds to by saying it doesn't exist. You want it both ways. You want to say the poor, black inner city community is responsible for their own problems. You want to say that racism does not exist. You want to say that the black community has every advantage and that the reason they don't do better is because the black race is inferior. But the truth is the problems in poor, inner city communities, which are often black communities, do have to do with racism and poverty and drugs. That is the crux of the problem. The gun violence and the gangs are a symptom of the problem. We need to get rid of racism and poverty. If those kids had a viable, reasonable chance at a future like other kids do, they wouldn't be joining gangs. If we could change the situation of poor people, give them better education and a better standard of living, and a real belief in a better future, those kids would not be getting involved in gangs and drugs. You want to say, do nothing for the blacks, for the poor, it's their own fault; and then at the same time you want to say that the left doesn't care and isn't doing anything about the problems of poor inner city kids. Totally illogical.

You want to say, do nothing for the blacks, for the poor, it's their own fault;

if i dont give a fuck how come i bring up their plight so much in these types of threads?....i bet i bring up this stuff more then the so called "compassionate" lefties here.....

and then at the same time you want to say that the left doesn't care and isn't doing anything about the problems of poor inner city kids.

yea i will say that because no one seems to be addressing this ....6 kids get shot in Chicago.....all i see is stories about some white kid was shot......because his idiot parent left a loaded gun out.....

Totally illogical

yes you are.....
2009 Motor Vehicle deaths 40,000.

Guess we need to abolish cars.

Over and over again the same old falacious arguments. Cars and guns cannot be compared, for numerous reasons. "An argument by analogy is only as strong as the comparison on which it rests. The weak analogy fallacy (or “false analogy”, or “questionable analogy”) is committed when the comparison is not strong enough." Logical Fallacies» Weak Analogy

Cars and guns have completely different purposes. Guns are designed to kill. Cars have a completely different purpose. If we use your 'analogy,' then everything in life would need to be abolished because nearly everything in life can kill you one way or another; to try to make a comparison between cars and guns is a false comparison. A gun is a weapon. The only fair comparison is another type of weapon.

Its not "fair" because you say so...


I bet everything you disagree with and for which you cannot support an argument is not "fair," right?

Grow up.

No, it's not fair because it isn't logical. That is what my post tried to clarify for you. To compare cars and guns is a logical fallacy. It is illogical. It has nothing to do with my saying so; it is a logical fallacy to parallel guns and cars. They are not comparable. One is a weapon. One is a mode of transportation.
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