Grandfather Claims Self-Defense After Gunning Down 23-Month-Old GrandSon

How is this bullshit information? Did not the man kill his grandson by using a gun in an argument with his son-in-law? What this is, and what people seem to fail to understand, is that this is yet another example of why ordinary people should not be able to have firearms. They use guns for all the wrong reasons and/or they are irresponsible about them causing innocent bystanders to be killed. How many times a day is someone killed or injured because a so-called regular citizen and 'responsible' gun owner uses poor judgment? Ordinary folks cannot be trusted to behave responsibly.

2009 Motor Vehicle deaths 40,000.

Guess we need to abolish cars.
A 39 year old grandfather of a 2 year old.

That tells me all I need to know.

Yes, you can feel totally rationalized for your dislike of poor and minority people, and not at all blame the fact that the gun industry has saturated those communities with guns for a quick buck.
A 39 year old grandfather of a 2 year old.

That tells me all I need to know.

Yes, you can feel totally rationalized for your dislike of poor and minority people, and not at all blame the fact that the gun industry has saturated those communities with guns for a quick buck.

I am sorry they don't teach their children not to JOIN gangs and morality.

These parents failed...They suck.
A 39 year old grandfather of a 2 year old.

That tells me all I need to know.

Yes, you can feel totally rationalized for your dislike of poor and minority people, and not at all blame the fact that the gun industry has saturated those communities with guns for a quick buck.

I am sorry they don't teach their children not to JOIN gangs and morality.

These parents failed...They suck.

Do you know these people?
I mean these specific people, not your bigotted cartoon vision of them.
Reality to you is bigoted I guess.

Must be nice to ignore the truth looking your ass in the face.
How is this bullshit information? Did not the man kill his grandson by using a gun in an argument with his son-in-law? What this is, and what people seem to fail to understand, is that this is yet another example of why ordinary people should not be able to have firearms. They use guns for all the wrong reasons and/or they are irresponsible about them causing innocent bystanders to be killed. How many times a day is someone killed or injured because a so-called regular citizen and 'responsible' gun owner uses poor judgment? Ordinary folks cannot be trusted to behave responsibly.

Exactly. Get into an argument, pull out a gun and shoot someone because you hate to lose.
reading this thread...makes me see why there is such a divide...neither side will listen to the got one side...saying you will get my guns when you pry them from my dead hand ...blah blah blah...then you got the anti gun people who think gun are the worse things in the world...i have owned guns nearly all my life....well 52 years...number of people i have shot or killed...0

number of times i have used it to keep myself and my young child safe....1

i can tell you which number means the most to me...and yes had that bedroom door opened....i would have killed the bastard in a heartbeat and not thought a thing of it....

i have a right to self protection..
It would be easy to come up with all sorts of clever quips to make a point over this story...I can't bring myself to though...
A 39 year old grandfather of a 2 year old.

That tells me all I need to know.

Yes, you can feel totally rationalized for your dislike of poor and minority people, and not at all blame the fact that the gun industry has saturated those communities with guns for a quick buck.

You have yet to prove the gun was indeed legal.

And I didn't mention anything about race.

But a family situation where a guy is a grandfather of a 2 year old t age 39 is far from the norm and one can infer much regarding education and intelligence from such things
How is this bullshit information? Did not the man kill his grandson by using a gun in an argument with his son-in-law? What this is, and what people seem to fail to understand, is that this is yet another example of why ordinary people should not be able to have firearms. They use guns for all the wrong reasons and/or they are irresponsible about them causing innocent bystanders to be killed. How many times a day is someone killed or injured because a so-called regular citizen and 'responsible' gun owner uses poor judgment? Ordinary folks cannot be trusted to behave responsibly.

The people shouldn't be allowed to vote for the very same reasons.
it is a simple domestic violence case.

nothing else.

All you do here is point out how a 'simple domestic violence case' can become a tragedy solely because of a gun. Had the grandfather not had a gun, there would have been no tragedy and it would, indeed, have been only a 'simple domestic violence case.' Instead it became the senseless death of an innocent child, a true tragedy. All because a gun was involved.


If he didn't have a gun, it'd have been a bat, of a knife, or his bare hands.

Use your head and some common sense.

You use common sense. Your comment is senseless. The reason the baby is dead is because the bullet went awry. If he'd been using a knife or a bat or his bare hands, the baby would not have been accidently killed by a stray bullet. When you kill with a bat or knife or your bare hands, you have to be directly involved with the victim. Not so with a gun where anyone can get in the way of a wildly fired bullet.

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