Grassley publicly accuses Schumer of lying knowingly to the American people

Democrats can't win elections because they are drama queens. " If Republicans win it will be the apocalypse!" Republicans have been winning at all levels of government and serving well. Thus winning approval of the people they serve.
Then you should clean the radicals out of your own party. You have a raving lunatic for a chairperson. If you won't do it ...then defeat after defeat will.
I am Republican, unlike you, and with McCain and Heller and Johnson and Graham and Ryan etc we are driving the far right out of the party.
Respected Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley lambastes the treasonous--yes, treasonous--actions of the media and fellow senators Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein for their roles in the Comey/Russia circus. It's detailed and it's devastating. Schumer should be brought up on charges.

You have understand he is one of the OLD Guard who is of the OLD Democratic values that many of the EX Democrats acted and were Not the NEW Progressives that lie cheat and sell themselves to the highest bidder.
Republicans accusing someone else of lying? It's a joke right. Republicans own lying. Faux News and the Republicans in Congress are the lying channel. This is too funny. Grassley respected? Where do people come up with this nonsense?
I have no idea what Newspapers you read, but I would like to know, would you post their names so that I can find them?
I disagree! :p
You're entitled to . Why do you feel we aren't
WHERE have I EVER said you guys who differ, are not entitled to your own opinions? I don't think or feel that way at all!!! IF you guys didn't have your own opinions that differ with my own, I would not be a 10 year plus member of USMB....

A bunch of same minded people patting themselves on the back would be extremely boring to me!

I'm here to debate/argue, with the opposition! :D
Much appreciated. North Korea does not have a USMB.
Because of a mind set like yours that would throttle opposing opinion.
Then you should clean the radicals out of your own party. You have a raving lunatic for a chairperson. If you won't do it ...then defeat after defeat will.

Never fear, the far left is in deep trouble, and all the data says so..........they can't raise money, can't win elections...........and now the Obama administrations people are under investigation.

The simple questions are----->

1. What are the odds after watching how the Obama administration ran the country, you aren't going to find something illegal? Anyone want to bet-)

2. If Trump ends up not tied to the Russians, what are the odds he did something tawdry since taking over, knowing that the NSA was watching him. Anyone want to bet-)

3. Since Chucky-Shmucky KNEW that Trump wasn't under investigation, how long before congress demand censure? Anyone want to bet-)

In the end, this lefty narrative is going to go the way of the pet rock..........some people were fooled, and now those people are pissed at the seller. But, the Republican base is going to get what they wanted for at least 6 or 7 of the 8 years, and get an investigation into Obama accolytes. This is going to be good, because now it is all going to be reversed.

The people on here trying to beat this drum of Trump interference, should be laughed at each, and every day. They can site whatever story they wish, and as long as you have the words of congresspeople, their stories are fantasy.

Understand this reality-----------> Now that the Democrats know that the Trump administration is going after them for leaking and lying, even Democratic leaders will be careful with their words as they try and spin a new narrative. The only thing you will read will be from an "un named source." That is NOT good enough! Get your boys and girls in power to go on the record, so we can remove them from office NOW-)

The left has painted themselves into a terrible corner, and now we are ALL going to make them pay!!
Republicans accusing someone else of lying? It's a joke right. Republicans own lying. Faux News and the Republicans in Congress are the lying channel. This is too funny. Grassley respected? Where do people come up with this nonsense?
I have no idea what Newspapers you read, but I would like to know, would you post their names so that I can find them?
Dan Stubbs could use such newspapers for all they are good for...potty training.
WTF is the lie? This bill will kill a lot of people, charge old people a lot more and pretty much destroy rural healthcare in this country.

This bill is just plain evil and anyone that could support it is also evil.
Then you should clean the radicals out of your own party. You have a raving lunatic for a chairperson. If you won't do it ...then defeat after defeat will.
I am Republican, unlike you, and with McCain and Heller and Johnson and Graham and Ryan etc we are driving the far right out of the party.
I suppose I am a fascist?
Are you nativistic, uber nationalistic, ethnoc centric, and antidemocracy? If you lean those ways, you are on the road with imawhosure.
You are not a Republican...this much I know.
Grassley and other members of Congress knew Trump wasn’t the subject of the investigation, yet neither he, his fellow Congresspersons, nor their staffs leaked that detail. If Grassley or any of his peers, then as apparently by his speech he does now, felt that detail was so important for the American people to know, he could have found a way to get that pearl of info leaked.

Senator Grassley doesn't drive the narrative, and Trump cannot decide what leaks get legs and which die on the newsroom floor. The tyrants at the editors' desks do that. But neither this nor any of your other points actually address the subject of this thread: Chuck Schumer knowingly lied to the American people to further deceitfully his own agenda.
There's nothing to say about Schumer. As best as I can tell, he did represent that Trump was under investigation when Trump was not. The only reason I've qualified my preceding statement is that's not clear about his doing so, at least for me, is whether it happened before or after his having been briefed by the FBI and his making the remark. That unknown is easy enough to resolve.

The thing for me is that I don't much care what Chuck Schumer says; the man, at the moment, has a big "soapbox" and little power. He can say whatever he wants, but none of it matters.
The only reason I've qualified my preceding statement is that's not clear about his doing so, at least for me, is whether it happened before or after his having been briefed by the FBI and his making the remark. That unknown is easy enough to resolve.
I think that was the basis of Grassley's extraordinary public slap down. Fienstein has some 'splainin' to do as well, but Grassley and she have served on too many committees together for too many years for it to be him.
Mueller is after Trump.

Grassley can yell all he wants about Comey; it's Mueller he should be worried about. He's got a guy who can make witnesases "turn on friends, colleagues and superiors." This guy broke Enron apart in Houston in the day.

Mueller team lawyer brings witness-flipping expertise to Trump probes

Mueller team lawyer brings witness-flipping expertise to Trump probes
  • Andrew Weissmann is known for a skill that may come in handy in the investigation of Russian ties: persuading witnesses to turn on friends, colleagues and superiors.
  • Securing the cooperation of people close to Trump could be important for Mueller, who is investigating whether Trump himself has sought to obstruct justice.
I am a Republican and while those like Bush92 and jc456 etc are antiAmerican, nativistic, uber nationalistic, ethnoccentric, and antidemocracy.

The fun thing is that they, and those like imawhosure, are finding out that even the Grassleys, although they lash out at the Schumers, despise the far right.

No repeal of ACA without AHCA reform, which recognizes that government has a mandate in ensuring Americans get quality, affordable, and accessible health care. AHCA and ACA are far from reaching that goal, but both Dems and Pubs now know there is no turning back to the bad old days.

No repeal of LGBTQ rights or any other civil liberties.

It just sucks (as it should) to be an AltRat Righty.
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Respected Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley lambastes the treasonous--yes, treasonous--actions of the media and fellow senators Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein for their roles in the Comey/Russia circus. It's detailed and it's devastating. Schumer should be brought up on charges.

Schumer and Feinstein are perhaps the two worst traitors in the Senate, although Grassley has a few counts too.... looks like the rats on the Titanic are scrambling to jump into lifeboats...
I am a Republican and while those like Bush92 and jc456 etc are antiAmerican, nativistic, uber nationalistic, ethnoccentric, and antidemocracy.

The fun thing is that they, and those like imawhosure, are finding out that even the Grassleys, although they lash out at the Schumers, despise the far right.

No repeal of ACA without AHCA reform, which recognizes that government has a mandate in ensuring Americans get quality, affordable, and accessible health care. AHCA and ACA are far from reaching that goal, but both Dems and Pubs now know there is no turning back to the bad old days.

No repeal of LGBTQ rights or any other civil liberties.

It just sucks (as it should) to be an AltRat Righty.
Jake, you got nothing loser. Your butthurt is duely noted
So you admit that it sucks to be an AltRat Righty. How is the busiest 100 days since FDR going? :) Gorsuch is not the friend of the far right. America roles right along.
I am a Republican and while those like Bush92 and jc456 etc are antiAmerican, nativistic, uber nationalistic, ethnoccentric, and antidemocracy.

The fun thing is that they, and those like imawhosure, are finding out that even the Grassleys, although they lash out at the Schumers, despise the far right.

No repeal of ACA without AHCA reform, which recognizes that government has a mandate in ensuring Americans get quality, affordable, and accessible health care. AHCA and ACA are far from reaching that goal, but both Dems and Pubs now know there is no turning back to the bad old days.

No repeal of LGBTQ rights or any other civil liberties.

It just sucks (as it should) to be an AltRat Righty.
Jake, you got nothing loser. Your butthurt is duely noted
So you admit that it sucks to be an AltRat Righty. How is the busiest 100 days since FDR going? :) Gorsuch is not the friend of the far right. America roles right along.
So you admit is your favorite phrase speaking for others nice left wing play! Thanks for admitting you lied. Further validating your butthurt.
I am a Republican and while those like Bush92 and jc456 etc are antiAmerican, nativistic, uber nationalistic, ethnoccentric, and antidemocracy.

The fun thing is that they, and those like imawhosure, are finding out that even the Grassleys, although they lash out at the Schumers, despise the far right.

No repeal of ACA without AHCA reform, which recognizes that government has a mandate in ensuring Americans get quality, affordable, and accessible health care. AHCA and ACA are far from reaching that goal, but both Dems and Pubs now know there is no turning back to the bad old days.

No repeal of LGBTQ rights or any other civil liberties.

It just sucks (as it should) to be an AltRat Righty.
Jake, you got nothing loser. Your butthurt is duely noted
So you admit that it sucks to be an AltRat Righty. How is the busiest 100 days since FDR going? :) Gorsuch is not the friend of the far right. America roles right along.
So you admit is your favorite phrase speaking for others nice left wing play! Thanks for admitting you lied. Further validating your butthurt.
And the American people and the GOP continue to drag down the President's agenda. Thanks for crying.

Alt Right Tears.jpg
jc456 and the rest of the AltRatRight girls just cannot face up to the facts that very little is going right while much is going bad for Trump and those who support him.

Snapped a picture of jc456's guardian angel.

View attachment 135479
Funny you use angels, cause I'm in heaven
That's what you and the girls think, but in fact, no wall, no tax reform, EOs headed for defeat in SCOTUS, heavier sanctions on Russia, and government involved in national health care forever. :)
It's not left wing to point out that Trump has stumbled out of the gate: investigations being run by the GOP against members of the administration; no wall; EOs stuck in the courts; no tax reform; betrayed the far right on health care. Yup, you are over the moon, girl. :)
It's not left wing to point out that Trump has stumbled out of the gate: investigations being run by the GOP against members of the administration; no wall; EOs stuck in the courts; no tax reform; betrayed the far right on health care. Yup, you are over the moon, girl. :)
Ahh jakie you are truly sad
That Trump has been almost a complete failure? I am quite happy.

And to think his own party is investigating him with the FBI and the Congress.

The GOP is doing the job for the American people.

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