Great Briefing By The Donald: A Great Business Leader is So Much Better Than a Community Organizer


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
It feels so much better to have The Donald in charge in contrast to all those years with that incompetent Kenyan douchebag.
Do you mean the one where he said the storm had brought his ratings down.

pino trump is a disaster. A hot mess.
The briefing I watched about 30 minutes ago was purely professional and awesome. This president is proving his leadership skills compared to the former usurper, a non natural born citizen with a proven fraudulent birth certificate.
The briefing I watched about 30 minutes ago was purely professional and awesome. This president is proving his leadership skills compared to the former usurper, a non natural born citizen with a proven fraudulent birth certificate.
Just more bull shit Trump has NO leadership skills Ask McConnell Ryan, McCain,Corker etc etc They'll tell you that trump is an asshole I'll tell you all republicans are
I watched the presser. It was hilarious! What a rube.
The briefing I watched about 30 minutes ago was purely professional and awesome. This president is proving his leadership skills compared to the former usurper, a non natural born citizen with a proven fraudulent birth certificate.
Just more bull shit Trump has NO leadership skills Ask McConnell Ryan, McCain,Corker etc etc They'll tell you that trump is an asshole I'll tell you all republicans are
Those swamp creatures you named lack the leadership skills to move America forward to greatness. That's why we elected a true leader in the name of Donald Trump to pull the plug and send them down the drain with the rest of the corrupt elitist lawmakers that infest Washington D.C.. It's going to happen and before too long, we'll make America a Nationalist nation and great again.
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
It feels so much better to have The Donald in charge in contrast to all those years with that incompetent Kenyan douchebag.
Great briefing. And he has the best golf swing. And the best torch light parades. Plus the best steaks and the best university. He moves his hands around better than any President we've ever had. Trump is just the best at everything. Even when it comes to hurricanes, Houston got the biggest one ever, all hail Trump. I bet if he put his mind to it, Trump could drain a swamp or two while he's down there, and he'd have the best ball cap in the world on while he did it. We should just get it over with and rename our country to Trump USA.
Do you mean the one where he said the storm had brought his ratings down.

pino trump is a disaster. A hot mess.
hey luddy if they come up with new word for trump next week are you going to run with that one like you have with all the other ones?.....just asking....
The briefing I watched about 30 minutes ago was purely professional and awesome. This president is proving his leadership skills compared to the former usurper, a non natural born citizen with a proven fraudulent birth certificate.
Just more bull shit Trump has NO leadership skills Ask McConnell Ryan, McCain,Corker etc etc They'll tell you that trump is an asshole I'll tell you all republicans are
Those swamp creatures you named lack the leadership skills to move America forward to greatness. That's why we elected a true leader in the name of Donald Trump to pull the plug and send them down the drain with the rest of the corrupt elitist lawmakers that infest Washington D.C.. It's going to happen and before too long, we'll make America a Nationalist nation and great again.
Are u completely nutz? This true leader has already had to let how many of his people go?? He's an ah thru and thru and it's about time some of you republicans recognize the ah for what he is
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
And you know this personally how?
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
And you know this personally how?
I know this because he has been shedding talent like crazy, also there was this TV show you might have heard of where he acted like the stereotypical dick boss and you people somehow saw that as a good thing.
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
And you know this personally how?
I know this because he has been shedding talent like crazy, also there was this TV show you might have heard of where he acted like the stereotypical dick boss and you people somehow saw that as a good thing.
That's what this country needs, a strong proven CEO style Commander in Chief who's committed to excellence and unbridled patriotism. Our new glorious nationalist leader is blessed with those qualities.
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
And you know this personally how?
I know this because he has been shedding talent like crazy, also there was this TV show you might have heard of where he acted like the stereotypical dick boss and you people somehow saw that as a good thing.
That's what this country needs, a strong proven CEO style Commander in Chief who's committed to excellence and unbridled patriotism. Our new glorious leader is blessed with those qualities.
We do not want or need a dictator in America.
It feels so much better to have The Donald in charge in contrast to all those years with that incompetent Kenyan douchebag.
Thought he did a very good job overall, particularly the bit where he waved the flag to the crowd. Nice touch. However (and this is more a criticism of you than him) I work in a big company. Anyone who ever says "that was a good meeting" is usually shunned as a toady. Hopefully the shoe doesn't fit.
Recall when the homosexual Kenyan community activist said he could not suck up the BP oil spill with a straw. Folks, the homosexual Kenyan had no leadership skills, and actually seemed retarded when not reading from teleprompters.

Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
And you know this personally how?
I know this because he has been shedding talent like crazy, also there was this TV show you might have heard of where he acted like the stereotypical dick boss and you people somehow saw that as a good thing.
That's what this country needs, a strong proven CEO style Commander in Chief who's committed to excellence and unbridled patriotism. Our new glorious leader is blessed with those qualities.
We do not want or need a dictator in America.
Being an extremely strong demanding leader doesn't mean you're a dictator. The current status quo in D.C. can't cut it. Trump will purge them slowly. He's already having an affect such as hammering Jeff Flake and McConnell. They're at their lowest approval ratings ever. He'll eventually purge Ryan and other trouble makers. He's the type of leader that can do.It and the American people voted him in for that very reason.

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