Great Briefing By The Donald: A Great Business Leader is So Much Better Than a Community Organizer

Recall when the homosexual Kenyan community activist said he could not suck up the BP oil spill with a straw. Folks, the homosexual Kenyan had no leadership skills, and actually seemed retarded when not reading from teleprompters.

A true strong leader doesn't believe in the word 'can''t'.
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
Yet, everyone that has ever worked for Trump has good things to say about him. He is kind and fair.

But, we should believe you because...... ????
The better Trump does, the more liberals go hysterical. I feel bad for Texas, but this is proving exactly how bad the left is!
Alright Trumpbots, let me tell you something you may not yet understand about your messiah. If you actually had to work under such a man on a daily basis you would grow to hate his fucking guts. Not sure how it translates to effective leadership in your book when the best, the brightest and the smartest simply cannot abide wasting their hard-earned competence on a ham-handed man-baby like him. Think of the worst job you ever had, it probably sucked because the guy in charge was a lot like Trump, his soul destroying managerial style never letting you forget that your primary duty is to kiss his ass.
Yet, everyone that has ever worked for Trump has good things to say about him. He is kind and fair.

But, we should believe you because...... ????
LOL it is not at all difficult to find people who actually do have bad things to say about his erratic, dictatorial managerial style. Anyway it's all a matter of opinion, some people may even like like working for overbearing pussy-grabbers.
Being an extremely strong demanding leader doesn't mean you're a dictator.

Yes it does. It's the very definition of a dictator. Leaders like that are only marginally acceptable in business, never leading a supposedly free country. An executive who cannot competently delegate authority is not much of an executive, Trump absolutely sucks at that.
Being an extremely strong demanding leader doesn't mean you're a dictator.

Yes it does. It's the very definition of a dictator. Leaders like that are only marginally acceptable in business, never leading a supposedly free country. An executive who cannot competently delegate authority is not much of an executive, Trump absolutely sucks at that.
Trump has been very successful being an executive. You're scared of a strong alpha male leader who wants to make America great again by upholding the laws of our country and making it a Nationalist nation.
Being an extremely strong demanding leader doesn't mean you're a dictator.

Yes it does. It's the very definition of a dictator. Leaders like that are only marginally acceptable in business, never leading a supposedly free country. An executive who cannot competently delegate authority is not much of an executive, Trump absolutely sucks at that.
Trump has been very successful being an executive. You're scared of a strong alpha male leader who wants to make America great again by upholding the laws of our country and making it a Nationalist nation.
Trump has been a failure as an executive, if his company were publicly owned the first thing they would do is vote him out as CEO. Quit being such a fucking flake.
Being an extremely strong demanding leader doesn't mean you're a dictator.

Yes it does. It's the very definition of a dictator. Leaders like that are only marginally acceptable in business, never leading a supposedly free country. An executive who cannot competently delegate authority is not much of an executive, Trump absolutely sucks at that.
Trump has been very successful being an executive. You're scared of a strong alpha male leader who wants to make America great again by upholding the laws of our country and making it a Nationalist nation.
Trump has been a failure as an executive, if his company were publicly owned the first thing they would do is vote him out as CEO. Quit being such a fucking flake.
Nice opinion piece doesn't mean jack shit bubba boring bumper sticker shit!
Trump is not a great business leader and never has been.
How many businesses do you own compared to him?
Your messiah was born on home plate and you think he hit a home run.
He studied hard and learned the business. It's the privilege of him being White. He's an inspiration!
LOL an inspiration to alt-right KKK and racists country wide
Get use to it. The people have spoken!

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