Great debate joe....defamation lawsuit on the way.

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

So you're saying Rosenbaum went after Kyle because Rosenbaum was a pedophile doing what he loved to do (chase kids)???
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

So you're saying Rosenbaum went after Kyle because Rosenbaum was a pedophile doing what he loved to do (chase kids)???

No, I didn't say that. Who knows what I did say that led you to believe that?
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Sue him for what? Rittenhouse appears along with a voiceover by Chris Wallace saying, "but are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, as we've seen in Portland?

Rittenhouse was in Kenosha and was defending property with a militia.

This Biden tweet.

Rittenhouse was slandered by Biden IN FRONT OF 100 THOUSAND VIEWERS.... Its going to be a bad day when he is acquitted AND BIDEN IS THEN SUED.... Writing it down like this is just placing Joe's head on a plate all by himself...
It may take more than a year for Rittenhouse's murder case to reach a conclusion. The statute of limitations for slander will have expired by then.
Felony Slander or Criminal Defamation has a 4 year statute of limitations.. Not to mention that CIVIL suits can be filed for up to ten years... Epic FAILURE...
Why am I still waiting for a link to this? Prove there is "felony slander" and prove the statute of limitations is 4 years....

Or you're full of shit.

There is no such thing as felony slander. Slander, by definition, is a civil crime. And it's not up to anyone here to prove it to YOUR satisfaction. That's up to his lawyer.

And for your edification, civil matters are torts, not crimes.

Yea civil crime, civil tort, same thing.

And no, it's not up to anyone on here to prove to YOUR satisfaction, (which we both know won't happen anyway). That's up to his lawyer with their jury.
You prove again you're an idiot. No, "civil torts" and "civil crimes" are not the same thing. Crimes are violations of criminal code where action is taken against violators by the government; whereas torts are civil matters where action is taken by individuals, corporations, government, etc..

And yes, it's incumbent upon posters here to prove claims they make. That particular idiot spoke about felonious slander, which there is no such thing; and that it has a 4 year statute of limitations, which is also bullshit since there's no such thing as felony slander.

Listen. clown. YOU are the dumbshit that claimed the Covington kid would get nothing.

I suggest you shut up before you increase your record to 0 and 6.

You're such a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

I said he wouldn't win his lawsuit and I was right. Now I'll accept this post of yours, which doesn't address a single word I said about Rittenhouse, as a tacit confession that you're just not bright enough to offer a counter-argument.
I have already destroyed your litany about Rittenhouse. I've never seen such idiocy in my life. As for the Covington kid, you win only by playing word games.

You've done no such thing, fucking moron. All you did was cry he's not in a militia. But Rittenhouse's own attorney indicated he was. So who do you think anyone with an IQ over 10 is going to believe? A fucking moron like you posting incoherencies on the Internet? Or Rittenhouse’s own attorney?
Rittenhouse's attorney said he's in the same "militia" that every adult able-bodied male in this country is in. "The militia" is an abstraction. It's not an actual organization.

You keep ignoring the difference between "a militia" and "the militia." The article you cited proved he wasn't in the Kenosha Guard, which is the only militia in the vicinity.

Let's see how many times you can repeat your brain-dead understanding. Let's see how many times I have to correct you before you acknowledge the facts.

Furthermore, Rittenhouse isn't suing because Biden said he is in A MILITIA. He's suing because Biden said he's a white supremacist. Contrary to your fucked up beliefs, the two things are not synonymous.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron in denial.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

Who else was extinguishing fires?
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

How do you know who was being attacked? There were dozens of attacks that were not documented. We do KNOW that Kyle was actively fighting fires and trying to help his community. YOUR heroes, on the other hand were actively trying to destroy it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that violent felons are going to get upset when some little punk ass kid tries to interfere with their big plans.

And violent felons do violent things. In this case they tried to do violent things to the wrong kid.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

So you're saying Rosenbaum went after Kyle because Rosenbaum was a pedophile doing what he loved to do (chase kids)???

No, I didn't say that. Who knows what I did say that led you to believe that?

Another fact that you may not realize....

Kyle hit Rosenbaum in the family jewels (meaning he was facing Kyle), but the KILL SHOT hit Rosenbaum IN THE BACK!!!

THAT means someone else killed him!!!

(And if you watch the video, it DOES clearly show someone else chasing Rosenbaum)...

Isn't it possible that Kyle wasn't the first person that Rosenbaum attacked????
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Sue him for what? Rittenhouse appears along with a voiceover by Chris Wallace saying, "but are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, as we've seen in Portland?

Rittenhouse was in Kenosha and was defending property with a militia.

This Biden tweet.

Rittenhouse was slandered by Biden IN FRONT OF 100 THOUSAND VIEWERS.... Its going to be a bad day when he is acquitted AND BIDEN IS THEN SUED.... Writing it down like this is just placing Joe's head on a plate all by himself...
It may take more than a year for Rittenhouse's murder case to reach a conclusion. The statute of limitations for slander will have expired by then.
Felony Slander or Criminal Defamation has a 4 year statute of limitations.. Not to mention that CIVIL suits can be filed for up to ten years... Epic FAILURE...
Why am I still waiting for a link to this? Prove there is "felony slander" and prove the statute of limitations is 4 years....

Or you're full of shit.

There is no such thing as felony slander. Slander, by definition, is a civil crime. And it's not up to anyone here to prove it to YOUR satisfaction. That's up to his lawyer.

And for your edification, civil matters are torts, not crimes.

Yea civil crime, civil tort, same thing.

And no, it's not up to anyone on here to prove to YOUR satisfaction, (which we both know won't happen anyway). That's up to his lawyer with their jury.
You prove again you're an idiot. No, "civil torts" and "civil crimes" are not the same thing. Crimes are violations of criminal code where action is taken against violators by the government; whereas torts are civil matters where action is taken by individuals, corporations, government, etc..

And yes, it's incumbent upon posters here to prove claims they make. That particular idiot spoke about felonious slander, which there is no such thing; and that it has a 4 year statute of limitations, which is also bullshit since there's no such thing as felony slander.

Listen. clown. YOU are the dumbshit that claimed the Covington kid would get nothing.

I suggest you shut up before you increase your record to 0 and 6.

You're such a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

I said he wouldn't win his lawsuit and I was right. Now I'll accept this post of yours, which doesn't address a single word I said about Rittenhouse, as a tacit confession that you're just not bright enough to offer a counter-argument.
I have already destroyed your litany about Rittenhouse. I've never seen such idiocy in my life. As for the Covington kid, you win only by playing word games.

You've done no such thing, fucking moron. All you did was cry he's not in a militia. But Rittenhouse's own attorney indicated he was. So who do you think anyone with an IQ over 10 is going to believe? A fucking moron like you posting incoherencies on the Internet? Or Rittenhouse’s own attorney?
Rittenhouse's attorney said he's in the same "militia" that every adult able-bodied male in this country is in. "The militia" is an abstraction. It's not an actual organization.

You keep ignoring the difference between "a militia" and "the militia." The article you cited proved he wasn't in the Kenosha Guard, which is the only militia in the vicinity.

Let's see how many times you can repeat your brain-dead understanding. Let's see how many times I have to correct you before you acknowledge the facts.

Furthermore, Rittenhouse isn't suing because Biden said he is in A MILITIA. He's suing because Biden said he's a white supremacist. Contrary to your fucked up beliefs, the two things are not synonymous.

Bottom line: you're a fucking moron in denial.
Again, for the benefit of fucking morons, the video Biden put out was about white supremacists AND militia. Your failed attempt to ignore the part about militias and make it solely about white supremacists is noted and laughed at.

And again, Rittenhouse's own attorney said their defense against a charge is that Rittenhouse is part of a militia. It matters not which particular militia that might entail. Dropping that statement into the public domain means it was fair game for Biden to use it.
Here is the question and Trump's answer, that the media has spun out of context as usual.
1:04:23 WALLACE

Okay, you have repeatedly criticized the Vice President for not specifically calling out antifa and other left-wing groups. But are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, as we've seen in Portland? Are you prepared specifically to do that?

1:04:46 TRUMP

Sure, I’m prepared to do it. I would say- I would say, almost everything I see is from the left-wing, not from the right wing-

1:05:55 WALLACE

So what do you, what do you say-

1:04:56 TRUMP

I'm willing to do anything I want to see peace.
He was willing to do anything, but rather than condemn white supremacists, he emboldened them by telling them to "standby" because somebody needs to do something about Antifa and the left.

We can find many posts of your where you fail to condemn 'white supremacists', and many where you cheer hate crimes and the people who commit them. Just admit you're just a sick faggot with Daddy Issues and not the least concerned about 'Justice' or anything else but being a little angry twat of a rat.
Again, for the benefit of fucking morons, the video Biden put out was about white supremacists AND militia. Your failed attempt to ignore the part about militias and make it solely about white supremacists is noted and laughed at.

And again, Rittenhouse's own attorney said their defense against a charge is that Rittenhouse is part of a militia. It matters not which particular militia that might entail. Dropping that statement into the public domain means it was fair game for Biden to use it.
Stop requoting this same post please, fauny, and take your political double standard
back to the swamp rock you hide under.
Last edited:
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

Who else was extinguishing fires?

This guy, for one...

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

Who else was extinguishing fires?

This guy, for one...


And you would expect a pedophile to chase him??? :auiqs.jpg:
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

How do you know who was being attacked? There were dozens of attacks that were not documented. We do KNOW that Kyle was actively fighting fires and trying to help his community. YOUR heroes, on the other hand were actively trying to destroy it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that violent felons are going to get upset when some little punk ass kid tries to interfere with their big plans.

And violent felons do violent things. In this case they tried to do violent things to the wrong kid.

There's no evidence that Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse for putting out fires other than his attorney saying it. Hopefully, the trial will reveal the real reason.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

Who else was extinguishing fires?

This guy, for one...


And you would expect a pedophile to chase him??? :auiqs.jpg:

Dumbfuck, who was the pedophile more in danger of by chasing? That guy? Or the guy carrying an AR-15.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

How do you know who was being attacked? There were dozens of attacks that were not documented. We do KNOW that Kyle was actively fighting fires and trying to help his community. YOUR heroes, on the other hand were actively trying to destroy it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that violent felons are going to get upset when some little punk ass kid tries to interfere with their big plans.

And violent felons do violent things. In this case they tried to do violent things to the wrong kid.

There's no evidence that Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse for putting out fires other than his attorney saying it. Hopefully, the trial will reveal the real reason.

Like Rosenbaum chased Kyle because Rosenbaum was a pedophile???

After all, Kyle shot him in the NUTS!!!
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Sue him for what? Rittenhouse appears along with a voiceover by Chris Wallace saying, "but are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, as we've seen in Portland?

Rittenhouse was in Kenosha and was defending property with a militia.

This Biden tweet.

Rittenhouse was slandered by Biden IN FRONT OF 100 THOUSAND VIEWERS.... Its going to be a bad day when he is acquitted AND BIDEN IS THEN SUED.... Writing it down like this is just placing Joe's head on a plate all by himself...
It may take more than a year for Rittenhouse's murder case to reach a conclusion. The statute of limitations for slander will have expired by then.
Felony Slander or Criminal Defamation has a 4 year statute of limitations.. Not to mention that CIVIL suits can be filed for up to ten years... Epic FAILURE...
Why am I still waiting for a link to this? Prove there is "felony slander" and prove the statute of limitations is 4 years....

Or you're full of shit.
Sadly for Billy_Bob, his cowardice to address his ridiculous claim about "felony slander" (which doesn't even exist), proves what I said... he's full of shit.

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

So you're saying Rosenbaum went after Kyle because Rosenbaum was a pedophile doing what he loved to do (chase kids)???

No, I didn't say that. Who knows what I did say that led you to believe that?

Another fact that you may not realize....

Kyle hit Rosenbaum in the family jewels (meaning he was facing Kyle), but the KILL SHOT hit Rosenbaum IN THE BACK!!!

THAT means someone else killed him!!!

(And if you watch the video, it DOES clearly show someone else chasing Rosenbaum)...

Isn't it possible that Kyle wasn't the first person that Rosenbaum attacked????

Uh, no, getting shot in the back does not mean someone else shot him. Rosenbaum spun to the ground as he fell after the first shot, meaning his back may have faced Rittenhouse.

And the person chasing Rosenbaum was a reporter who was armed with a camera and who never said Rosenbaum attacked him.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

How do you know who was being attacked? There were dozens of attacks that were not documented. We do KNOW that Kyle was actively fighting fires and trying to help his community. YOUR heroes, on the other hand were actively trying to destroy it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that violent felons are going to get upset when some little punk ass kid tries to interfere with their big plans.

And violent felons do violent things. In this case they tried to do violent things to the wrong kid.

There's no evidence that Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse for putting out fires other than his attorney saying it. Hopefully, the trial will reveal the real reason.

But you DO agree that YOUR hero was indeed chasing Kyle. Game. Set. Match.

Thanks for playing.
The little fat fuck pursued them and gunned them down in cold blood. He was not being attacked by them.
Yes he was, they didn't want him to put out fires with his fire extinguisher, they fired at him, chased him, hit him over the head with a skateboard knocked him down and pulled a gun on him. It's all right there on video. Do you live under a rock?
That's bullshit. There were others there with fire extinguishers putting out fires and no one went after them. There was clearly something else which sparked that confrontation.
Maybe it was the fact that Kyle was attempting to assist injured protestors....

One of the reporters (from Univision, no less) actually posted video of it....

Well I see no one there acting aggressively towards Rittenhouse for attempting to assist injured protesters, so I don't believe that was the reason.

Maybe the reason was that Rosenbaum acted aggressively because Rittenhouse interfered with his plan to commit arson...

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' airs never-before-seen footage from deadly Kenosha shooting

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized.

"That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot," Carlson said. "He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson."

The footage shows Rittenhouse running with a fire extinguisher. Rosenbaum appears and appears to chase after Rittenhouse when a single gunshot is fired.

Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

Again, as no one else extinguishing fires was attacked, there's no reason to believe Rosenbaum went after Rittenhouse over extinguishing fires.

Who else was extinguishing fires?

This guy, for one...


And you would expect a pedophile to chase him??? :auiqs.jpg:

Dumbfuck, who was the pedophile more in danger of by chasing? That guy? Or the guy carrying an AR-15.

Could you translate that into English?
Or maybe Rosenbaum liked to chase minors, since he had spent at least 10 years in prison for sexually abusing an underage boy.....

So you're saying Rosenbaum went after Kyle because Rosenbaum was a pedophile doing what he loved to do (chase kids)???

Indeed. the vast majority of these left wingers are sexual deviants, and no doubt given the lack of police around he saw a chance to rape a kid without anybody to stop him or arrest him. This is also the main reason the lefties here want to get the kid into a prison, so they can pen pal with the rapists in there to give them all the details and get woodies. they're all big on railroading whites into prisons and discussing their rape fantasies about that. Kyle was singled out precisely because he was a kid by the degenerates for 'special treatment'.

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