Great debate joe....defamation lawsuit on the way.

Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Sue him for what? Rittenhouse appears along with a voiceover by Chris Wallace saying, "but are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, as we've seen in Portland?

Rittenhouse was in Kenosha and was defending property with a militia.

This Biden tweet.

Rittenhouse was slandered by Biden IN FRONT OF 100 THOUSAND VIEWERS.... Its going to be a bad day when he is acquitted AND BIDEN IS THEN SUED.... Writing it down like this is just placing Joe's head on a plate all by himself...
It may take more than a year for Rittenhouse's murder case to reach a conclusion. The statute of limitations for slander will have expired by then.
Felony Slander or Criminal Defamation has a 4 year statute of limitations.. Not to mention that CIVIL suits can be filed for up to ten years... Epic FAILURE...
Why am I still waiting for a link to this? Prove there is "felony slander" and prove the statute of limitations is 4 years....

Or you're full of shit.

There is no such thing as felony slander. Slander, by definition, is a civil crime. And it's not up to anyone here to prove it to YOUR satisfaction. That's up to his lawyer.

And for your edification, civil matters are torts, not crimes.

Yea civil crime, civil tort, same thing.

And no, it's not up to anyone on here to prove to YOUR satisfaction, (which we both know won't happen anyway). That's up to his lawyer with their jury.
You prove again you're an idiot. No, "civil torts" and "civil crimes" are not the same thing. Crimes are violations of criminal code where action is taken against violators by the government; whereas torts are civil matters where action is taken by individuals, corporations, government, etc..

And yes, it's incumbent upon posters here to prove claims they make. That particular idiot spoke about felonious slander, which there is no such thing; and that it has a 4 year statute of limitations, which is also bullshit since there's no such thing as felony slander.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Sue him for what? Rittenhouse appears along with a voiceover by Chris Wallace saying, " we saw in Kenosha..."

Rittenhouse was in Kenosha and was defending property with a militia.

This Biden tweet.

Now you’re lying as that is not Biden’s tweet, it's an image you posted here. Here is Biden's actual tweet which was accompanied with a video, not a still shot of Kyle Rittenhouse as you dishonestly posted.

And again, as Rittenhouse appears in the video, Chris Wallace is saying, " we saw in Kenosha..."

And of course, Rittenhouse was working with militia that night to protect property in Kenosha -- so where's the defamation?

There was no "militia" there, moron, and Rittenhouse is not a white supremacist. There is not the slightest evidence for that.

You're lying again, fucking moron.

yes, I did lie about that. I said it simply to trigger morons like you, and it worked.

Then prove it, asshole. Prove that Rittenhouse is a white supremacist.

I don't have to just because you're too big of a fucking moron to comprehend what that video implied about Rittenhouse. It suggested he was part of a militia, which is not defamation.

The video implied Rittenhouse is a white supremacist, and that is defamatory.

Fucking moron, the video is a voice over of Chris Wallace challenging Impeached Trump to condemn white nationalists AND militias to stand down in cities like Kenosha. In order to avoid defamation, Biden need only show that the teen murderer in Kenosha was working with a militia that night. Not a huge hurdle and the teen murderer is probably fucked over on this by his own attorney who said...

"As a 17 year old, he [Rittenhouse] was legally entitled to have that firearm in his possession. Moreover, we're going to be arguing that the Second Amendment and Title 10, Section 246 of the United States code renders that charge and any ordinance that that charge will be based on blatantly unconstitutional under these circumstances." ~ John Pierce

And what is Title 10, Section 246 of the United States code, a fucking moron like you might wonder...?

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.​
(b) The classes of the militia are—​
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and​
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.​

Let me spell this out for you since you are a lying fucking moron... his own attorney, on a rightwingnut show, announced they are planning on defeating the charge against their client of being in illegal possession of a firearm, by arguing he's a member of a militia. which legally allows a 17 year old able bodied male to carry a firearm.

This suit is going nowhere and the teen murderer has his own lawyer to thank.

Rittenhouse never claimed to be a militia member, you fucking moron. The video shows the white supremacists in Charlottesville and then a photo of Rittenhouse in Kenosha while Chris Wallas talks about "White supremacists in Kenosha and Portland." Both claims are horseshit and defamatory.

You're a liar and a moron. Biden is guilty as charged.


Fucking moron, I just showed how where his lawyer announced his defense against one of the charges against Rittenhouse is that he belongs to a militia. I quoted him verbatim AND I posted the video of him saying that. You're such a raging fucking moron, you still deny it.

There is no hope for you to ever recover from the stuper you're stuck in.


Wrong. I just explained how you got this fucked up in your head. "The militia" is not "a militia." "The militia" is every able-bodied male in the country. It's not one of these tin-pot militia groups that have never harmed anyone. The stories you cited admitted that no on claimed to be in "a militia," not even Rittenhouse.

It says some leftwing kook fringe group is suing some Kyle Rittenhouse and some militia groups, but it never says Rittenhouse is associated with these groups in any way

Mathewson said he has never met Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old from Antioch, Ill., who was arrested Wednesday in connection with the shooting deaths of two people Tuesday night in downtown Kenosha and the hospitalization of a third. In the interview, Mathewson was quick to distance himself from the suspect.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“I don’t know him, he’s not affiliated in any way with me or my Facebook page that I know of. Never met the guy,” he continued, calling it “always a tragedy when anybody loses their lives, even if it’s in self-defense.”

Matheson is the creator of the Kenosha Guard, the group that ignorant morons like you claim Rittenhouse is a member of.

Teen charged in killings of BLM protesters considered himself a militia member

Teen charged in killings of BLM protesters considered himself a militia member
Here is the pathetic evidence they present to support that claim:

A Facebook account under Rittenhouse’s name, which can no longer be accessed, contained photos of him posing with an apparent assault-style rifle. Text surrounding the photo includes the pro-police phrase “blue lives matter”. Several other photos on this profile page feature that wording, as well as images showing local law enforcement agencies’ logos.
That proves he's in a militia?

Police said Rittenhouse was a former member of a youth police cadet program, CNN reported – a program designed for 14- to 20-year-olds to explore a career in law enforcement.

The article goes on to cite equally worthless evidence that Rittenhouse was a member of a militia.

The Guardian is a British leftwing propaganda rag notorious for publishing attacks on conservatives. It's just the kind of trash you love to read.

Face it: your just a dumbfuck who swallows propaganda with gusto.

Fucking moron, his own lawyer publicly stated their defense is he's allowed to carry a firearm because the law allows folks in a militia to carry as young as 17. It doesn't actually matter if he himself ever stated he's in a militia. It doesn't actually matter if he's named as an individual in a lawsuit. Frankly, in terms of a defamation suit, it doesn't even matter if he's not affiliated with any militia. One of the required elements of slander is that related comments must be false. Rittenhouse can't sue on the grounds it's false that he's in a militia after his own attorney publicly declared he is.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

So you think that murdering punk should get attention for being what he is?

A decent human being who killed in self-defense? Yup, I definitely think he should get attention for that.

More to the point, there's no evidence that he's a white supremacist of any sort, and Biden is a libelous piece of shit for labeling him as such.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Thanks, Biden made a great ad and your thread will help promote it. Aren't you guys donating to the murderer's defense fund or something?

"I think it's just great that Biden libeled that kid, because I think it should be legal for us to say anything we want about people who dare to disagree with us."

Thanks for sharing your all-American view of "No rights for people who aren't Democrats!" You may now goose-step on outta here.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

So you think that murdering punk should get attention for being what he is?

He murdered no one. He defended himself from violent felons who chased him down because he had the temerity to try and extinguish their arson fires.

I like to think they committed suicide by assholery.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Doesn't Kyle have that lawyer that made Sandmann a multimillionaire?????

Yup. Dan Rather called him "the attorney for the damned" after his first big case, representing Richard Jewell. He's done a lot of high-profile cases.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Let's look at this thing legally. The result will depend somewhat on which state the suit is filed in since different states have different standards for Defamation. I went to law school in Illinois so I know that Illinois is not very generous on Defamation causes of action. It's much easier to win in New York.
It looks to me that Rittenhouse lawyers have good evidence for the suit. Neither Donald Trump nor Kyle Rittenhouse are members of any White Supremacist group.
Rittenhouse says he and his friends went to Wisconsin to protect life and property from rioters, not for any racial reason. The AR 15 he had belonged to a friend of his, not to him. All of these facts have been made public, so Biden should have known that his accusation is false.
The Proud Boys also have a lawsuit material there as Biden/Wallace called them white supremicists which they are actually neither. Look at the Dem Trolls, including Faun up here---------spreading these lies in order to smear and slander the Proud Boys. The dems have their minions organized and out with the smears---------Pround boys need only file in a more conservative federal district to whallop the dems and Biden.

Hey Faun you do know how conspiracy and RICO charges work right? You should be very very careful about your posts and claims at this point regarding both the Proud boys and Kyle who is not a public figure but an underaged boy at this point.
You should call the authorities then. Of course, that could backfire on you and you get locked up for being a loon. Like your pointing out how Wallace says "white supremacists" but you somehow missed him saying "militia" too; Which Kyle Rittenhouse was with that night. So no, sorry to burst your rightard bubble, but there will be no defamation suit. Shit, Rittenhouse will be lucky to not spend thd rest of his life in prison.
Do you want me to put up pictures of Kyles "white" supremacist militia as well? Hint: They weren't all white with the pedophile now dead having referred to them all day as NIGGAs and Kyle himself also isn't exactly white.

Oh FYI, I am not a righty---------I am an independent who hates both parties especially the dems.

Not that I care whether he is or not, but how do you know Kyle "isn't exactly white"? This is the first I've heard of this.
Suing is one thing, winning is another. Sleazy lawyers are a dime a dozen.
Most cases are settled out of court------------and if he chose a conservative district--a jury there would likely give it to him as the dems have slandered him for sure--and being a person of color if he wound up in a dem area--his odds would be high of jury also deciding for him. In either case--hid of success would be good.

But the added side effect is the DISCOVERY PROCESS-------where his attorney would be able to demand documents and evidence of all sorts of chit---------- the dems would settle to keep their secrets. He should sue---he has a winning hand.

I wonder what the rules are filing a defamation suit over something on the Internet. Do you have to file it in the state you're in? The state the defamer is in?
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Good luck with the suit, if it prevails expect millions of Democrats to sue Trump, Trump's kids and the GOP.

Such as?
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

So you think that murdering punk should get attention for being what he is?
Weren't the people he shot of his own race?
Does it matter? Still a murdering punk.

He killed a punk who won't be attacking any more people.

You do continually prove the left's support for violence.

The irony is your support for burning down and looting cities that you already won and control

Well, those are the safest cities to burn and loot.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Case is laughed out...

Ad clearly said "White Supremacists and militia"... Well the one I saw...

Even if it didn't say that... All it is doing is playing a montage over images... Freedom of speech...

Spoken like a leftist who thinks the Constitution protects whatever you wish really hard for at the moment.

In the real world, of course, freedom of speech doesn't allow you to slander, libel, and defame.
Suing is one thing, winning is another. Sleazy lawyers are a dime a dozen.
Most cases are settled out of court------------and if he chose a conservative district--a jury there would likely give it to him as the dems have slandered him for sure--and being a person of color if he wound up in a dem area--his odds would be high of jury also deciding for him. In either case--hid of success would be good.

But the added side effect is the DISCOVERY PROCESS-------where his attorney would be able to demand documents and evidence of all sorts of chit---------- the dems would settle to keep their secrets. He should sue---he has a winning hand.

I highly doubt this will go anywhere inside or outside of court. First of all at the 0:03 mark it cities Chris Wallace's question which also mentioned the militia and second of all good luck to the lawyer bearing proof that it harmed his client in any way.

The kid is being charged with murder, and may have to face a trial by jury on the charge, and your extravagantly-ignorant position is that it does him no harm to have the former Vice President and current Democrat Presidential candidate publicly call him a white supremacist in relation to that charge? If you lived in the real world instead of up your own ass, you would know that a third-year law student could make a case for defamation against Biden for poisoning the jury pool, you fucking Gomer.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

You shouldn’t pretend to talk about anything having to do with facts or law. One. Your boi is a psychotic. Two joe didn’t say anything untrue unlike your white supremacist terrorist supporter.

Poor mentally ill trumpscum

"It's true because I was told to believe it!"

Poor, brain-dead left-scum.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Thanks, Biden made a great ad and your thread will help promote it. Aren't you guys donating to the murderer's defense fund or something?

"I think it's just great that Biden libeled that kid, because I think it should be legal for us to say anything we want about people who dare to disagree with us."

Thanks for sharing your all-American view of "No rights for people who aren't Democrats!" You may now goose-step on outta here.
Who are you quoting in your post?
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

I get tired of ignorant people conflating nationalism with racism by calling it WHITE nationalism. Then conflating that with white supremacy. Nationalism is just another name for patriotism, not some Nazi Skinhead fascist extremism. Anyone can be for their own country-- -- and SHOULD.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

The fat little murdering thug will lose.

Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Thanks, Biden made a great ad and your thread will help promote it. Aren't you guys donating to the murderer's defense fund or something?

"I think it's just great that Biden libeled that kid, because I think it should be legal for us to say anything we want about people who dare to disagree with us."

Thanks for sharing your all-American view of "No rights for people who aren't Democrats!" You may now goose-step on outta here.
Who are you quoting in your post?

I'm quoting you as I heard you. I have this condition where I hear what people are ACTUALLY saying, rather than the bullshit words they try to wrap it in.
Hope this "kid" sues your butt off.
Good thing it's on tape, cuz joe is going to say he didn't

Thanks, Biden made a great ad and your thread will help promote it. Aren't you guys donating to the murderer's defense fund or something?

"I think it's just great that Biden libeled that kid, because I think it should be legal for us to say anything we want about people who dare to disagree with us."

Thanks for sharing your all-American view of "No rights for people who aren't Democrats!" You may now goose-step on outta here.
Who are you quoting in your post?

I'm quoting you as I heard you. I have this condition where I hear what people are ACTUALLY saying, rather than the bullshit words they try to wrap it in.
In other words, you are a simple liar and fraud who is unable to articulate feelings, beliefs, and thoughts beyond a small child's or common scum bag level.

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