Great New Source of Information for all of us (on both sides) to use.


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2024
I am a great proponent of gaining knowledge. Knowledge being defined as factual data, statistics and facts. Biased fake information does no good when having to deal with real life, especially with the political arena we have now.

In looking at the Jon Stewart show (my absolute favorite TV show host), I was made aware that Steve Ballmer, who was the owner of Microsoft and is the present owner of the California Basketball team Clippers, decided (in conjunction with his wife) to put up a website where facts, statistics, and data are supplied with absolutely no political bias. His intention is to impart knowledge to Americans.

I am impressed by it, and appreciate this man's objective and how he went about it.

Here is the website address (

Home | USAFacts

and here is one of his videos about the U.S. economy that shows exactly how he is going about making his goal, a reality:

I am a great proponent of gaining knowledge. Knowledge being defined as factual data, statistics and facts. Biased fake information does no good when having to deal with real life, especially with the political arena we have now.

In looking at the Jon Stewart show (my absolute favorite TV show host), I was made aware that Steve Ballmer, who was the owner of Microsoft and is the present owner of the California Basketball team Clippers, decided (in conjunction with his wife) to put up a website where facts, statistics, and data are supplied with absolutely no political bias. His intention is to impart knowledge to Americans.

I am impressed by it, and appreciate this man's objective and how he went about it.

Here is the website address (

Home | USAFacts

and here is one of his videos about the U.S. economy that shows exactly how he is going about making his goal, a reality:

Oh please, one more billionaire and his bs.
I am a great proponent of gaining knowledge. Knowledge being defined as factual data, statistics and facts. Biased fake information does no good when having to deal with real life, especially with the political arena we have now.

In looking at the Jon Stewart show (my absolute favorite TV show host), I was made aware that Steve Ballmer, who was the owner of Microsoft and is the present owner of the California Basketball team Clippers, decided (in conjunction with his wife) to put up a website where facts, statistics, and data are supplied with absolutely no political bias. His intention is to impart knowledge to Americans.

I am impressed by it, and appreciate this man's objective and how he went about it.

Here is the website address (

Home | USAFacts

and here is one of his videos about the U.S. economy that shows exactly how he is going about making his goal, a reality:

Steve Ballmer is a Bill Gates protege and is just as Left Wing radical as Gates. I would question anything and everything that he presents as "Fact based".

After retiring from Microsoft, Steve Ballmer and his wife Connie created the Ballmer Group, a philanthropic fund designed to fund progressive-left identity politics groups.
Steve Ballmer is a Bill Gates protege and is just as Left Wing radical as Gates. I would question anything and everything that he presents as "Fact based".

After retiring from Microsoft, Steve Ballmer and his wife Connie created the Ballmer Group, a philanthropic fund designed to fund progressive-left identity politics groups.
Do whatever you believe in. Who am I to tell you who to believe. I personally thought (in watching the video, which you probably did not) that it was unbiased and informative. Then again,, blind-by-choice people will never see things for what they truly are.
You can look up the numbers yourself or just ignore them and remain certain of your ignorance. I'm betting money the latter always wins with you.
If the numbers can be looked up, I guess others are doing so too. Not seeking to crawl up a wealthy guy's fat arse, doesn't equate to being ignorant of freely available facts.

Why do you feel the need to have a wealthy nitwit explain facts to you?
I personally do not need it but I thought that for those Trumpers that don't ever even look at facts, data, and statistics it would be worth it to them for getting non-biased knowledge.

I enjoyed watching the was all pure facts that did not help or hurt either side of the political spectrum.

By the way, the word "wealthy" does suggest he has the ability to do this. I do believe he has the intention of simply giving knowledge to people that don't have it. There are some wealthy people that are charitable and have good intentions and use their money to help others, did you know that?
I personally do not need it but I thought that for those Trumpers that don't ever even look at facts, data, and statistics it would be worth it to them for getting non-biased knowledge.

I enjoyed watching the was all pure facts that did not help or hurt either side of the political spectrum.

By the way, the word "wealthy" does suggest he has the ability to do this. I do believe he has the intention of simply giving knowledge to people that don't have it. There are some wealthy people that are charitable and have good intentions and use their money to help others, did you know that?
Facts is, MAGA has been trained to ignore things like that.

Attempting to convince them of realities is like trying to get Trump to stick to what is best for him and his campaign.
Steve Ballmer is a Bill Gates protege and is just as Left Wing radical as Gates. I would question anything and everything that he presents as "Fact based".

After retiring from Microsoft, Steve Ballmer and his wife Connie created the Ballmer Group, a philanthropic fund designed to fund progressive-left identity politics groups.
If the numbers can be looked up, I guess others are doing so too. Not seeking to crawl up a wealthy guy's fat arse, doesn't equate to being ignorant of freely available facts.
How the fuck does listening to some guy give out stats from the government equate to crawling up their ass ? Just because the numbers don't agree with whatever fantasy world you live in doesn't make them any less true.
Steve Ballmer is a Bill Gates protege and is just as Left Wing radical as Gates. I would question anything and everything that he presents as "Fact based".

After retiring from Microsoft, Steve Ballmer and his wife Connie created the Ballmer Group, a philanthropic fund designed to fund progressive-left identity politics groups.
It is funny that I could not find one single article anywhere that gives Bill Gates any kind of political leaning. Could you give me a link where it shows he is a Left Wing radical, as you say he is?
It is funny that I could not find one single article anywhere that gives Bill Gates any kind of political leaning. Could you give me a link where it shows he is a Left Wing radical, as you say he is?
He doesn't get directly involved in American politics but he is the number one funder of the WHO and was the "mastermind" behind the WHO disinformation campaigns during the Covid pandemic. He is a very dangerous man and Steve Ballmer is cut out of the same mold.
It's amazing how lefties can confuse propaganda with information. Jon Stewart (Liebowitz) is a freaking comedian. He lied to Americans along with the rest of the media about Biden's health.

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