Great News! DACA Deadline To End In Failure For The Dreamers....Bring On The Deportations

Why would anyone of any moral standard rejoice in breaking up families and sending people back to countries that they don't even remember?This is sick. This is truly evil. After all the bullshit from Reagan onward about "morals" and "values," it all comes down to doing this evil and obsessing with sex? This country has become a joke.

Why would anyone of any moral standard

want to coddle people that came here illegally?

Nope. I want to "coddle" people who have made their lives here. They are not enemies. This "illegals are the problem" is absolute horseshit, a fantasy built up mostly by people whose ancestors came from Europe, but who never learned anything from their ancestors' experience. No, I don't want to see families separated or people sent back to countries they don't even remember for the sake of some ignorant notion that this will make everything all right. What a stupid fantasy.
people here illegally are here illegally. this is not their homeland. sorry. It doesn't work like that.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.
Why would anyone of any moral standard rejoice in breaking up families and sending people back to countries that they don't even remember?This is sick. This is truly evil. After all the bullshit from Reagan onward about "morals" and "values," it all comes down to doing this evil and obsessing with sex? This country has become a joke.

Why would anyone of any moral standard

want to coddle people that came here illegally?

Nope. I want to "coddle" people who have made their lives here. They are not enemies. This "illegals are the problem" is absolute horseshit, a fantasy built up mostly by people whose ancestors came from Europe, but who never learned anything from their ancestors' experience. No, I don't want to see families separated or people sent back to countries they don't even remember for the sake of some ignorant notion that this will make everything all right. What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.

I agree

you have a vivid imagination.

Let me know when they stop separating inmates in our prisons from their families.

Then I'll start backing your silly idea about not sending illegal aliens back across the border.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

That's a shame
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.
well one never knows.
The DNC simply does not care about getting things done but obstructing. It's sad! And also irresponsible these elected all talk no action senators like Goofy Warren and Crazy Bernie. Not to mention Cry Baby Chuck. They are playing games the whole time while president Trump cares about the dreamers on working to fix this issue.
Why would anyone of any moral standard rejoice in breaking up families and sending people back to countries that they don't even remember?This is sick. This is truly evil. After all the bullshit from Reagan onward about "morals" and "values," it all comes down to doing this evil and obsessing with sex? This country has become a joke.

Why would anyone of any moral standard

want to coddle people that came here illegally?

Nope. I want to "coddle" people who have made their lives here. They are not enemies. This "illegals are the problem" is absolute horseshit, a fantasy built up mostly by people whose ancestors came from Europe, but who never learned anything from their ancestors' experience. No, I don't want to see families separated or people sent back to countries they don't even remember for the sake of some ignorant notion that this will make everything all right. What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.

I agree

you have a vivid imagination.

Let me know when they stop separating inmates in our prisons from their families.

Then I'll start backing your silly idea about not sending illegal aliens back across the border.

You obviously cannot distinguish between those who commit violent crimes for which prison is the appropriate reward and those brought here as children from impoverished and/or unfree countries who have done their best to become productive citizens. This love affair with macho bullshit has got to stop. It is wasting lives in the service of nonsense.

BTW: churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples are available.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.

President Donald Trump’s request for a quick ruling on his administration’s ability to end protections for undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. as children has fallen on deaf ears at the Supreme Court.

Justices unanimously refused to hear the immediate appeal of a lower court ruling that shielded up to 700,000 so-called “Dreamers.” Instead, the case will now follow a more traditional path, through appeals courts. The Supremes could take up the case after it has gone through the usual processes.

Trump’s Justice Department had asked the Court to bypass U.S. appeals courts and immediately review the ruling of a San Francisco judge that kept Obama-era protections known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), in place for Dreamers. Had the Court done so, it would have been the first time it had taken that action in nearly 30 years.

It’s a political black eye for the administration and could impact negotiations for immigration restrictions. DACA had previously been used as leverage to move Congress toward a deal, which Trump wanted done by March 5. Lawmakers have been unable to come up with a plan they could agree upon.

Supreme Court Extends Relief for 'Dreamers'
Why would anyone of any moral standard rejoice in breaking up families and sending people back to countries that they don't even remember?This is sick. This is truly evil. After all the bullshit from Reagan onward about "morals" and "values," it all comes down to doing this evil and obsessing with sex? This country has become a joke.

Why would anyone of any moral standard

want to coddle people that came here illegally?

Nope. I want to "coddle" people who have made their lives here. They are not enemies. This "illegals are the problem" is absolute horseshit, a fantasy built up mostly by people whose ancestors came from Europe, but who never learned anything from their ancestors' experience. No, I don't want to see families separated or people sent back to countries they don't even remember for the sake of some ignorant notion that this will make everything all right. What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.

I agree

you have a vivid imagination.

Let me know when they stop separating inmates in our prisons from their families.

Then I'll start backing your silly idea about not sending illegal aliens back across the border.

You obviously cannot distinguish between those who commit violent crimes for which prison is the appropriate reward and those brought here as children from impoverished and/or unfree countries who have done their best to become productive citizens. This love affair with macho bullshit has got to stop. It is wasting lives in the service of nonsense.

BTW: churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples are available.

and you can't determine the difference between legal, and illegal.

Here's a hint



If they want to go to the end of the line, and go thru all the red tape necessary to become a citizen, I'm all for it.

But it sets a bad example for the country when they allow people to sneak across the border, a border, btw, takes a very hard view on illegal immigration, and then bends over backwards to set them up in in a manner high above what they left.

I wasn't fond of people that dished in line in school, at the theater, at a restaurant, or in the military.

I'm not about the change my mind on it at my age.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed,

Psst, Hillary wasn't elected
Since DACA was an illegal EO (Obama admitted it), Trump needs no court authority to discontinue it. Unless there's a district court judge or an ACLU chapter that has the armed troops to stop it, ICE can and probably will start deporting them. The whole thing is a charade in the first place....they have plenty of relatives in Mehico they can stay with and GET IN LINE like the rest of the world does.
Why would anyone of any moral standard rejoice in breaking up families and sending people back to countries that they don't even remember?This is sick. This is truly evil. After all the bullshit from Reagan onward about "morals" and "values," it all comes down to doing this evil and obsessing with sex? This country has become a joke.

Why would anyone of any moral standard

want to coddle people that came here illegally?

Nope. I want to "coddle" people who have made their lives here. They are not enemies. This "illegals are the problem" is absolute horseshit, a fantasy built up mostly by people whose ancestors came from Europe, but who never learned anything from their ancestors' experience. No, I don't want to see families separated or people sent back to countries they don't even remember for the sake of some ignorant notion that this will make everything all right. What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.

I agree

you have a vivid imagination.

Let me know when they stop separating inmates in our prisons from their families.

Then I'll start backing your silly idea about not sending illegal aliens back across the border.

You obviously cannot distinguish between those who commit violent crimes for which prison is the appropriate reward and those brought here as children from impoverished and/or unfree countries who have done their best to become productive citizens. This love affair with macho bullshit has got to stop. It is wasting lives in the service of nonsense.

BTW: churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples are available.

and you can't determine the difference between legal, and illegal.

Here's a hint



If they want to go to the end of the line, and go thru all the red tape necessary to become a citizen, I'm all for it.

But it sets a bad example for the country when they allow people to sneak across the border, a border, btw, takes a very hard view on illegal immigration, and then bends over backwards to set them up in in a manner high above what they left.

I wasn't fond of people that dished in line in school, at the theater, at a restaurant, or in the military.

I'm not about the change my mind on it at my age.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

American taxpayers have invested billions of tax dollars into educating the Dreamers. Now that they are ready to join the labour market and use that education to be good taxpaying citizens, you want to throw them out.

want to coddle people that came here illegally?

Nope. I want to "coddle" people who have made their lives here. They are not enemies. This "illegals are the problem" is absolute horseshit, a fantasy built up mostly by people whose ancestors came from Europe, but who never learned anything from their ancestors' experience. No, I don't want to see families separated or people sent back to countries they don't even remember for the sake of some ignorant notion that this will make everything all right. What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.
What a stupid fantasy.

I agree

you have a vivid imagination.

Let me know when they stop separating inmates in our prisons from their families.

Then I'll start backing your silly idea about not sending illegal aliens back across the border.

You obviously cannot distinguish between those who commit violent crimes for which prison is the appropriate reward and those brought here as children from impoverished and/or unfree countries who have done their best to become productive citizens. This love affair with macho bullshit has got to stop. It is wasting lives in the service of nonsense.

BTW: churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples are available.

and you can't determine the difference between legal, and illegal.

Here's a hint



If they want to go to the end of the line, and go thru all the red tape necessary to become a citizen, I'm all for it.

But it sets a bad example for the country when they allow people to sneak across the border, a border, btw, takes a very hard view on illegal immigration, and then bends over backwards to set them up in in a manner high above what they left.

I wasn't fond of people that dished in line in school, at the theater, at a restaurant, or in the military.

I'm not about the change my mind on it at my age.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!

American taxpayers have invested billions of tax dollars into educating the Dreamers. Now that they are ready to join the labour market and use that education to be good taxpaying citizens, you want to throw them out.


Look at the bright side...

with all that high priced education, they can get good jobs when they get to where they're going.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed,

Psst, Hillary wasn't elected
Trump was "elected" (by the electoral college). His "election" was against the majority vote. Moreover, he has been a whore all his life and has confessed to it, and even bragged about it. There is absolutely NO evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton EVER conducted her personal life in this way. No evidence that she ever had sexual relations with anyone other than her husband, nor grabbed anyone else, nor evidence that she ever arranged to walk in on a roomful of naked men. She never joked about grabbing someone else's genitals, and there is NO evidence that she ever had sex with an under-aged person or a prostitute.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience, her education, and her documented interest in furthering the well-being of Americans. The current THING has none of this on his resume.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed,

Psst, Hillary wasn't elected
Trump was "elected" (by the electoral college). His "election" was against the majority vote. Moreover, he has been a whore all his life and has confessed to it, and even bragged about it. There is absolutely NO evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton EVER conducted her personal life in this way. No evidence that she ever had sexual relations with anyone other than her husband, nor grabbed anyone else, nor evidence that she ever arranged to walk in on a roomful of naked men. She never joked about grabbing someone else's genitals, and there is NO evidence that she ever had sex with an under-aged person or a prostitute.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience, her education, and her documented interest in furthering the well-being of Americans. The current THING has none of this on his resume.
His "election" was against the majority vote.

The presidential election isn't decided by majority vote.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience,
experience at what?

Looking over Bills shoulder?

Frequent Flyer miles as SoS?

her education,

yet she wasn't smart enough to know how the Electoral College works, after working on Presidential campaigns, including her own, for almost 50 years?

The only interest she had was in lining her pockets
Dems only USE protected classes for their own political gain.

They don't actually care about blacks, Hispanics, LGBTTQQIAAP, women....

....It's very easy to see their bullshit because if you are a "PROTECTED" class who leans conservative, the left will trash the fuck out of you.

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