Great News! DACA Deadline To End In Failure For The Dreamers....Bring On The Deportations

Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed,

Psst, Hillary wasn't elected
Trump was "elected" (by the electoral college). His "election" was against the majority vote. Moreover, he has been a whore all his life and has confessed to it, and even bragged about it. There is absolutely NO evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton EVER conducted her personal life in this way. No evidence that she ever had sexual relations with anyone other than her husband, nor grabbed anyone else, nor evidence that she ever arranged to walk in on a roomful of naked men. She never joked about grabbing someone else's genitals, and there is NO evidence that she ever had sex with an under-aged person or a prostitute.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience, her education, and her documented interest in furthering the well-being of Americans. The current THING has none of this on his resume.

Hillary is a mensch.
But some people refuse to except that the majority of voters voted the other way, and now expect so super-loyalty to a person whom they do not accept and will not pay tribute to? The minority elected a pig. No one owes them, or him, any loyalty, much less praise. If a person loves this guy, for some sick reason, then they should go tend to him. If someone doesn't want to visit him, shake his hand, pose for a picture with him, this is the right of any American. He's on his own, no matter how much he wants a forced audience or praise. If anyone wants to slobber all over him, this is their right. But don't drag anyone else into it.
But some people refuse to except that the majority of voters voted the other way, and now expect so super-loyalty to a person whom they do not accept and will not pay tribute to? The minority elected a pig. No one owes them, or him, any loyalty, much less praise. If a person loves this guy, for some sick reason, then they should go tend to him. If someone doesn't want to visit him, shake his hand, pose for a picture with him, this is the right of any American. He's on his own, no matter how much he wants a forced audience or praise. If anyone wants to slobber all over him, this is their right. But don't drag anyone else into it.
The minority elected a pig.

didn't have much choice

BOTH candidates were pigs
Yes by all means let the GOP start deporting Dreamers, in an election year, when 80% of Americans don't want to see them deported.
The Deportations will start on Black Friday.

Right when Americans are fighting for that good deal, ICE will throw that guy they were fighting with in a cage. . .

Just watch.
So is guess all the trumpsters are all in for South Africa doing what is right about land and their invader class
Electoral college was the standard.

The Super bowl winner is determined by what team scores the most points in that particular game.

It would be stupid if the Patriots said AFTER the game that they should be champs because Brady threw for more yards than Foles.

Doesn't that sound FUCKING STUPID?

Well, that's how Progs sound who cry about the electoral college.
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But some people refuse to except that the majority of voters voted the other way, and now expect so super-loyalty to a person whom they do not accept and will not pay tribute to? The minority elected a pig. No one owes them, or him, any loyalty, much less praise. If a person loves this guy, for some sick reason, then they should go tend to him. If someone doesn't want to visit him, shake his hand, pose for a picture with him, this is the right of any American. He's on his own, no matter how much he wants a forced audience or praise. If anyone wants to slobber all over him, this is their right. But don't drag anyone else into it.
The minority elected a pig.

BOTH candidates were pigs

Ms. Clinton never in her career conducted herself as pig. She absolutely did not. The current whore in the Oval Office did, and never had even the remotest inclination of denying it, yet some of nation's "Christians" love him, and with no explanation to the larger Christian world. Were these the same "Christians" who found roy moore's trolling acceptable, the pattern of adultery among republican politicians acceptable, the wanderings of republican men acceptable, the pattern of some self-identified "Christian" men of pursuing teenage girls, and I can go on. Just how is this acceptable? It is not.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed,

Psst, Hillary wasn't elected
Trump was "elected" (by the electoral college). His "election" was against the majority vote. Moreover, he has been a whore all his life and has confessed to it, and even bragged about it. There is absolutely NO evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton EVER conducted her personal life in this way. No evidence that she ever had sexual relations with anyone other than her husband, nor grabbed anyone else, nor evidence that she ever arranged to walk in on a roomful of naked men. She never joked about grabbing someone else's genitals, and there is NO evidence that she ever had sex with an under-aged person or a prostitute.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience, her education, and her documented interest in furthering the well-being of Americans. The current THING has none of this on his resume.
His "election" was against the majority vote.

The presidential election isn't decided by majority vote.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience,
experience at what?

Looking over Bills shoulder?

Frequent Flyer miles as SoS?

her education,

yet she wasn't smart enough to know how the Electoral College works, after working on Presidential campaigns, including her own, for almost 50 years?

The only interest she had was in lining her pockets

We have discovered the problem with the electoral-college system.
If there was no electoral college, POTUS candidates would only go to Cali, NY, TEXAS, and Florida.

33% of the entire USA population is from those 4 states.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.
Hate is not a wonderful or virtuous thing, no matter what one's "religion" says. The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed, no matter how many women he lays and how many phonies "pray" over him. His kind of trash needs to go.
The whore in the Oval Office will not be obeyed,

Psst, Hillary wasn't elected
Trump was "elected" (by the electoral college). His "election" was against the majority vote. Moreover, he has been a whore all his life and has confessed to it, and even bragged about it. There is absolutely NO evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton EVER conducted her personal life in this way. No evidence that she ever had sexual relations with anyone other than her husband, nor grabbed anyone else, nor evidence that she ever arranged to walk in on a roomful of naked men. She never joked about grabbing someone else's genitals, and there is NO evidence that she ever had sex with an under-aged person or a prostitute.

She would have made a much better president due to her extensive experience, her education, and her documented interest in furthering the well-being of Americans. The current THING has none of this on his resume.

I would like to have anyone explain why such person who currently occupies the Oval Office is better than Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Trump weighs in.

Donald J. Trump
It’s March 5th and the Democrats are nowhere to be found on DACA. Gave them 6 months, they just don’t care. Where are they? We are ready to make a deal!
2:37 PM · Mar 5, 2018

He is not trying to make a deal. Trump doesn't care.
Yes by all means let the GOP start deporting Dreamers, in an election year, when 80% of Americans don't want to see them deported.
and hitlery had a 90% chance of winning. I love all your polls. it's hilarious.

You are aware of the fact that Congress is elected based on the popular vote. Clinton won the popular vote. You are a joke. A bad joke.
Yes by all means let the GOP start deporting Dreamers, in an election year, when 80% of Americans don't want to see them deported.

Trump won 30 states on an aggressive “FUCK ILLEGALS” platform.
But suddenly we all fucking love illegals huh? Funny shit.
Think of how fucking retarded that sounds.
You’re claiming that “most Americans” don’t support constitutional adherence?
You’re claiming that “most Americans” want to support federal criminals?
You’re claiming that “most Americans” prefer to fund foreigners when we have plenty of our own to fund?
You’re claiming that “most Americans” are fine with the mass degradation of neighborhoods and communities caused by thirdworld minded filth?
You’re claiming that “most Americans” prefer to live among dependent thirdworlders that don’t speak our language?
STOP for a minute bud and listen to how fucking stupid it all one sane can possibly believe that shit.

You are the filth. Trump won because he was not Clinton. Americans overwhelmingly oppose Trump's policies on immigration as well as most other issues. Americans do support amnesty and DREAMERS overwhelmingly.
Nobody is deporting the Dreamers. The Republican Supreme Court has extended the program until all court challenges and DACA cases have been cleared.

Until then, the government has to process and issue all applications for renewal. Only new applicants who have not been enrolled are in danger of deportation.

The SC didn’t “extend” shit...they said they won’t hear the case for now.
No court has the authority to extend a POTUS’s executive action...The clock is ticking on the “Nightmares”...pack your shit beaners.

The Supreme Court refused to overturn injunctions requiring the Trump Administration to continue processing DACA applications. You are a ignorant ass.
Electoral college was the standard.

The Super bowl winner is determined by what team scores the most points in that particular game.

It would be stupid if the Patriots said AFTER the game that they should be champs because Brady threw for more yards than Foles.

Doesn't that sound FUCKING STUPID?

Well, that's how Progs sound who cry about the electoral college.

Congressional elections are not decided by the electoral college. They are done by majority vote. That is the point. Comparisons to the Presidential Election is not valid.

Yes it's great, the Republican party will finally put on it's own funeral once & for all---:auiqs.jpg: All we need is the media showing kids being ripped off of college campus's across this country, hysterical and in tears being ripped from the only home they've ever known.

That should go over real well with 90% of the American public who are in favor of DACA.

Poll: Nearly 9 in 10 want DACA recipients to stay in US
Most Americans support DACA, but oppose border wall - CBS News poll

Paul Ryan & other congressional leaders told Trump to not terminate DACA, knowing that house Republicans that would never pass any immigration bill---and he did it anyway.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and other Republican leaders in Congress on Friday urged President Trump not to terminate an Obama-era program that has allowed nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants to live and work in the country without fear of deportation.

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over 80% of the country want the dreamers here ... what a brilliant idea to send them home !

stupid fucking RW dipshits.

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