Greatest Chick Flik Of All Time

Greatest Chick Flik Of All Time

  • Fried Green Tomatoes

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Mean Girls

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steel Magnolias

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • All About Eve

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Diabloque

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Other; explain

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters
I can't imagine a grown man who hasn't seen Fried Green Tomatoes, RetiredGySgt.

[ame=]YouTube - Fried Green Tomatoes favourite scene1a[/ame]
I can't imagine a grown man who hasn't seen Fried Green Tomatoes, RetiredGySgt.

YouTube - Fried Green Tomatoes favourite scene1a

I haven't and I like watching love stories with happy endings. Does it have a happy ending?

Normally I would not advise you to listen to madalime because she is a big assed blue idiot but Fried Green Tomatoes is a good movie.

Asked a simple question, does it have a happy ending?
the women ,,,1939......not a man in the entire movie.....see it sometime

now that is a chick flic!
Whenever my wife has watched one of the listed movies, it gives me a great urge to go shooting.


i think you're gonna need a bigger boat for that one. lol..

Best chick flick ever... I think Terms of Endearment.

Eat Pray Love is up there.

Whats not to love?

It has beautiful sandy beaches, a woman trying to comfort her husband during his times of trial, and a father who will do anything to protect his children.

The big ass shark is a bonus :D
Whenever my wife has watched one of the listed movies, it gives me a great urge to go shooting.

My husband either watches Jaws or a double-feature of Godfather I and Godfather II.....

in the other room. :rofl:
Lots of good ones:

Pretty Woman
The Devil Wears Prada
My Best Friend's Wedding
Something's Gotta Give
Ex Wive's Club
As Good as it Gets

I'll watch any of these anytime.


i think you're gonna need a bigger boat for that one. lol..

Best chick flick ever... I think Terms of Endearment.

Eat Pray Love is up there.

Since none of the other women feel like answering me, does the Tomato one end happy? No dead lovers or sad endings for me.

Honestly I can't remember RGS. It's been over a decade since I've seen it.

I do know it was done in a flashback from the "present day" to back into the depression. I do know that an abusive husband got his comeuppance.

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