Greatest Economy Ever at 1.9% GDP

GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
Trump literally begged - almost outright threatened the Fed to lower interest rates, and now theres going to be bubbles like a Ricky Retardo party at Dark Fury's.
Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low
Money talks and when people have money, they don't tend to vote out the party that got them a job. The whole "don't bite the hand that feeds ya" thing.
That's not how minorities see it.

Their current economic situation is not necessarily their highest priority.

Ok but what have democrats done for hispanics?
Smothered and coddled them with promises and Identity Politics for the most part. They have also done nothing to make them feel hated and unwanted in their own country (which pretty much covers their top priority).

So, given the choice, they have no reason to leave. Not even their job.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
Trump literally begged - almost outright threatened the Fed to lower interest rates, and now theres going to be bubbles like a Ricky Retardo party at Dark Fury's.

The bubbles had long been inflated, Trump just made it worse.
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Imagine caring about the GDP
Tramp promised 6% GDP growth and can't even deliver half that after a $2 trillion stimulus!

Only people who care about the GDP are people who already have more money than they know what to do with.
That isn't what you would be saying if "human scum" Tramp delivered on his 6% lie!

Would 6% GDP have any tangible effect on my day to day life?
Imagine caring about the GDP
Tramp promised 6% GDP growth and can't even deliver half that after a $2 trillion stimulus!

Only people who care about the GDP are people who already have more money than they know what to do with.
That isn't what you would be saying if "human scum" Tramp delivered on his 6% lie!

Would 6% GDP have any tangible effect on my day to day life?
Imagine caring about the GDP
Tramp promised 6% GDP growth and can't even deliver half that after a $2 trillion stimulus!

Only people who care about the GDP are people who already have more money than they know what to do with.
That isn't what you would be saying if "human scum" Tramp delivered on his 6% lie!

Would 6% GDP have any tangible effect on my day to day life?

I'll take your word for it.
I'm no economist but I read that when unemployment is this low and with the current inflation rate, you want the GDP to be between 2 and 3 percent. .1 percent doesnt seem to be too bad off.

It’s like saying a corpse isn’t running a fever so The body must be healthy.
Reagan's growth was much, much higher than Obama's.
And he won the Cold War.

By any measure, including debt, Reagan's performance kicked Obama's ass.
Likely. Debt? In my book tripling is worse than doubling.

Reagan added less as a percentage of GDP and had awesome growth.
And he didn't have 7 years of 0.25% Fed Funds rates.
I disagree:

Which President Increased U.S. Debt the Most?

Ronald Reagan: President Reagan increased the debt by 186%. Reaganomics added $1.86 trillion. Reagan's brand of supply-side economics didn't grow the economy enough to offset the lost revenue from its tax cuts. That was partly because Reagan increased the defense budget by 35%.

Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74% increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831 billion by cutting taxes,

He added $8.588 trillion.

He added $9.3 trillion.

More, if you subtract the bank TARP lent under Bush and repaid under Obama.

More, if you subtract out the Fed's windfall profits due to QE.

Obama added more, as a percentage of GDP, than Reagan.
And Obama's economy sucked.

There was no.profits. That was a lie.

There was no.profits.

The Fed "printed" money at 0.25% and bought bonds earning 2%-4%.
Huge profits.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

Yep, it’s seems their hand is forced to lower again. And lowering rates while having to support the repo market with hundreds of billions seems to suggest there are serious underlying problems in the economy and the banking system. Makes you wonder if we are on the doorstep of something like 2008 again.

And lowering rates while having to support the repo market with hundreds of billions seems to suggest there are serious underlying problems in the economy and the banking system.

Or it's the rules that require banks to hold tons of cash......

Regardless of the cause, it’s still looks like an issue to me.

Yes. The issue is the rules forcing them to hoard cash.
There are plenty of excess reserves in the system.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
It's backpedaling?

They'll be dropping rates again.

Jeez, you guys are clueless.

The only clueless part of this convo is you not understanding I referenced the rate reductions by the Fed as back peddling. Try to keep up around here, it's your thread, cluelessX4.
That might be good spin if I hadn't heard the same thing from other Trumpsters claiming the Fed went too far with rate cuts and was backpedaling on THAT.

Gawd, you wingers just lie and lie and lie.

Quit being a moron. The Fed cut the rate again today. That's up 5 times in a year and now 3 down this year.

Those 5 rate hikes slammed on the brakes and now the Fed is dropping them because they know damn well they fucked up.

So if you want to make an idiot of yourself go right ahead but the facts are the facts.
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

So the Fed raises interest rates five times to crush the economy and is now back peddling as fast as it can to correct its screw up. Pelosi won't vote on USMCA. Impeachment bullshit waning on business and consumer confidence.

Then you want to blame Trump for not getting the economy growing faster.

Take the Hillary bumper sticker off your car. And take the pussy hat off your head.
Trump literally begged - almost outright threatened the Fed to lower interest rates, and now theres going to be bubbles like a Ricky Retardo party at Dark Fury's.

We're fighting the Chinese and growing our economy. They won't float the yuan. You Socialist dipshits are too lazy to compete with the Chinese. You think sending them $500 Billion a year of our wealth to help compete against us is no big deal.

Now don't you have something to do like an ANTIFA meeting to attend?
GDP slows slightly to 1.9% in the third quarter

The Fed will step in again, most likely. Markets will expect it now.

God Bless President Trump.

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