Greece Collapsing Under Weight of Massive Welfare

Greece is the black sheriff in Blazing Saddles.............
This crisis isn't about the money.............
This crisis is about preventing any EU nation from leaving the fold...........
Yes Greece, just like the U.S., has created a system it can't pay for.......but the overall amount compared to the world in currency is a joke........

I've already shown that only 3 countries in the EU can pay their bills via their income already.

Now enjoy Greece in BLAZING SADDLES.
Stopping the emergency loans via the IMF are having the desired effects......
Causing the Banks to close and the Panic that thereafter...........

A SHIFT in the opinion of the people has occurred................


Shouting WE ARE PART OF EUROPE................


9m ago15:46

Deputy Greek PM: Referendum may not happen
Greek deputy prime minister Yannis Dragasakis has told state-run TV in the last few minutes that the government may not go ahead with the referendum, reports Helena.

Dragasakis was expected to make an announcement tonight but not this!

His statement may well set the ball in motion - but it is not clear how the government will stop its vote.

As we reported earlier, the speaker of the Athens parliament, Zoe Konstantopoulou, says it is constitutionally impossible to halt the referendum.

6m ago15:50

Greece’s Kathimerini newspaper is reporting tonight that Yanis Varoufakis, the finance minister, will present details of the measures Greece would implement in return for a third bailout.
Circling the drain and headed down the hole to the sewer.
Right where they belong.

We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.
and in the Master's chambers.
They gathered for the feast.
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast.
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door.
I had to find the passage back.
To the place I was before.
Relax said the night man
We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like.
But you can never leave.
18m ago16:36

Fitch downgrades Greece, warns default risks are high
There must be better ways to mark the end of your bailout than by getting downgraded.

Rating agency Fitch has just cut Greece’s rating by one notch from CCC to CC, in an unscheduled move.

It says there is now a much higher danger that Greece defaults on debt owed to private creditors (so not the IMF, or the ECB).


Of course they did.
And have added $billions to their own bank accounts in the process.
Wall Street/Central Banks are the worlds largest criminal enterprise in history.
So large and so reaching, they basically have a permanent seat in the Oval office, and have a majority vote in both the house and the senate.
Meanwhile we all argue about Republicans and Democrats

Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis tonight, as a final request to extend Greece’s bailout was rejected Photograph: Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters
Got the ending wrong.................didn't think they would let it go into default..................

but they did......................

I expected the normal ending..............a last minute reprieve....................

Now it gets dicey...............especially the vote.
Stopping the emergency loans via the IMF are having the desired effects......
Causing the Banks to close and the Panic that thereafter...........

A SHIFT in the opinion of the people has occurred................

I hope the wallow in poverty for the next 100 years.

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