Greece Is An Example of the Failures of Socialism

If Greece is an example of the failure of socialism, does that make most of the rest of Europe an example of the success of socialism?
Well when everyone works for the Govt or public sector there is no one left to tax except for business.

Business can only stay in business for so long when they are taxed to death.

It works till you run out of other peoples money.

too bad we can't get through more of the peoples heads over here. they were wailing over Eliminating the Death tax.
There are many factors that together have put Greece in the situation it is in.

"Socialism" is not one of them.
Only if you only take 'socialism' to mean pure socialism and not what the posters here use the term as (the idea that the government needs to redistribute the wealth to those more 'deserving')

Again, the word 'socialism' is being misused.

Let's call it 'redistributionism' because that might be more accurate.

The reason socialism is so difficult to describe is because there has never been a successful socialist economy.

Bird brained egghead revolutionary despots keep trying and failing and another despot and moron tries it again and fails and another idiot tries it and fails and another douchebag tries it and fails, etc ad nauseam.... All in a slightly different way

But they all have one thing in common -- Redistribution of wealth -- and failure.

Capitalism sucks but it is the only economic system in history that works in the support of a free society.

EVERY other system ever devised inevitably falls into totalitarianism..... Every time

Except for:

Even the US but I don't think you get what socialist country is... As soon as you tax people to offer a service for the overall good then you are effectively redistributing wealth. That is Economics 101.
Now name me a country with no roads, army, education....
Somalia, the closest country to no socialism in the world.
There are many factors that together have put Greece in the situation it is in.

"Socialism" is not one of them.
Only if you only take 'socialism' to mean pure socialism and not what the posters here use the term as (the idea that the government needs to redistribute the wealth to those more 'deserving')

Again, the word 'socialism' is being misused.

Let's call it 'redistributionism' because that might be more accurate.

The reason socialism is so difficult to describe is because there has never been a successful socialist economy.

Bird brained egghead revolutionary despots keep trying and failing and another despot and moron tries it again and fails and another idiot tries it and fails and another douchebag tries it and fails, etc ad nauseam.... All in a slightly different way

But they all have one thing in common -- Redistribution of wealth -- and failure.

Capitalism sucks but it is the only economic system in history that works in the support of a free society.

EVERY other system ever devised inevitably falls into totalitarianism..... Every time

Except for:

Even the US but I don't think you get what socialist country is... As soon as you tax people to offer a service for the overall good then you are effectively redistributing wealth. That is Economics 101.
Now name me a country with no roads, army, education....
Somalia, the closest country to no socialism in the world.

More uneducated idiots trying to parse meaningless words.

If those Countries are socialist, idiot, why are they some of THE most Business Friendly Countries on Earth?

These Are The Most Business-Friendly Countries - Business Insider

Ranking of economies - Doing Business - World Bank Group

And why do ALL of them have lower Corporate Income Taxes than we do?

List of Countries by Corporate Tax Rate

And why is it that only the United States, out of essentially EVERY civilized Country on the Planet Earth, taxes Foreign Profits?

Why is that?

Go back to studying for your online Community College degree.

There are many factors that together have put Greece in the situation it is in.

"Socialism" is not one of them.
Only if you only take 'socialism' to mean pure socialism and not what the posters here use the term as (the idea that the government needs to redistribute the wealth to those more 'deserving')

Again, the word 'socialism' is being misused.

Let's call it 'redistributionism' because that might be more accurate.

The reason socialism is so difficult to describe is because there has never been a successful socialist economy.

Bird brained egghead revolutionary despots keep trying and failing and another despot and moron tries it again and fails and another idiot tries it and fails and another douchebag tries it and fails, etc ad nauseam.... All in a slightly different way

But they all have one thing in common -- Redistribution of wealth -- and failure.

Capitalism sucks but it is the only economic system in history that works in the support of a free society.

EVERY other system ever devised inevitably falls into totalitarianism..... Every time

Except for:

Even the US but I don't think you get what socialist country is... As soon as you tax people to offer a service for the overall good then you are effectively redistributing wealth. That is Economics 101.
Now name me a country with no roads, army, education....
Somalia, the closest country to no socialism in the world.
Because none of those nations are 'socialist' nations. The have stronger socialist tendencies than the US - that would be more accurate - but none of them have stronger socialist tendencies than Greece as far as I know. Sweden might be close but then again they hold a lot of that together because they control immigration VERY tightly.
Further, tax does not equal socialism, period. To claim that is asinine. Tax also does not equate to redistribution of wealth. You seem to misconstru8e redistribution with public space and that is just silly.
If I take a 100 bucks from you and give it to your neighbor – that is redistribution. Roads are not inherently a socialistic or capitalist concept.
There are many factors that together have put Greece in the situation it is in.

"Socialism" is not one of them.

I would vehemently disagree with that one. They've created a vast welfare state over the years which has resulted in a few generations of an entitled populace which the government can no longer afford to support.
The op is anti-civilization...Governments have been paving roads, funding science and educating their children for thousands of year.

Nobody is talking about those things. I'm referring to the vast entitlement state they created.

Your idea of private everything is the stupidest thing imaginable.

Are you afraid I'm going to supplant you?
wonder if the Germans will bail those idiots out or just let the country burn?

They need to be kicked out of the Euro and made to sink or swim. That's the only way those people will face reality and even then many of them won't.
Yeah, OP doesn't know what socialism is. Did the workers own the means of production in Greece? Oh, socialism is a failure due to this? Remember the 2008 crash, the Great Depression... Might as well blame capitalism
The op is anti-civilization...Governments have been paving roads, funding science and educating their children for thousands of year.

Nobody is talking about those things. I'm referring to the vast entitlement state they created.

Your idea of private everything is the stupidest thing imaginable.

Are you afraid I'm going to supplant you?
An entitlement state is socialism? Oh, let's also ignore the successful entitlement states, Nordic countries?
What happened in Greece is happening right here in America before our very eyes


In the course of critiquing President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address, columnist George Will remarked: “Ignoring reality is part of the job description of being a progressive.” Greece’s new, far-left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras plans to ignore reality more than any other politician in recent memory.

Americans who haven’t been paying much attention to the collapse of Greek socialism have been missing a very instructive lesson in where their own country may be heading, for Greece is the end stage of Obama-style debt-fueled dependency politics. Tsipras’ sweeping electoral victory marks the point at which the Takers, weary of intellectual pretensions and empty promises to work hard and become self-sufficient, tell the Makers to stick ‘em up and hand over their wallets. It could happen in America, too, most likely beginning with demands for huge federal bailouts by bankrupt Democrat-run basket case state governments.

Greece Hits The Bottom of the Socialist Death Spiral - Breitbart
There are many factors that together have put Greece in the situation it is in.

"Socialism" is not one of them.
This right here.

Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time

socialism has failed each and every time it has ever been tried.

Articles Socialism s Downfall

Over 100 times and at the cost of over 100,000,000 (ONE HUNDRED MILLION) murdered human beings.

(now watch, some dimocrap scumbag will come back and say: "Liar!! communism only murdered 94,000,000 people" [which is true, but I like to round things up])

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
There are many factors that together have put Greece in the situation it is in.

"Socialism" is not one of them.
This right here.

Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time

socialism has failed each and every time it has ever been tried.

Articles Socialism s Downfall

Over 100 times and at the cost of over 100,000,000 (ONE HUNDRED MILLION) murdered human beings.

(now watch, some dimocrap scumbag will come back and say: "Liar!! communism only murdered 94,000,000 people" [which is true, but I like to round things up])

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
Show me how workers owning the means of production does this, and I don't want to talk about the history of communism in this thread, but equating Mao Zedongs famine to socialism is hilarious.
Show me how workers owning the means of production does this, and I don't want to talk about the history of communism in this thread, but equating Mao Zedongs famine to socialism is hilarious.

You mean his 'Great Leap Forward"?

And you can't tell that his devotion to Central Planning didn't cause the starvation and misery?

Go back to your online Community College Class.

Don't bore me with your College Sophomore arguments -- Ever
If Greece is an example of the failure of socialism, does that make most of the rest of Europe an example of the success of socialism?
you might want to look at the rest of the EU.

only Germany is doing well, many nearly went under.
If Greece is an example of the failure of socialism, does that make most of the rest of Europe an example of the success of socialism?
you might want to look at the rest of the EU.

only Germany is doing well, many nearly went under.
NYCarb competes to see how much misinformation he can post in a single day.

The truth is outside Germany and a couple of other countries Europe is doing very poorly. Spain is a basket case, so are Italy and Portugal. France is in bad shape. The common thread is socialist economies with high levels of state benefits, lots of incentives not to work or hire people, lots of barriers to starting new companies, lots of regulations. All of that results in stagnation. About where we're headed.
The Greeks are about a find out a very hard lesson about Socialism. Eventually you run out of other people's money.

The Greek government has ordered a mandatory transfer of cash reserves from state-owned enterprises to its central bank, in a desperate bid to gather enough cash to remain solvent.

Citing "extremely urgent and unforeseen needs”, the government issued the emergency decree which will apply to all local government bodies immediately.

Greece orders raid on government coffers as cash dwindles - Telegraph

Do you know what Socialism is?

When the people vote for pay.

The people still run Industry in Socialism..

(Note; there is crony-Socialism just like there is crony-Capitalism)

Communism is when Government owns Industry and runs it.
What difference does it make. The fact is Greece's government cannot sustain the type of social safety net and barely productive short work week

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