Green Deal Price Tag...93,000,000,000,000.00

our minimum wage is scheduled to go up; higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand.

of course it drives up prices and in turn, puts a crush on those who can least afford it.
inflation happens, regardless.

higher paid labor can afford more in taxes and can create more in demand.

and more demand increases prices which creates more poverty....and then you have the inescapable fact that higher minimum wages reach a point where minimum wage employees simply don't have the value required to justify employing them.

This is especially true in production that sort of work, the amount of a particular product an employee can do determines his value to the employer...raise the minimum wage that an employer must pay the employee during the time he is becoming productive lengthens the time between hiring and the time the employee actually starts carrying his weight...this discourages new hires....and as much as you may wish it so, burger flipping, and custodial work will never be worth 15 dollars an will be cheaper to automate such work and thus put even more people out of work...

Raising minimum wage past a certain break point (and we really don't know what that might be) will do nothing but create more poverty rather than reduce it.
a fallacy of false Cause? the right wing usually has only misconceptions about price inflation for Labor.

price inflation for fuel is more pervasive and the right wing complains less.

a cost of living adjustment is what we are referring to. wages should always outpace inflation.

Not when the wages in question are not warranted by the work produced...Why not simply take the whole idea to its logical conclusion and raise wages to 50 dollars an hour or 100 dollars an hour....give it a year, and the same people who are living at or near poverty today, will be in the same shape with no improvement in their living conditions even though they are making 100 dollars an hour.

People who believe minimum wage increases help the poorest among us are people who have never had to write a pay think the wage is the only expense an employer pays when he hires someone? Think again..

Hey man....we thought Mamooth was the space cadet in this foum until this guy showed up.:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
The economics expert!:113: If we just raise everybody's taxes to 75%, every problem will be solved!
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We have two choices—

[1] let the rich stuff their money in off shore accounts

[2] give the poor/middle class a raise who in turn buy more goods that in turn stimulates the economy that in turn produces more jobs

Now it’s the naysayers turn to conjure up myths to protect the haves from the have nots—

Go for it :)-

You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" are the ones who pay the wages and the ones who pay the bulk of the tax bill in this country. Your hatred of people who have succeeded is simply not owe the fact that you can sit in front of a computer to someone you would characterize as rich who pays you for your work.
The rich guys gave him the computer he uses to complain about the rich guys who gave him the computer and internet
of course it drives up prices and in turn, puts a crush on those who can least afford it.
inflation happens, regardless.

higher paid labor can afford more in taxes and can create more in demand.

and more demand increases prices which creates more poverty....and then you have the inescapable fact that higher minimum wages reach a point where minimum wage employees simply don't have the value required to justify employing them.

This is especially true in production that sort of work, the amount of a particular product an employee can do determines his value to the employer...raise the minimum wage that an employer must pay the employee during the time he is becoming productive lengthens the time between hiring and the time the employee actually starts carrying his weight...this discourages new hires....and as much as you may wish it so, burger flipping, and custodial work will never be worth 15 dollars an will be cheaper to automate such work and thus put even more people out of work...

Raising minimum wage past a certain break point (and we really don't know what that might be) will do nothing but create more poverty rather than reduce it.
a fallacy of false Cause? the right wing usually has only misconceptions about price inflation for Labor.

price inflation for fuel is more pervasive and the right wing complains less.

a cost of living adjustment is what we are referring to. wages should always outpace inflation.

Not when the wages in question are not warranted by the work produced...Why not simply take the whole idea to its logical conclusion and raise wages to 50 dollars an hour or 100 dollars an hour....give it a year, and the same people who are living at or near poverty today, will be in the same shape with no improvement in their living conditions even though they are making 100 dollars an hour.

People who believe minimum wage increases help the poorest among us are people who have never had to write a pay think the wage is the only expense an employer pays when he hires someone? Think again..
taxes have to cover costs. it really is that simple. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. wages merely need to beat inflation.
You could confiscate the total means of production for your fantasy and it would still end in the collapse and deaths of millions... Your a fucking IDIOT!
inflation happens, regardless.

higher paid labor can afford more in taxes and can create more in demand.

and more demand increases prices which creates more poverty....and then you have the inescapable fact that higher minimum wages reach a point where minimum wage employees simply don't have the value required to justify employing them.

This is especially true in production that sort of work, the amount of a particular product an employee can do determines his value to the employer...raise the minimum wage that an employer must pay the employee during the time he is becoming productive lengthens the time between hiring and the time the employee actually starts carrying his weight...this discourages new hires....and as much as you may wish it so, burger flipping, and custodial work will never be worth 15 dollars an will be cheaper to automate such work and thus put even more people out of work...

Raising minimum wage past a certain break point (and we really don't know what that might be) will do nothing but create more poverty rather than reduce it.
a fallacy of false Cause? the right wing usually has only misconceptions about price inflation for Labor.

price inflation for fuel is more pervasive and the right wing complains less.

a cost of living adjustment is what we are referring to. wages should always outpace inflation.

Not when the wages in question are not warranted by the work produced...Why not simply take the whole idea to its logical conclusion and raise wages to 50 dollars an hour or 100 dollars an hour....give it a year, and the same people who are living at or near poverty today, will be in the same shape with no improvement in their living conditions even though they are making 100 dollars an hour.

People who believe minimum wage increases help the poorest among us are people who have never had to write a pay think the wage is the only expense an employer pays when he hires someone? Think again..
taxes have to cover costs. it really is that simple. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. wages merely need to beat inflation.
You could confiscate the total means of production for your fantasy and it would still end in the collapse and deaths of millions... Your a fucking IDIOT!

I swear the guy doesn't understand his audience...….my jaw hits the floor when he posts. I mean.....I have no clue what the fuck he is talking about?!!:dunno::dunno::fingerscrossed:
You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" are the ones who pay the wages

You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" have more money than they know what to do with it.
Most of it sits in a bank somewhere that are just numbers on a sheet of paper doing nothing but generation more interest that is just pilled up on top of more money going nowhere, helping no one but to boost their egos.

If they halved (1/2) their wealth their life style would not change one iota.

and the ones who pay the bulk of the tax bill in this country.

The wealthy pay a very small fraction of their wealth (do to loop holes) in taxes while the middle and lower incomes pay a disproportion of their income in medicare, social security and federal income taxes.

Your hatred of people who have succeeded is simply not understandable...

I don't hate anyone for any reason which shows me you don't know me at all

you owe the fact that you can sit in front of a computer to someone you would characterize as rich who pays you for your work.

You, SSDD, are doing the very same thing
You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" are the ones who pay the wages

You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" have more money than they know what to do with it.
Most of it sits in a bank somewhere that are just numbers on a sheet of paper doing nothing but generation more interest that is just pilled up on top of more money going nowhere, helping no one but to boost their egos.

If they halved (1/2) their wealth their life style would not change one iota.

and the ones who pay the bulk of the tax bill in this country.

The wealthy pay a very small fraction of their wealth (do to loop holes) in taxes while the middle and lower incomes pay a disproportion of their income in medicare, social security and federal income taxes.

Your hatred of people who have succeeded is simply not understandable...

I don't hate anyone for any reason which shows me you don't know me at all

you owe the fact that you can sit in front of a computer to someone you would characterize as rich who pays you for your work.

You, SSDD, are doing the very same thing

What planet have you been navigating on the last few years s0n? Climate change action is on nobody's radar and hasn't been in many, many years. Why? Because renewables cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much...…..doy. Nobody wants their electric bills to double and especially the people who make public policy = they get their asses booted at the next election. Look at the Paris Treaty...…...a total dud, just like every climate treaty. They are all fake and just established to throw the climate k00ks a bone and make them think they are winning. None come anywhere near the claimed goals of carbon reduction.

Where do people think that the wealthy are suddenly going to be fine with paying trillions more in energy costs? LOL.....never going to happen. Climate crusader type's might hate that but that's the way its gonna be! Renewable energy will be around for sure because its a special interest and there are profits to be made......but it will continue to be fringe as fossil fuels will power the world well past the time when everybody in this forum is long in their box. C'mon power generates about 1.4% of our electricity.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::backpedal:.....together with wind about 5%. Laughable.
People who believe minimum wage increases help the poorest among us are people who have never had to write a pay check...

Oh cry me a river, the poor rich must pay their workers, Oh Poor Babies praying for the day slavery is made legal again. Da poor rice, I cry for their plight.

you think the wage is the only expense an
employer pays when he hires someone? Think again..

One again, the poor rich who have to give up 1/64th of their money just to pay wages, Oh Poor Babies.,,, we must return slavery to it's rightful place, NOW !!!!!!

Oh cry me a river; flooding the swamp to its rightful level

SSDD......we cant help these people. They really believe that the GND is a chip shot field goal if we change some of the institutions some. Costs don't matter to these people. Fortunately for us, their voting bloc is fringe.:2up:
generates about 1.4% of our electricity.

That is 1.4% that doesn't require oil. It is a step in the right direction.
You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" are the ones who pay the wages

You don't seem to grasp the fact that the "rich" have more money than they know what to do with it.
Most of it sits in a bank somewhere that are just numbers on a sheet of paper doing nothing but generation more interest that is just pilled up on top of more money going nowhere, helping no one but to boost their egos.

If they halved (1/2) their wealth their life style would not change one iota.

and the ones who pay the bulk of the tax bill in this country.

The wealthy pay a very small fraction of their wealth (do to loop holes) in taxes while the middle and lower incomes pay a disproportion of their income in medicare, social security and federal income taxes.

Your hatred of people who have succeeded is simply not understandable...

I don't hate anyone for any reason which shows me you don't know me at all

you owe the fact that you can sit in front of a computer to someone you would characterize as rich who pays you for your work.

You, SSDD, are doing the very same thing
How did the rich get their money?
inflation happens, regardless.

higher paid labor can afford more in taxes and can create more in demand.

and more demand increases prices which creates more poverty....and then you have the inescapable fact that higher minimum wages reach a point where minimum wage employees simply don't have the value required to justify employing them.

This is especially true in production that sort of work, the amount of a particular product an employee can do determines his value to the employer...raise the minimum wage that an employer must pay the employee during the time he is becoming productive lengthens the time between hiring and the time the employee actually starts carrying his weight...this discourages new hires....and as much as you may wish it so, burger flipping, and custodial work will never be worth 15 dollars an will be cheaper to automate such work and thus put even more people out of work...

Raising minimum wage past a certain break point (and we really don't know what that might be) will do nothing but create more poverty rather than reduce it.
a fallacy of false Cause? the right wing usually has only misconceptions about price inflation for Labor.

price inflation for fuel is more pervasive and the right wing complains less.

a cost of living adjustment is what we are referring to. wages should always outpace inflation.

Not when the wages in question are not warranted by the work produced...Why not simply take the whole idea to its logical conclusion and raise wages to 50 dollars an hour or 100 dollars an hour....give it a year, and the same people who are living at or near poverty today, will be in the same shape with no improvement in their living conditions even though they are making 100 dollars an hour.

People who believe minimum wage increases help the poorest among us are people who have never had to write a pay think the wage is the only expense an employer pays when he hires someone? Think again..
taxes have to cover costs. it really is that simple. higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. wages merely need to beat inflation.
You could confiscate the total means of production for your fantasy and it would still end in the collapse and deaths of millions... Your a fucking IDIOT!
where are you getting your right wing fantasy from?

how are you right wingers going to pay for this:
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
but it will continue to be fringe as fossil fuels will power the world well past the time when everybody in this forum is long in their box

Even the illiterate have a right to be ignorant. I know the data below will be difficult for you to understand so please ask a friend to explain it to you.

It is expected that by the year 2035, demand will reach 110.3 million barrels a day. Companies eventually will start to transition to alternative forms of energy and will be interesting to see what the future holds for renewable energy.
Which countries have the biggest oil reserves?

A 2013 study concluded that peak oil "appears probable before 2030", and that there was a "significant risk" that it would occur before 2020
Peak oil - Wikipedia

When the price of gasoline rises, people naturally buy less of it; the amount of this reduction being determined by the amount of the price increase and the consumer's elasticity of demand for gasoline. This does not necessarily mean that people will drive less (though it is likely), it may mean that consumers trade in their SUVs for smaller cars, hybrid vehicles, electric cars or cars that run on alternative fuels.
Will the World Ever Run Out of Oil?

Countries With The Largest Proven Oil Reserves
Rank Country Reserves (millions of barrels), 2017 US EIA

1 Venezuela 300,878
2 Saudi Arabia 266,455
3 Canada 169,709
4 Iran 158,400
5 Iraq 142,503
6 Kuwait 101,500
7 United Arab Emirates 97,800
8 Russia 80,000
9 Libya 48,363
10 United States 39,230
11 Nigeria 37,062
12 Kazakhstan 30,000
13 China 25,620
14 Qatar 25,244
15 Brazil 12,999
16 Algeria 12,200
17 Angola 8,273
18 Ecuador 8,273
19 Mexico 7,640
20 Azerbaijan 7,000
TOTAL 1,609,149 million proven barrels
The World’s Largest Oil Reserves By Country

It is expected that by the year 2035, demand will reach 110.3 million barrels a day or 40,259 a year

1609149/40259 = 40+/- years left

The Truth Will Set You Free :)-

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