Green Deal Price Tag...93,000,000,000,000.00

You seem very confused again, as those graphs charted tens of years, and were based on direct measurements.

Direct measurements over thousands of years? Who made them?

They didn't take longer. They didn't happen at all, because of the carbonate buffering. That's where you did your faceplant.

Evidence? Got any or is this just what your cult priests told you to say?
Lol....nobody uses Wiki for a source on coal use. C'mon now!

skookerasbil, Oh Wise One, for the sake of humanity's future, please give us your intellectual insight into the world's coal end game.

Thank you in advance

Very hard to say.....but let's put it this way....

The world will be burning coal long after every swinging dick in this forum is in their box for many years. That much is certain!

Hows that s0n?:2up:
But whatever you guys say!:hello77::hello77:

Ok, I agree, China is using coal to drive their economy; but this has nothing to do with the world's need for energy. China’s coal will not power America’s energy needs or Europe’s needs so your point about China is well taken but tell me how this benefits America or Europe?
Direct measurements over thousands of years? Who made them?

You tell us. It's your nutty claim, not mine, so don't expect me to explain your claim. I pointed out these graphs come from direct measurements.

In response, you can only helplessly flap your arms around and invoke fairy magic. "Waaaa! How do you know that didn't happen all the time in the past, for magical reasons that I can't describe! Waaa!".


Evidence? Got any or is this just what your cult priests told you to say?

Just as I'm not going to waste time giving the evidence for the round earth theory, I'm not going to waste time giving evidence for carbonate buffering in the oceans. If you want my tutoring there, my rate is $50/hr, and you will have to pay ahead on PayPal.
But whatever you guys say!:hello77::hello77:

Ok, I agree, China is using coal to drive their economy; but this has nothing to do with the world's need for energy. China’s coal will not power America’s energy needs or Europe’s needs so your point about China is well taken but tell me how this benefits America or Europe?

If government gets out of the way, technology will dictate the future of energy here but it most certainly wont be powered by solar and wind. Politics will dictate that, of course. Discussion beyond that is purely theoretical. Nobody knows and most dont discussing energy after 2100 is no different than a debate about who the greatest QB of all time is!
Direct measurements over thousands of years? Who made them?

You tell us. It's your nutty claim, not mine, so don't expect me to explain your claim. I pointed out these graphs come from direct measurements.

In response, you can only helplessly flap your arms around and invoke fairy magic. "Waaaa! How do you know that didn't happen all the time in the past, for magical reasons that I can't describe! Waaa!".


Evidence? Got any or is this just what your cult priests told you to say?

Just as I'm not going to waste time giving the evidence for the round earth theory, I'm not going to waste time giving evidence for carbonate buffering in the oceans. If you want my tutoring there, my rate is $50/hr, and you will have to pay ahead on PayPal.

You just proved oceanic outgasing as the cause of CO2 rise in those regions and you don't have a clue.....
You just proved oceanic outgasing as the cause of CO2 rise in those regions and you don't have a clue.....

The direct measurements of increasing CO2 levels in the oceans proves CO2 is outgassing?

Do tell us exactly how that works.

Or was the problem that you couldn't read a simple graph?
You tell us. It's your nutty claim, not mine, so don't expect me to explain your claim. I pointed out these graphs come from direct measurements.

Seems that you lie so much you can't keep track of what you, let me help you out...

You said:

"Over ten of thousands of year, the buffering effect of carbonate runoff from the land prevents the pH from dropping as CO2 levels rise. On short time scales, that buffering doesn't happen."

To which I said:

"So tell us hairball...which proxy did you use that tells us that all changes in the ocean's ph happened over thousands of guys are always saying that in the old days changes happened over thousands of years, but the fact is that you have no evidence whatsoever to back that up....there are no proxy that give that sort of resolution beyond ice cores and the ice cores tell us that changes happen that are both larger and faster regularly..."

To which you said:

"You seem very confused again, as those graphs charted tens of years, and were based on direct measurements."

First you claim thousands of years, then you claim 10's of years...what's the matter hairball, can't keep track of what you say?
The direct measurements of increasing CO2 levels in the oceans proves CO2 is outgassing?
Wow...3 data points and you think you have a global trend? And don't forget the fact that two of your locations are situated above very active undersea volcanic activity...think that may have something to do with increased CO2 levels?

Do tell us exactly how that works.
Guess you are unaware that Hawaii and the Canary Islands are sitting atop active undersea volcanic activity....think that might effect oceanic CO2 content?

Do you ever think hairball? Ever?
Seems that you lie so much you can't keep track of what you, let me help you out...

As you didn't provide any example of me saying that there are direct thousand year-old measurements, I accept your admission that you lied.

First you claim thousands of years, then you claim 10's of years...

The quotes showed I definitely didn't say any thousand-year old measurements were direct. You lied outright about that.

As I have no interest in speaking to lying cult fanatics, you'll need to offer a buttkissing apology for being so dishonest if you wish to continue this conversation. One of the penalties for being pathologically dishonest is shunning by the honest people.
As a side note-- don't

humans inhale oxygen and exhale CO2
plants inhale CO2 and exhale oxygen

Just asking
Coal/oil on the way out

More than half of the U.S. coal mines operating in 2008 have since closed

In the United States, decreasing demand for coal has contributed to lower coal production, which has fallen by more than one-third since peak production in 2008. As U.S. coal demand has declined, the number of active coal mines has decreased by more than half, from 1,435 mines in 2008 to 671 mines in 2017. As the U.S. market contracted, smaller, less efficient mines were the first to close, and most of the mine closures were in the Appalachian region.

The U.S. has more coal reserves than any other country. Additionally, we remain one of the world’s top producers of coal—third only behind China and India. And, coal accounted for 30.1% of U.S. electricity generation in 2017

The reason the US has more coal reserves than any other country is because the other countries are running out of COAL!!!!

In addition to our robust oil production, the U.S. also has the largest government-owned stockpile of emergency crude oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). And, at 660 million barrels, the SPR is by far the largest oil stockpile in the world. The SPR was created after the oil embargo of 1973–74, when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries cut off their supply of oil to the United States. Energy Dominance_10.18.18.pdf

Department of Energy
DOE Announces Notice of Sale of Crude Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
FEBRUARY 28, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy (FE) announced a Notice of Sale of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR).

DOE plans to draw down and sell crude oil from three SPR sites—Bryan Mound and Big Hill in Texas, and West Hackberry in Louisiana. This sale will fulfill requirements for Section 404 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-74).

The Congressionally mandated sale is authorized in Section 404 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. The law authorizes the Secretary of Energy to draw down and sell up to $2 billion of SPR crude oil, for fiscal years (FYs) 2017 through 2020, to carry out an SPR modernization program. In FY 2019, the Secretary is authorized to sell up to $300 million worth of crude oil from the SPR to carry out the SPR Life Extension Phase II project—a component of the SPR modernization program, in accordance with the Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2019 (Public Law 115-244). The proceeds from this sale will be deposited into DOE’s Energy Security and Infrastructure Modernization Fund during FY 2019.
DOE Announces Notice of Sale of Crude Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

NOTICE----- The reason Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is now selling it's reserves is because private reserves cannot supply the needed demand!!! (we are running out of OIL!!!!)

The truth will set us free !! :)-
New Cities in more optimal location could be designed more eco-friendly by intelligent design.

Centers of Commerce could be optimized for better foot traffic and with transportation hubs.


Yep....and we can fire our economy with energy from unicorn farts and build these new structures with mud!:113:

Have any of the dim witted actually read the GND proposal?:2up:
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NOTICE----- The reason Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is now selling it's reserves is because private reserves cannot supply the needed demand!!! (we are running out of OIL!!!!)

The truth will set us free !! :)-

We will never run out of oil....that is one of the most ridiculous arguments out there...we keep finding more and more of the stuff...and in certain regions, when we revisit taped out oil fields, we find that they have filled up again...running out of oil is the least of our worries...

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