Green New Deal Authors Ticked It’s Going Up for Vote

" Causality And Cycles "

* Science Behind *

From historical data and based upon its proximity orbit to the sun , the earth is projected to enter into a mini ice age in about 1500 years ; however , climatologist are indicating that the earth is not cooling at the expected rate , which is attributed to environmental effects resulting from human actions .

The facts are that if the left wants to do something about global warming , with pollution , with animal extinction , they would do something about runaway human population , however doing so would require the left to confront " the people " rather than pretending to speak for them and that would undermine their psychopathic scheme for authority and undeserved merit as a special class within a socialist bureaucratic collective .

* Incidental Humor

The backup plan is to throw al gore into a volcano causing it to erupt thereby blanketing the earth in a cloud of dust reflecting sunlight that causes the earth to cool and potentially initiate an mini or full blown ice age .
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I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

The bill describes how its going to be paid for.

Lol yeah right, you clowns are not going to get 40 trillion. Get your heads outa your asses.

Now which of these things in the bill are you against. Be specific?
Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

perhaps the clean water and air,
perhaps the clean housing environments
perhaps high speed rail.
perhaps clean public transportation.
perhaps safe food
(O) providing all people of the United States with—

(i) high-quality health care;

(ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing;

(iii) economic security; and

(iv) clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and access to nature.
which ones??
Believe me all younger folks with any sort of intelligence are pro these things,

and if the bill does not pass, blame the Republicans.
Left up to the democrats. We would all be running around with loin cloths on and chucking Spears. Everyone would have their on little tribe. Bunch of dumbass’s.
The Green New Deal was a sci-fi fantasy thrown together by a little girl who has no clue what she was talking about...not even close. The lack of subject matter expertise ...and / or common sense ... can be seen in every detail...or lack thereof.

Even a serious look at 'the big picture' reveals / revealed how idiotic it is.

Economists and experts, for example, say WEALTH is built NOT by destroying everything you have and re-starting / re-building, not by eliminating your revenue/wealth generating sources and trying to start something new from scratch.

AOC's plan calls / called for upgrading or rebuilding EVERY SINGLE BUILDING IN THE UNITED STATES...within 10 years. The common sense factor immediately screams out this is ridiculous. Next, try to let that sink in and think about the specifics involved in that. It is NOT achievable / do-able. Obama and the Democrats declared they had shovel-ready jobs in-hand ready to go and hardly nothing got done...for $1 Trillion Dollars.

AOC's plan calls for abandoning fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Again, such a plan does not survive the common sense test. let alone the scientific / economic tests.

Elimination of the Oil Industry, for example, results in a MASSIVE ripple effect: At least 7 Million Americans will lose their jobs, from auto workers to auto parts workers to dealerships, truck drivers, taxi drivers, steel workers - jobs you don't give a 2nd thought to usually...add tens more millions of Americans losing their jobs with natural gas, coal, and nuclear going bye-bye...airlines, airline pilots, mechanics, baggage handlers, flight attendants, plane manufacturers and their employees, etc..... We're talking 50 MILLION Americans losing their jobs easy.

High speed rialto replace airlines? California just closed up shop on 1 project to build a high speed rail system from L.A. To San Fran at a cost initially of something like $10 Billion...and that job alone was going to take 14 years...not 10. The cost just kept sky-rocketing out of control.

AOC claimed that her infrastructure plan, that consisted / consists of 1) updating/rebuilding EVERY building in the US, 2) A high speed rail system all across the US that eliminates the necessity for air travel, 3) a complete end to oil, natural gas, & Nuclear energy, 4) a war on cow farts, and more - would cost $7 Trillion ..... TRY AT LEAST $50 - $100 TRILLION IN NEW DEBT!

Imagine trying to pay for all of this while you're going along during those 10 years. TAX REVENUE to pay for it is going to me MANDATORY. Who are you going to collect taxes from?

Whether its from factories / businesses closing down because their buildings have to be upgraded or completely rebuilt - so no one's working there - OR it's the 50 Million Americans joining the unemployment line - all of which now have to be taken care of at 'tax payer expense', too...that's a massive amount of extra debt / money going out NOT paying for the plan...AND AOC ADMITTED IN AN INTERVIEW THAT EVEN IF THE GOVT TOOK 100% OF THE MONEY FROM THE WEALTHIEST AMERICANS AND TOOK ALL THE RESOURCES FROM WEALTHY COMPANIES IN THE US WE COULD NOT COME CLOSE TO PAYING FOR THE PLAN'S EXECUTION.


Part of the reason Venezuela collapsed, despite incredibly large oil reserves, is they nationalized oil production and brought it to a screeching halt. They killed their golden goose, their revenue source, their money maker...and AOC's plan does not only call for an end to OIL, it calls for an end to Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, and Nuclear energy....'Venezuela's plan on steroids'.

AOC's plan also calls for the use of technology that has not been invented yet.


Oh by the way...Environmentalist Eco-Friendly Socialist Green Energy Nut Jobs came up with this plan...Did THEY bother to check with the OTHER Environmentalist Eco-Friendly Socialist 'Earth Friendly' and Animal Rights Advocates about this plan?

When the plan for the Pipeline was brought up and begun Eco-Warriors were freaking out about 'killing the earth' with the footprint and horrific impact of the pipeline on the planet / environment....and the Animal Rights activists were freaking out about a rare snail that could be killed off and the impact on other animals........That was just a pipeline that has a much smaller footprint than high-speed rail lines all across the US, to include the infrastructure and support infrastructure for stations, miles of needed fences, new crossing barriers, etc.....

These groups demanded 10 years of environmental studies before the idea could even be considered....for the pipeline....has any of these been done for the rail line plans? Have the routes, new areas even been identified yet?

Then you have the anti-'eminent domain' Leftists who don't want to give up any land for a security fence to protect America, but they want citizens' property to be taken from them to do whatever needs to be done for this plan?

By now you should be getting even just a SMALL idea of what all is effected by, included in, and will result from this plan...none of which was addressed in the roll-out. That's because a LOT of the things in the Green New Deal roll-out were NOT obtained from Subject Matter Experts, economists, engineers, etc... they were pulled from the RECTUM of factually ignorant but massively idealistic emotional Leftists.... the idea AOC stated that whatever we invested in this plan we would get back 6 TIMES. So, if we spend $100 TRILLION trying to make this happen we will MAKE $600 Trillion?!

WHERE the F* did she get that number? With losing our sources of wealth, putting at least 5o Million Americans out of work and onto govt-funded social programs, and basically starting from scratch in the US....HOW THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO MAKE 6 TIMES MORE THAN THE AT LEAST $50 TRILLION IN NEW DEBT WE ARE GOING TO ADD?

So, again, the lack of subject matter expertise ...and / or common sense ... the lack of details, realistic facts / figures, etc...can be seen in every detail...or lack thereof...of this unrealistic sci-fi fantasy ...which is why AOC's own team pulled the rollout off the internet and why the Liberal media tried to HELP her make it disappear and as if it never really happened. you Socialists are 'proud of the Green New Deal' and all support it? Ok...let's see how many officially step up an vote for it when McConnell holds the vote.
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Left up to the democrats. We would all be running around with loin cloths on and chucking Spears. Everyone would have their on little tribe. Bunch of dumbass’s.
Except for Pelosi, Schumer, and all the self-appointed Socialist Democrat rulers...
I do hope they pass out the real bill, not the fake ones going about the internet. By the way, Republicans who deny global warming are in the majority.
yup, this winter didn't seem any more unusual than the last 69 I've experienced.
They publicly supported it - McConnell is going to make them OWN it, forcing them to vote for it or be exposed as liars.



I'm proud to own it as well as all dems. I thought he never wanted to waste time?

He doesn’t think it’s a waste of time, he wants it all out in the open so the Senate can make an informed decision. Let’s see how it goes. How much of a tax hike will we expect if we pass a 40 trillion project?
I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

The bill describes how its going to be paid for.

Lol yeah right, you clowns are not going to get 40 trillion. Get your heads outa your asses.

Now which of these things in the bill are you against. Be specific?
Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

perhaps the clean water and air,
perhaps the clean housing environments
perhaps high speed rail.
perhaps clean public transportation.
perhaps safe food
(O) providing all people of the United States with—

(i) high-quality health care;

(ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing;

(iii) economic security; and

(iv) clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and access to nature.
which ones??

Cost, you effing moron.

It's a pipe dream like that idiotic boondoggle rail system Cali just pulled the plug on.

You loons live in some alternate universe and evidently cannot grasp how much 40 trillion dollars really is.
I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

The bill describes how its going to be paid for.

Lol yeah right, you clowns are not going to get 40 trillion. Get your heads outa your asses.

Now which of these things in the bill are you against. Be specific?
Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

perhaps the clean water and air,
perhaps the clean housing environments
perhaps high speed rail.
perhaps clean public transportation.
perhaps safe food
(O) providing all people of the United States with—

(i) high-quality health care;

(ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing;

(iii) economic security; and

(iv) clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and access to nature.
which ones??
I love the smell of diesel fuel and roundup in the morning. It's the smell, it's the smell of.....victory.
Global Warming Hoax is nothing But a Global Wealth Heist.

If wealth redistribution were a hostile nation attacking America, we would be fighting a hot war against Global Governance and The Trojan Horse of "so called" climate change.

Participating in anything related to Climate Change or some stupid "accord" when we are the world's leader in clean water and clean air, charitable donations, and Foreign Aid is TREASON, and is an attack on America, and American Liberties.

First they came for The Farting Cows!

Then they came for YOU!

I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons
From the "tippy top."

They could take everything the tippy top owns and it wouldn't be 40 trillion.
Again, AOC herself said if we take every dime the wealthiest Americans have and every resource from the wealthiest companies in the United States we would still not even come close to paying for the real cost of doing everything called for in her 'high school paper'.
Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia are all part of The Global Warming - Global Governance Agenda.
Eliminating Livestock: You Know FOOD, and forcing the world on a starvation diet of strictly plant based foods, is just another way of Killing Off more people. Zero Population Growth and Wealth Redistribution are two of the pillars of The Climate Change agenda.

When government can stop you from raising chickens for meat and eggs, or other livestock, and eliminate meat from your diet, they can simply starve you out. Soon you will need a "Garden Permit" to even grow tomatoes in your back yard.
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