Green New Deal Authors Ticked It’s Going Up for Vote

I love Democrats' response when they are suddenly asked to back what they claim to support .....

'Green New Deal co-sponsor mocked after blasting McConnell for calling vote'

Question For Snowflakes:

HOW is calling for a Senate vote on the Bill Democrats authored, sponsored, and submitted for a vote, one Democrats claim they want to pass, one they 'proudly' stepped forward and defended and claim they all support, 'SABOTAGE'?!


If McConnell refused to bring the bill to the Senate floor they would be attacking him for doing that.....

Green New Deal co-author Sen. Markey mocked for accusing McConnell of 'rushing' Senate vote

View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism
Considering they have more important issues I think they are wasting their time....
What’s more important than saving the planet, shitforbrains?
First they came for The Farting Cows!
Then they came for YOU!

View attachment 245613

I was sort of half jesting, but, these people think Human Beings are a virus, and that we need Euthanasia, Abortion, and Infanticide to slow down Population Growth. You should also note that The Democrat Party which is Pro Climate Change have actually become War Hawks. War is an effective tool for reducing populations. All Globalists - Climate Church Members are actually War Hawks.

Hillary Clinton herself stated that she wanted to go to War in The Middle East in Syria.

She actually gave a speech in front of some Wall Street Donors and said to them that they should think of "War as an investment opportunity." I called it the "Dead Soldiers for Dollars" strategy at the time.

Obama set the table for Clinton in The Middle East and Syria....and the two of them....wanted to ramp up war in the Middle East, take over Syria and march right down in to Israel and force Israel to accept a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Research it, and you will see I am 100% accurate. Also this is why they staged COUPS in Egypt and Libya, and wanted to install more hostile factions in power who were hostile to Israel. Essentially they wanted to surround Israel with ISIS, a more hostel Syria, and a more hostile Egypt and Libya.

Clinton would have continued the campaign against Israel by proxy. She also would have left ISIS unmolested, and would have invited Iran to come down from The North to take care of it, at which point, they would have then moved on to Israel.

Also one should note Obama's actions in The UN and his attempts to interfere in Israel's elections to install a more pliable leader in Israel which would have done Obama-Clinton's bidding and capitulated to the PLO and Hamas.
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Dem's squeal like stuck pigs when told they will have to vote yes or no on the green new deal. Dem 2020 presidential candidates shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

Now which of these things are you against?

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
How can anyone oppose banning all aircraft and having to sell their cars and rebuild every building and home in America?
I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

The bill describes how its going to be paid for.

Lol yeah right, you clowns are not going to get 40 trillion. Get your heads outa your asses.

Now which of these things in the bill are you against. Be specific?
Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

perhaps the clean water and air,
perhaps the clean housing environments
perhaps high speed rail.
perhaps clean public transportation.
perhaps safe food
(O) providing all people of the United States with—

(i) high-quality health care;

(ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing;

(iii) economic security; and

(iv) clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and access to nature.
which ones??

I can be for all those things, but just as being for rainbow farting unicorns is pretty useless, so is being for providing all Americans with all those things. To give everyone everything is to inevitably consign everyone to the mediocre at best and horrible at worst. What are you going to do when someone gets enough to afford better for themselves, deny it to them on the grounds that it's not fair?
I do hope they pass out the real bill, not the fake ones going about the internet. By the way, Republicans who deny global warming are in the majority.
How much must we lower CO2 to stop the climate from ever changing again?

What does you lab work say?
Maybe we can test the Left's Resolve on The New Green Deal by asking The Left to sacrifice themselves at Government Run Euthanasia Centers, so we can eliminate them from Farting Methane, and Exhaling CO2?

The most logical way to reduce Carbon Emissions is simply to kill about 3/4s of the World's Populations so that our rivers, lakes and oceans will run red with The Blood of Humans......or as Al Gore refers to them.......a Virus that makes The Planet have a Fever.

This is how we can pay for the $100 Trillion Dollar Green New Deal. With Human Lives.

"The Planet has a Fever," and Human Beings are The Virus.

We must kill The Virus to Save The Planet.
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I love Democrats' response when they are suddenly asked to back what they claim to support .....

'Green New Deal co-sponsor mocked after blasting McConnell for calling vote'

Question For Snowflakes:

HOW is calling for a Senate vote on the Bill Democrats authored, sponsored, and submitted for a vote, one Democrats claim they want to pass, one they 'proudly' stepped forward and defended and claim they all support, 'SABOTAGE'?!


If McConnell refused to bring the bill to the Senate floor they would be attacking him for doing that.....

Green New Deal co-author Sen. Markey mocked for accusing McConnell of 'rushing' Senate vote


Most Democrats know better, it has no chance of passing, and we know who killed it, the GOP.
So nice to see your right wing nuts denying what is in the bill, which you have not even read, I suspect.
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism
A fully functional simulation or we are not going!
I'm amazed, a new day and I'm still saying, you can't make this shit up from the left. Truly again, they think Americans are the most stupid fks on the planet.
According to Demoocrats......

THIS is a major source of Global Warming...


[URL=''][URL='*%26output-format%3Dauto%26output-quality%3Dauto&']THIS is a Seahorse...[/URL]
How dare the people get to vote on your proposal!

Brilliant move by the GOP to force them to own it by voting on it up or down. Dems realize how insane it is and don’t want to go on record voting for it.
And the GOP are the bad guys for letting their bill be debated and voted upon.


Yes they know it wont go through, the Republicans deny global warming and love deregulation.
we aren't allowed? is that what you're saying? your way or the highway eh? fk you!


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