Green New Deal Authors Ticked It’s Going Up for Vote

perhaps the clean water and air,
perhaps the clean housing environments
perhaps high speed rail.
perhaps clean public transportation.
perhaps safe food
(O) providing all people of the United States with—

(i) high-quality health care;

(ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing;

(iii) economic security; and

(iv) clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and access to nature.
clean water and air:
You think Socialism is going to give us that, more than we have now? :p

clean housing environments:
Upgrading or Replacing EVERY BUILDING in the United States....

high speed rail:
That replaces air travel....
:wtf: BTW, California just pulled their plug on their attempt to do this from LA to San Fran because it was a completely impossible task whose cost kept spiraling upwards out of control and that 1 project was going to take a minimum of 14 years - no where near what AOC's 10-year plan called for...

affordable, safe, and adequate housing:
...after all the buildings in America were upgraded or rebuilt. We are already Trillions in debt, and AOC's plan initially claimed it would cost $7 Trillion more (with experts saying more like $50 Trillion .... so HOW is this 'affordable' again?

economic security:
....for everyone who wants to sit on their ass and refuses to forgot to mention how AOC's roll-out info sheet stated that, which is part of the reason why her team pulled it off the internet....

'Access to nature'?!
Well, finally, Thank, the Socialists...because until now I have sadly had NO ACCESS TO NATURE.


(....actually, 'access to nature' means when Socialism bankrupts the US like Venezuela, we will all be HOMELESS and sleeping outside on the streets or in parks!! :p )
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This Democrat Just Proved McConnell's Point About the Green New Deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told the progressives who introduced the Green New Deal that he will be allowing a vote on it. He wants his Democratic colleagues to "go on record" with their support of it. Several of the already announced 2020 candidates have endorsed it, but McConnell is eager for them to actually show it. Do they believe, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D-NY) Green New Deal demands, that we need to reduce air travel and upgrade every building in the country to cater to their new environmental regulations?

As it turns out, Democrats aren't too eager to vote on it. Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) spoke for some of his colleagues by telling McConnell he sees through his announcement and knows that this is just an attempt to "sabotage" their environmental efforts.

Sure, McConnell may have been trying to put Democrats on the spot, but if the latter is so adamant about their Green New Deal, why wouldn't they be celebrating and jumping at the chance to vote on it?


"The very same Democrats who wrote the #GreenNewDeal are freaking out that @Senatemajldr wants the Senate to vote on it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said we’ll all be dead in 12 years if we don’t pass her socialist plan.

Shouldn’t they want a vote ASAP?

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman)
February 13, 2019"


"Some Democrats joined Republicans in publicly mocking Ocasio-Cortez's measure, dismissing it as "the green dream or whatever."


Again, question for the Snowflakes:

How is The Senate Majority Leader, whose job it is to bring bills to the floor for a vote, committing an act of 'Sabotage' by bringing the Democrats' 'Green New Deal' to the floor of the Senate for a vote?

AOC declared without this legislation the world will end in 12 years.
The Legislation was written and submitted in hopes it would be passed.
It can not pass unless it is brought to the Senate Floor for a vote.
Democrats, especially the D-2020 Pres Hopefuls, have fully defended, supported, & praised it.
Snowflakes are defending the hell out of it.

CNN reportedly called AOC's office to get her official comment on Senate Majority Leader McConnell's plan to call for a vote on AOC's 'Green New Deal'. CNN was told by her staff, though, that she was out of the office and unavailable for comment because she was conducting some research regarding one of the elements listed in her bill.......



(She ain't never gonna catch that cow in them high heels.....)
Dem's squeal like stuck pigs when told they will have to vote yes or no on the green new deal. Dem 2020 presidential candidates shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

Now which of these things are you against?

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

Where's the science behind all these claims?
Because at this point thats all they are.

What claims, anyone can see for themselves with the deregulations of everything. Are you one that doesn't care if your grandchild has clean water and air, decent housing, safe food, safe medicine, etc.
prove there isn't clean water? why don't you ever? we had regulations and Michigan didn't have clean water. So your so called regulations don't work. waste of money. Please show us where regulations work! floors yours.
I do hope they pass out the real bill, not the fake ones going about the internet. By the way, Republicans who deny global warming are in the majority.
Weve had record snowfall in Washington State the past week. More snow than ive ever seen here in my lifetime. By some reports, its the most snow in 70 years. We sure could have used your global warming.
And so it begins
all the leftists on here are obstructionists. Only want to disrupt the message board, I believe they all are making a living in here.
CNN reportedly called AOC's office to get her official comment on Senate Majority Leader McConnell's plan to call for a vote on AOC's 'Green New Deal'. CNN was told by her staff, though, that she was out of the office and unavailable for comment because she was conducting some research regarding one of the elements listed in her bill.......



(She ain't never gonna catch that cow in them high heels.....)
Busy looking for the most expensive furniture she can find.
Ocasio-Cortez Living in Luxury Navy Yard Apartment Building
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism

Okay, can we take a moment to laugh our asses off at "silencing" people by holding a public vote on their proposals?
I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

And that's not counting the money that would be needed to develop the currently-non-existent technology to do a lot of it.
CA Gov. Newsom Just Delivered a Huge Blow to AOC's 'Green New Deal'

"During his State of the State address, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Tuesday said his administration is putting a halt to the highly anticipated high-speed rail that would travel between San Francisco and Los Angeles.

"Let's be real. The current project, as planned, would cost too much and respectfully take too long. There's been too little oversight and not enough transparency," Newsom said during his first address.

The cost of building the train, at last estimate, was put at $77 billion and wouldn't be completed until 2033."


Newsom added that he was replacing corrupt former Gov Jerry Brown's head of the state board that overseas the project and vowed to hold him responsible for the lack of oversight, lack of transparency, and unchecked ballooning of the projects cost. (Corruption - gee, who would have thought that would happen? :p )

"The decision to pull the plug on the project comes at a rather interesting time. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) recently introduced her Green New Deal initiative and one of the key points was developing a high speed rail to where using airplanes was no longer necessary.

It will be interesting to see how Ocasio-Cortez reacts to the news and if she adjusts her policy, although it's rather unlikely."

She and Democrats will just point fingers and blame others, much the same way D-Sen Markey blamed McConnell for actually bringing AOC's bill - the bill that he and others 'support and advocate'. up for a vote in the Senate.
They publicly supported it - McConnell is going to make them OWN it, forcing them to vote for it or be exposed as liars.



I'm proud to own it as well as all dems. I thought he never wanted to waste time?

It's a semi-free country. You all have the right to publicly look stupid if you want.
[Okay, can we take a moment to laugh our asses off at "silencing" people by holding a public vote on their proposals?

Funny - Democrats are actually accusing Republicans of foul play by bringing legislation up for a public vote in the Senate....


Basically McConnell just turned the kitchen light on at 2am, sending the cockroaches in the kitchen scurrying for the dark....proving Democrats just LOVE political theater but hate actually doing their job and/or officially going on the record as supporting the things they claim to....
They publicly supported it - McConnell is going to make them OWN it, forcing them to vote for it or be exposed as liars.



I'm proud to own it as well as all dems. I thought he never wanted to waste time?

He doesn’t think it’s a waste of time, he wants it all out in the open so the Senate can make an informed decision. Let’s see how it goes. How much of a tax hike will we expect if we pass a 40 trillion project?

How is it a waste of time to let the American people know exactly where their lawmakers stand on radical government takeover of virtually everything in the country? I'm thinking that's info we need to have.
Dem's squeal like stuck pigs when told they will have to vote yes or no on the green new deal. Dem 2020 presidential candidates shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

Now which of these things are you against?

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
How can anyone oppose banning all aircraft and having to sell their cars and rebuild every building and home in America?

Pretty much just requires logical thought for about a half-second. Quite easy to do, if one is equipped for such activity (which leaves out Occasional Cortex and every leftist on this board).
Dem's squeal like stuck pigs when told they will have to vote yes or no on the green new deal. Dem 2020 presidential candidates shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

Now which of these things are you against?

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

Where's the science behind all these claims?
Because at this point thats all they are.

What claims, anyone can see for themselves with the deregulations of everything. Are you one that doesn't care if your grandchild has clean water and air, decent housing, safe food, safe medicine, etc.
We'll just send our grandchildren to Guatamala, Mexico, or Venezueala if our water gets dirty. Maybe China.

Climate Change Theory should have NO RELATION to clean air, clean water, decent housing, safe food, safe medicine.

Climate Change Theory only addresses one theoretical issue, that CO2 causes Man Made Global Warming.

CO2 has nothing at all to do with installing Globalist Socialism.
Dem's squeal like stuck pigs when told they will have to vote yes or no on the green new deal. Dem 2020 presidential candidates shit themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

Now which of these things are you against?

Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.

Where's the science behind all these claims?
Because at this point thats all they are.

What claims, anyone can see for themselves with the deregulations of everything. Are you one that doesn't care if your grandchild has clean water and air, decent housing, safe food, safe medicine, etc.

Do you have any proof that thats going to happen or are you just taking some addle brained politicians word on it?

If you don't , you have your head in the sand.

Did you know Sand contains a lot of Carbon?

Beer contains a lot of CO2 so to get to Zero Carbon Emissions, are you going to ban beer, sand, and human beings breathing?
Democrats beat their chest & rattle off the crazy shite to draw attention and support from their Far Left Extremist Base while having no intention of actually doing / supporting what they claim to support.

Look at Kamala Harris - she bragged about smoking pot and listening to Snoop Dogg and Tupac in college to get the support from a certain segment of the Democratic Party Base...only to be exposed as a 'poser', a liar attempting to trick / manipulate them by claiming to be someone she is not.

Same thing with all these Democrats running to support / praise AOC's whacky Socialist 'Green RAW Deal', now whining and back-pedaling at the possibility of having to officially go on the record as supporting it.


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