Green New Deal Authors Ticked It’s Going Up for Vote

The Left say we have only ten years left or life on planet earth is doomed. (At least third such prediction in last 40 years.)

Since the Left are afraid to act on their own Bill to save the planet and continue to drive big gas guzzlers and fly private jets all around the world, it's only logical the Left want to murder the planet.
I think this is a good move to get this plan out in front of the public via the media that likes to hide anything negative on Liberals. The only thing I would add is that it may have been more effective to hold it back for better effect on 2020 election. Maybe it was done now to stop Dems from crawfishing out of it between now and election. This policy is so far out it is unbelievable that it was allowed to be brought foreward to the point it has. You can usually see what the Liberals are driving towards but this one is a born looser. There are people that we don't like their politics in congress. This doesn't make them stupid and like them or not they are experienced. Some of
these new House members remind me of the Flash Mobs that loot a Walmart. When they interview voters in districts that elected these idiots you will see more idiots. You talk about politicians being detached from their voters, these voters are detached from the real world. They have no idea of the economy or what drives it. They think the rich can pay for everything or we can just print more money.
This is what becomes of a population that is supported by govt hand outs. The world to them is a govt check. The only thing that interests them is someone who promises to get them more free stuff. They aren't smart enough to realize that Dem policy will eventually run out of free stuff. The Dem operatives on the news are already trying to spin this stuff away. I don't think it's going to work.
I do hope they pass out the real bill, not the fake ones going about the internet. By the way, Republicans who deny global warming are in the majority.

We don’t deny global warming, it’s been warming for 12,000 years.

We deny your globalist, Marxist attempt to use the issue to impose your tyranny.
Old worthless Ed Markey is having a cow over MCConnell's (Trumpian stunt, someone stated) to force the 'green new deal' agenda issue and calling the extreme-Left Dremocrats bluff!

It's really fun to watch these hypocrites see their chances for pushing their new (the very same old timeless environmental salvation agenda since the 70s) go down the drain.

I wonder if AOC is tearing her teeth out right about now.

How dare the people get to vote on your proposal!

Brilliant move by the GOP to force them to own it by voting on it up or down. Dems realize how insane it is and don’t want to go on record voting for it.
And the GOP are the bad guys for letting their bill be debated and voted upon.


Yes they know it wont go through, the Republicans deny global warming and love deregulation.
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s 2018 Campaign Spent $20,490 On Air Travel, $3,147 On Rail.
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism
Considering they have more important issues I think they are wasting their time....

What? I thought "saving the world" was very important to you.
I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

The bill describes how its going to be paid for.

Indeed, by "printing money" How exactly does that pay for it?
The socialists tried ‘just printing money’ in Zimbabwe. This gets you a cup of coffee and a scone.

I saw someone put the price tag of this nonsense at around 40 trillion dollars.

Yo loons where you going to get 40 trillion?

Goddamn morons

The bill describes how its going to be paid for.

Indeed, by "printing money" How exactly does that pay for it?

Leftists have trouble telling the difference between money and currency. Indeed, I believe most of them don't know there IS a difference.
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism
Considering they have more important issues I think they are wasting their time....

What? I thought "saving the world" was very important to you.
What the hell would I do with it if I "could" save it?
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism
Considering they have more important issues I think they are wasting their time....

What? I thought "saving the world" was very important to you.
What the hell would I do with it if I "could" save it?
Get off the internet for one.
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism
Considering they have more important issues I think they are wasting their time....

What? I thought "saving the world" was very important to you.
What the hell would I do with it if I "could" save it?
Get off the internet for one.
Why, it took me so long to get here..?
They publicly supported it - McConnell is going to make them OWN it, forcing them to vote for it or be exposed as liars.



I'm proud to own it as well as all dems. I thought he never wanted to waste time?

He doesn’t think it’s a waste of time, he wants it all out in the open so the Senate can make an informed decision. Let’s see how it goes. How much of a tax hike will we expect if we pass a 40 trillion project?

How is it a waste of time to let the American people know exactly where their lawmakers stand on radical government takeover of virtually everything in the country? I'm thinking that's info we need to have.

Exactly! This makes the Democrats take a position something they seem to hate to do, they are a lot of talk and little action.
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism

Does that mean that Mitch is going to write the legislation before they vote?
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism

Does that mean that Mitch is going to write the legislation before they vote?
You claiming Democrats are sleeping when the earth has only 12 years left?
View attachment 245602

How dare those evil Republicans put our ideas up for a vote!


Bonus from The NY Times:

“But the underlying faith of the Green New Deal is a faith in the guiding wisdom of the political elite. The authors of the Green New Deal assume that technocratic planners can master the movements of 328 million Americans and design a transportation system so that ‘air travel stops becoming necessary.’ (This is from people who couldn’t even organize the successful release of their own background document.)”

Opinion | How the Left Embraced Elitism

Does that mean that Mitch is going to write the legislation before they vote?
Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal.
I do hope they pass out the real bill
You Mean This One ?? on a Green New Deal.pdf

Oh Sure,
The Real One's Got A Good Shot
Because It's So Sensible !!
not the fake ones going about the internet
"Going About The Internet"
You Mean Discussion Boards ?? ??

I Haven't Read It In A While
But I Haven't Seen Any Lies About It
From News Articles Or Op-Eds

Oh, Pleese-Pleese, Pretty-Pretty Puleese
Let Them Read The Real Resolution

Because You Sure Haven't !!

McConnell pulls a Trumpian move.....soon to be a word...Trumpian.....
THREE (3) of the GREAT bi-products of the utterly failed 'Green Socialist Meltdown' roll-out are:

1. The Demonstration that Socialist Democrats like AOC are bat-shit crazy, moronically proposing 'national suicide' legislation that can NOT be achieved, is based on non-existent technology, and admittedly can not be funded even if we took ever dime from every 'wealthy' person in the US and every resource from every prosperous business in the US.

2. It forces all the Democrats who raced to support and defend the bill to actually go on official record as supporting it or not when the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, brings it to the floor of the Senate for a vote.

3. The Democrats declaring they are willing to add between $50 - $100 TRILLION in new debt to fund an admittedly insane socialist sci-fi idea and a FORCED 1-size-fits-all govt take-over of the health care plan, they have just loudly proclaimed - with trumpets - that their refusal to fund the southern border wall to help against Illegal Immigration is NOT ABOUT THE MONEY ... and has everything to do with what they see as what is best for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, not what is best for the country. Their opposition to funding the wall is ALL about attempting to hurt the President's re-election in 2020.

Thank you, Democrats, for making those things clear.
How dare the people get to vote on your proposal!

Brilliant move by the GOP to force them to own it by voting on it up or down. Dems realize how insane it is and don’t want to go on record voting for it.
And the GOP are the bad guys for letting their bill be debated and voted upon.


Yes they know it wont go through, the Republicans deny global warming and love deregulation.
I think it will show who the communists are in the democrat senate.

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