Green New Deal will Make America Great Again

Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Its great to see some vision.
Isn't it great to parrot a fools view? She is the ultimate fool.. Tell me again how many were killed by; Pol Pot? Mao Se Tung? Joseph Stalin? Adolph Hitler?

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000

Isn't Socialism grand! Such a positive influence on HUMAN LIFE..
It wasn't true socialism and it wasn't true communism that is the fallacy of people like you.

So your one of those believers that tell us its never been implemented correctly but you know how and we should do as you say....


Stupidity should be painful....
Its great to see some vision.
Isn't it great to parrot a fools view? She is the ultimate fool.. Tell me again how many were killed by; Pol Pot? Mao Se Tung? Joseph Stalin? Adolph Hitler?

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000

Isn't Socialism grand! Such a positive influence on HUMAN LIFE..
It wasn't true socialism and it wasn't true communism that is the fallacy of people like you.

So your one of those believers that tell us its never been implemented correctly but you know how and we should do as you say....


Stupidity should be painful....

And the wheel goes round and round:

Isn't it great to parrot a fools view? She is the ultimate fool.. Tell me again how many were killed by; Pol Pot? Mao Se Tung? Joseph Stalin? Adolph Hitler?

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000


Green policies did that?

Green Policies using the ideals of the Authoritarian Socialist state, which has a perfect record of failure in past history, with Venezuela as the most recent example.

The woman makes it clear she wants a socialist state, to FORCE the change to an impossible goal, of 100% renewable in just a decade, this is mentally ill level of stupid.

Here is part of the RESOLUTION you didn't read:

"2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the fol1lowing goals and projects:

(A) building resiliency against climate change-related disasters, such as extreme weather, including by leveraging funding and providing investments for community-defined projects and strategies;

(B) repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including: (i) by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible; (ii) by guaranteeing universal access to clean water; (iii) by reducing the risks posed by flooding and other climate impacts; and(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;

(C) meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources, including: (i) by dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources; and (ii) by deploying new capacity;..."

bolding mine

All in a nation that stopped CO2 emissions from going up in little to zero amounts in recent years on its own.

Surely you can't be that blind?

Added to point out that this is an attempt to impose a level of COMMUNISM on us as one of Cortez Staffer explained:

A progressive activist who worked on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and helped draft an outline for a “Green New Deal” characterized the global warming plan as a “proposal to redistribute wealth.”

“America’s ruling class is freaking out about [Ocasio-Cortez’s] proposal to redistribute wealth and power from the people on top to the people on the bottom,” Waleed Shahid tweeted Tuesday, referring to a Fox News segment on the “Green New Deal.”

Show where Venezuela is suffering because of green policies

You seem to be studying Godwin

Gosh you are indeed stupid as hell since Venezuela is a Socialist state, the one that has fallen apart, the very idea that Cortez wants to create with her back door Communist plan. You don't bother to think through the resolution she published, that makes it clear in a MASSIVE transformation of the country in just 10 years to eliminate Coal, Nuclear, Gas and other similar power production, to REDISTRIBUTE wealth as Communism dictates.

You are another leftist moron who wants to throw away the Republic in favor of a Socialist state.
FAIL once again Tommy

Show some Green Policies that are ruining Venezuela and we can talk
Its great to see some vision.
Isn't it great to parrot a fools view? She is the ultimate fool.. Tell me again how many were killed by; Pol Pot? Mao Se Tung? Joseph Stalin? Adolph Hitler?

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000

Isn't Socialism grand! Such a positive influence on HUMAN LIFE..
It wasn't true socialism and it wasn't true communism that is the fallacy of people like you.

So your one of those believers that tell us its never been implemented correctly but you know how and we should do as you say....


Stupidity should be painful....
It has not been implemented since Karl didn't do it himself that is correct.What you have are military dictatorships..Is North Korea really a republic? I think not...
Its great to see some vision.
Isn't it great to parrot a fools view? She is the ultimate fool.. Tell me again how many were killed by; Pol Pot? Mao Se Tung? Joseph Stalin? Adolph Hitler?

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000

Isn't Socialism grand! Such a positive influence on HUMAN LIFE..
It wasn't true socialism and it wasn't true communism that is the fallacy of people like you.

So your one of those believers that tell us its never been implemented correctly but you know how and we should do as you say....


Stupidity should be painful....
No true Scottsman rides again!
Isn't it great to parrot a fools view? She is the ultimate fool.. Tell me again how many were killed by; Pol Pot? Mao Se Tung? Joseph Stalin? Adolph Hitler?

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000

Isn't Socialism grand! Such a positive influence on HUMAN LIFE..
It wasn't true socialism and it wasn't true communism that is the fallacy of people like you.

So your one of those believers that tell us its never been implemented correctly but you know how and we should do as you say....


Stupidity should be painful....
It has not been implemented since Karl didn't do it himself that is correct.What you have are military dictatorships..Is North Korea really a republic? I think not...
Oh, fuck me running.

Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000


Green policies did that?

Green Policies using the ideals of the Authoritarian Socialist state, which has a perfect record of failure in past history, with Venezuela as the most recent example.

The woman makes it clear she wants a socialist state, to FORCE the change to an impossible goal, of 100% renewable in just a decade, this is mentally ill level of stupid.

Here is part of the RESOLUTION you didn't read:

"2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the fol1lowing goals and projects:

(A) building resiliency against climate change-related disasters, such as extreme weather, including by leveraging funding and providing investments for community-defined projects and strategies;

(B) repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including: (i) by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible; (ii) by guaranteeing universal access to clean water; (iii) by reducing the risks posed by flooding and other climate impacts; and(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;

(C) meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources, including: (i) by dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources; and (ii) by deploying new capacity;..."

bolding mine

All in a nation that stopped CO2 emissions from going up in little to zero amounts in recent years on its own.

Surely you can't be that blind?

Added to point out that this is an attempt to impose a level of COMMUNISM on us as one of Cortez Staffer explained:

A progressive activist who worked on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and helped draft an outline for a “Green New Deal” characterized the global warming plan as a “proposal to redistribute wealth.”

“America’s ruling class is freaking out about [Ocasio-Cortez’s] proposal to redistribute wealth and power from the people on top to the people on the bottom,” Waleed Shahid tweeted Tuesday, referring to a Fox News segment on the “Green New Deal.”

Show where Venezuela is suffering because of green policies

You seem to be studying Godwin

Gosh you are indeed stupid as hell since Venezuela is a Socialist state, the one that has fallen apart, the very idea that Cortez wants to create with her back door Communist plan. You don't bother to think through the resolution she published, that makes it clear in a MASSIVE transformation of the country in just 10 years to eliminate Coal, Nuclear, Gas and other similar power production, to REDISTRIBUTE wealth as Communism dictates.

You are another leftist moron who wants to throw away the Republic in favor of a Socialist state.
FAIL once again Tommy

Show some Green Policies that are ruining Venezuela and we can talk

Too Funny;

You think that ignoring the forced socialism by the green lies are somehow separate issues..... The Issue has always been SOCIALISM... The green lies are an effort to destroy the US and its economy...

Please pull your head from your ass...
Stalin: 61,911,000

Mao: 35,236,000

Pol Pot: 2,035,000


Green policies did that?

Green Policies using the ideals of the Authoritarian Socialist state, which has a perfect record of failure in past history, with Venezuela as the most recent example.

The woman makes it clear she wants a socialist state, to FORCE the change to an impossible goal, of 100% renewable in just a decade, this is mentally ill level of stupid.

Here is part of the RESOLUTION you didn't read:

"2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the fol1lowing goals and projects:

(A) building resiliency against climate change-related disasters, such as extreme weather, including by leveraging funding and providing investments for community-defined projects and strategies;

(B) repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including: (i) by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible; (ii) by guaranteeing universal access to clean water; (iii) by reducing the risks posed by flooding and other climate impacts; and(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;

(C) meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources, including: (i) by dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources; and (ii) by deploying new capacity;..."

bolding mine

All in a nation that stopped CO2 emissions from going up in little to zero amounts in recent years on its own.

Surely you can't be that blind?

Added to point out that this is an attempt to impose a level of COMMUNISM on us as one of Cortez Staffer explained:

A progressive activist who worked on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and helped draft an outline for a “Green New Deal” characterized the global warming plan as a “proposal to redistribute wealth.”

“America’s ruling class is freaking out about [Ocasio-Cortez’s] proposal to redistribute wealth and power from the people on top to the people on the bottom,” Waleed Shahid tweeted Tuesday, referring to a Fox News segment on the “Green New Deal.”

Show where Venezuela is suffering because of green policies

You seem to be studying Godwin

Gosh you are indeed stupid as hell since Venezuela is a Socialist state, the one that has fallen apart, the very idea that Cortez wants to create with her back door Communist plan. You don't bother to think through the resolution she published, that makes it clear in a MASSIVE transformation of the country in just 10 years to eliminate Coal, Nuclear, Gas and other similar power production, to REDISTRIBUTE wealth as Communism dictates.

You are another leftist moron who wants to throw away the Republic in favor of a Socialist state.
FAIL once again Tommy

Show some Green Policies that are ruining Venezuela and we can talk

You are deliberately deflecting because the Cortez/Markey resolution makes clear they want a SOCIALIST state with their government heavy imposition of wealth and energy control in a ten year period. You seem to be ignoring the Leftist latest attempt to destroy the Constitutional Republic and replace with a Socialist State where they can dictate where wealth and energy are distributed.

You are hiding your head into the sand of leftist propaganda.
Conservatives said the same thing in the 70s when environmental laws were passed
Apples and atom bombs....Nobody proposed wiping out entire industries and throwing untold millions out of work by cleaning up some pollution.

They are talking about movement to Green Jobs
China leads the world in green jobs, why can’t we?
Conservatives said the same thing in the 70s when environmental laws were passed
Apples and atom bombs....Nobody proposed wiping out entire industries and throwing untold millions out of work by cleaning up some pollution.

They are talking about movement to Green Jobs
China leads the world in green jobs, why can’t we?

China is a freaking Communist-Fascist country that has a Social Credit Surveillance System straight out of 1984.

Jeebus, get some perspective.
Green policies did that?

Green Policies using the ideals of the Authoritarian Socialist state, which has a perfect record of failure in past history, with Venezuela as the most recent example.

The woman makes it clear she wants a socialist state, to FORCE the change to an impossible goal, of 100% renewable in just a decade, this is mentally ill level of stupid.

Here is part of the RESOLUTION you didn't read:

"2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the fol1lowing goals and projects:

(A) building resiliency against climate change-related disasters, such as extreme weather, including by leveraging funding and providing investments for community-defined projects and strategies;

(B) repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including: (i) by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible; (ii) by guaranteeing universal access to clean water; (iii) by reducing the risks posed by flooding and other climate impacts; and(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;

(C) meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources, including: (i) by dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources; and (ii) by deploying new capacity;..."

bolding mine

All in a nation that stopped CO2 emissions from going up in little to zero amounts in recent years on its own.

Surely you can't be that blind?

Added to point out that this is an attempt to impose a level of COMMUNISM on us as one of Cortez Staffer explained:

A progressive activist who worked on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and helped draft an outline for a “Green New Deal” characterized the global warming plan as a “proposal to redistribute wealth.”

“America’s ruling class is freaking out about [Ocasio-Cortez’s] proposal to redistribute wealth and power from the people on top to the people on the bottom,” Waleed Shahid tweeted Tuesday, referring to a Fox News segment on the “Green New Deal.”

Show where Venezuela is suffering because of green policies

You seem to be studying Godwin

Gosh you are indeed stupid as hell since Venezuela is a Socialist state, the one that has fallen apart, the very idea that Cortez wants to create with her back door Communist plan. You don't bother to think through the resolution she published, that makes it clear in a MASSIVE transformation of the country in just 10 years to eliminate Coal, Nuclear, Gas and other similar power production, to REDISTRIBUTE wealth as Communism dictates.

You are another leftist moron who wants to throw away the Republic in favor of a Socialist state.
FAIL once again Tommy

Show some Green Policies that are ruining Venezuela and we can talk

You are deliberately deflecting because the Cortez/Markey resolution makes clear they want a SOCIALIST state with their government heavy imposition of wealth and energy control in a ten year period. You seem to be ignoring the Leftist latest attempt to destroy the Constitutional Republic and replace with a Socialist State where they can dictate where wealth and energy are distributed.

You are hiding your head into the sand of leftist propaganda.

The Government enacting environmental regulation is not socialism
It is under the purview of the General Welfare of We the People
Conservatives said the same thing in the 70s when environmental laws were passed
Apples and atom bombs....Nobody proposed wiping out entire industries and throwing untold millions out of work by cleaning up some pollution.

They are talking about movement to Green Jobs
China leads the world in green jobs, why can’t we?

Gosh you are going to ignore the increasing CO2 emissions of China, who also are building many new Coal and Gas plants.
Conservatives said the same thing in the 70s when environmental laws were passed
Apples and atom bombs....Nobody proposed wiping out entire industries and throwing untold millions out of work by cleaning up some pollution.

They are talking about movement to Green Jobs
China leads the world in green jobs, why can’t we?

China is a freaking Communist-Fascist country that has a Social Credit Surveillance System straight out of 1984.

Jeebus, get some perspective.
Which has zero to do with them generating Green Jobs
Conservatives said the same thing in the 70s when environmental laws were passed
Apples and atom bombs....Nobody proposed wiping out entire industries and throwing untold millions out of work by cleaning up some pollution.

They are talking about movement to Green Jobs
China leads the world in green jobs, why can’t we?

Gosh you are going to ignore the increasing CO2 emissions of China, who also are building many new Coal and Gas plants.
China has realized their dependence on Carbon based energy is a threat to public health

Why can’t we?
Green Policies using the ideals of the Authoritarian Socialist state, which has a perfect record of failure in past history, with Venezuela as the most recent example.

The woman makes it clear she wants a socialist state, to FORCE the change to an impossible goal, of 100% renewable in just a decade, this is mentally ill level of stupid.

Here is part of the RESOLUTION you didn't read:

"2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the fol1lowing goals and projects:

(A) building resiliency against climate change-related disasters, such as extreme weather, including by leveraging funding and providing investments for community-defined projects and strategies;

(B) repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including: (i) by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible; (ii) by guaranteeing universal access to clean water; (iii) by reducing the risks posed by flooding and other climate impacts; and(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;

(C) meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources, including: (i) by dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources; and (ii) by deploying new capacity;..."

bolding mine

All in a nation that stopped CO2 emissions from going up in little to zero amounts in recent years on its own.

Surely you can't be that blind?

Added to point out that this is an attempt to impose a level of COMMUNISM on us as one of Cortez Staffer explained:

A progressive activist who worked on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and helped draft an outline for a “Green New Deal” characterized the global warming plan as a “proposal to redistribute wealth.”

“America’s ruling class is freaking out about [Ocasio-Cortez’s] proposal to redistribute wealth and power from the people on top to the people on the bottom,” Waleed Shahid tweeted Tuesday, referring to a Fox News segment on the “Green New Deal.”

Show where Venezuela is suffering because of green policies

You seem to be studying Godwin

Gosh you are indeed stupid as hell since Venezuela is a Socialist state, the one that has fallen apart, the very idea that Cortez wants to create with her back door Communist plan. You don't bother to think through the resolution she published, that makes it clear in a MASSIVE transformation of the country in just 10 years to eliminate Coal, Nuclear, Gas and other similar power production, to REDISTRIBUTE wealth as Communism dictates.

You are another leftist moron who wants to throw away the Republic in favor of a Socialist state.
FAIL once again Tommy

Show some Green Policies that are ruining Venezuela and we can talk

You are deliberately deflecting because the Cortez/Markey resolution makes clear they want a SOCIALIST state with their government heavy imposition of wealth and energy control in a ten year period. You seem to be ignoring the Leftist latest attempt to destroy the Constitutional Republic and replace with a Socialist State where they can dictate where wealth and energy are distributed.

You are hiding your head into the sand of leftist propaganda.

The Government enacting environmental regulation is not socialism
It is under the purview of the General Welfare of We the People

You forgot to include:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Green Policies using the ideals of the Authoritarian Socialist state, which has a perfect record of failure in past history, with Venezuela as the most recent example.

The woman makes it clear she wants a socialist state, to FORCE the change to an impossible goal, of 100% renewable in just a decade, this is mentally ill level of stupid.

Here is part of the RESOLUTION you didn't read:

"2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the fol1lowing goals and projects:

(A) building resiliency against climate change-related disasters, such as extreme weather, including by leveraging funding and providing investments for community-defined projects and strategies;

(B) repairing and upgrading the infrastructure in the United States, including: (i) by eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible; (ii) by guaranteeing universal access to clean water; (iii) by reducing the risks posed by flooding and other climate impacts; and(iv) by ensuring that any infrastructure bill considered by Congress addresses climate change;

(C) meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources, including: (i) by dramatically expanding and upgrading existing renewable power sources; and (ii) by deploying new capacity;..."

bolding mine

All in a nation that stopped CO2 emissions from going up in little to zero amounts in recent years on its own.

Surely you can't be that blind?

Added to point out that this is an attempt to impose a level of COMMUNISM on us as one of Cortez Staffer explained:

A progressive activist who worked on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and helped draft an outline for a “Green New Deal” characterized the global warming plan as a “proposal to redistribute wealth.”

“America’s ruling class is freaking out about [Ocasio-Cortez’s] proposal to redistribute wealth and power from the people on top to the people on the bottom,” Waleed Shahid tweeted Tuesday, referring to a Fox News segment on the “Green New Deal.”

Show where Venezuela is suffering because of green policies

You seem to be studying Godwin

Gosh you are indeed stupid as hell since Venezuela is a Socialist state, the one that has fallen apart, the very idea that Cortez wants to create with her back door Communist plan. You don't bother to think through the resolution she published, that makes it clear in a MASSIVE transformation of the country in just 10 years to eliminate Coal, Nuclear, Gas and other similar power production, to REDISTRIBUTE wealth as Communism dictates.

You are another leftist moron who wants to throw away the Republic in favor of a Socialist state.
FAIL once again Tommy

Show some Green Policies that are ruining Venezuela and we can talk

You are deliberately deflecting because the Cortez/Markey resolution makes clear they want a SOCIALIST state with their government heavy imposition of wealth and energy control in a ten year period. You seem to be ignoring the Leftist latest attempt to destroy the Constitutional Republic and replace with a Socialist State where they can dictate where wealth and energy are distributed.

You are hiding your head into the sand of leftist propaganda.

The Government enacting environmental regulation is not socialism
It is under the purview of the General Welfare of We the People

You just LIED again!

If you bothered to read the Cortez/Markey resolution, they make clear they want to have FULL governmental control of Energy and wealth. They are advocating the state take over the energy sector and to control your wealth, this is a description of a SOCIALIST state.

It is people like YOU is why America is in trouble, since you show extreme disregard for the CONSTITUTIONAL Republic of separate powers and balance of checks against government overreach.

You don't seem to care about throwing away a large chunk of your freedom.
Last edited:
You just LIED again!

If you bothered to read the Cortez/Markey resolution, they make clear they want to have FULL governmental control of Energy and wealth. They are advocating the state take over the energy sector and to control your wealth, this is a description of a SOCIALIST state.

It is people like YOU is why America is in trouble, since you show extreme disregard for the CONSTITUTIONAL Republic of separate powers and balance of checks against government overreach.

You don't seem to care about throwing away a large chunk of your freedom.
DNC uber alles!

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