Green New Deal will Make America Great Again

Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
Try the decaf....Most say you can't tell the difference.
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.

Your plan is underwritten by The Underpants Gnomes.
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
I am a student of HISTORY.. and your a fucking idiot.. HISTORY shows what happens EVERY TIME socialism is tried..
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
I am a student of HISTORY.. and your a fucking idiot.. HISTORY shows what happens EVERY TIME socialism is tried..
Who said any thing about socialism. I am saying green ain't gunna be difficult in the near future. You do not know shit about tech. Quote a tech I am wrong about bitch! Again all you got is opinion and your fucking lazy ass check nothing opion is worthless
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
I am a student of HISTORY.. and your a fucking idiot.. HISTORY shows what happens EVERY TIME socialism is tried..
Who said any thing about socialism. I am saying green ain't gunna be difficult in the near future. You do not know shit about tech. Quote a tech I am wrong about bitch! Again all you got is opinion and your fucking lazy ass check nothing opion is worthless
Your a fool... Green has nothing to do with it. That is the lie and ruse to get you idiots to comply.. Please share your Observed Physical Evidence of AGW and the proof that man caused it and your solution will fix it.... Your solution being to destroy the US from within and killing millions of people..
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.

Your plan is underwritten by The Underpants Gnomes.
Her plan ain't my plan thank you. Again I am only stating the green is not going to be difficult in the near future. She does not have a plan, she has only set goals. Plans required instructions for implementation she has none. Also my plan is not my plan. It is Rockwell,MIT,Battelle and Abbot labs plan. You might actually be familiar with these names as they currently supply the things you do support like weopons systems. All those things that fly around and give your country air superiority,nuclear and biological weapon superiority. The same people that make us the strongest standing army on earth are making these plans not me. Go tell them what idiots they are. Guess who funded the developement of all the materials I have spoken about. The fucking pentagon! I can personally drive you to some of these bridges that are already being tested.
You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
I am a student of HISTORY.. and your a fucking idiot.. HISTORY shows what happens EVERY TIME socialism is tried..
Who said any thing about socialism. I am saying green ain't gunna be difficult in the near future. You do not know shit about tech. Quote a tech I am wrong about bitch! Again all you got is opinion and your fucking lazy ass check nothing opion is worthless
Your a fool... Green has nothing to do with it. That is the lie and ruse to get you idiots to comply.. Please share your Observed Physical Evidence of AGW and the proof that man caused it and your solution will fix it.... Your solution being to destroy the US from within and killing millions of people..
Bla,bla,bla fuck off. Who said any thing about AGW. More opinion,more horse shit avoidence. I am not sighting my plans here dumb fuck. The program I am talking about is ran by Rockwell,Abbot,MIT and the pentagon. They are the ones funding and getting the patents for the things I am talking baout. Tell them they are full of shit.
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.

Your plan is underwritten by The Underpants Gnomes.
Her plan ain't my plan thank you. Again I am only stating the green is not going to be difficult in the near future. She does not have a plan, she has only set goals. Plans required instructions for implementation she has none. Also my plan is not my plan. It is Rockwell,MIT,Battelle and Abbot labs plan. You might actually be familiar with these names as they currently supply the things you do support like weopons systems. All those things that fly around and give your country air superiority,nuclear and biological weapon superiority. The same people that make us the strongest standing army on earth are making these plans not me. Go tell them what idiots they are. Guess who funded the developement of all the materials I have spoken about. The fucking pentagon! I can personally drive you to some of these bridges that are already being tested.

You're sorely misguided. The Green agenda is to destroy our economy. Try costing out switching all energy to Fake Green. (And I say fake because the land mass needed for wind mills and solar farms is massive - and would destroy a great deal of vegetation and wildlife).

As it happens, a team of Stanford engineers led by Mark Jacobson outlined just such a plan back in 2015. Jacobson's repowering plan would involve installing 335,000 onshore wind turbines; 154,000 offshore wind turbines; 75 million residential photovoltaic systems; 2.75 million commercial photovoltaic systems; 46,000 utility-scale photovoltaic facilities; 3,600 concentrated solar power facilities with onsite heat storage; and an extensive array of underground thermal storage facilities.

Assuming steep declines in the costs of each form of renewable electric power generation, just running the electrical grid using only renewable power would still cost roughly $7 trillion by 2030. The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation calculated that the total cost of an earlier version of Jacobson's scheme would amount to $13 trillion. And based on how fast it has taken to install energy generation infrastructure in the past, Jacobson's repowering plan would require a sustained installation rate that is more than 14 times the U.S. average over the last 55 years and more than six times the peak rate.

How Much Will the Green New Deal Cost?
Give us all your money, Live in caves, all while we live in houses with armed guards, behind great walls, eating all the food we can eat, warming our homes on coal and oil... all while you do as we say....

Two Words..

You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.
Try the decaf....Most say you can't tell the difference.
Look and see what Rockwell,Abbot Labs,Battelle and the pentagon are upto these days then come back and talk. They are the owners and developers of the techs I am talking about. I can drive you to four test bridges in the state of Ohio currently using these materials. They exist already. No transulucent test in this state but there is one in Arizna and unfortunately china stole the tech and has several of these bridges all ready in use. If you mother fuckers would get off your cell phones and actually take a look at the new tech coming out you would not be stting around in such fear. Building materials and nano tech are about to change our lives. You have not heard of it yet but soon there will be imaging machings that will be able to image your brain down to the molecular level.
Look and see what Rockwell,Abbot Labs,Battelle and the pentagon are upto these days then come back and talk. They are the owners and developers of the techs I am talking about. I can drive you to four test bridges in the state of Ohio currently using these materials. They exist already. No transulucent test in this state but there is one in Arizna and unfortunately china stole the tech and has several of these bridges all ready in use. If you mother fuckers would get off your cell phones and actually take a look at the new tech coming out you would not be stting around in such fear. Building materials and nano tech are about to change our lives. You have not heard of it yet but soon there will be imaging machings that will be able to image your brain down to the molecular level.
You and Ms. freshman rep are wrong. The good news is we are not going to have to give up much to go green very soon. Fusion is here very soon it was scalable before MIT tripled out put. We also have lighter stronger building materials becaoming available very soon that will move jets with less need for energy. The future is bright, people need to quit freeking out. Thanks to not having to burn oil we can use it for making polys. We have the tech right now that make bridge ibeams that hold more weight than current ones that are so light 3 men could put it into place with man muscle no mechanical power needed and they are self healing. Transulcent bridges,self healing bridges, all the materials to make these things and more would become cheap enough to use. We could be living in homes that laugh at the strongest tornados and hurricanes. The dutch are making homes out of this stuff that if a flood washes it away and you are in it. No big deal water tight your house just became a ship. Human innovation is quickly becoming impossible to stop. The news has convinced ya ll we are gunna die, but in reality we have never been safer and the future has never been brighter.

You must have eaten the same hallucinogenics that she did. The Socialist dream always ends in millions of deaths...
Yep, you fucking know every thing don't ya. We should just bow because your stupid fucking ass sais so. Go fuck your self! All you got is opinion that and nickle will get you nothin.

Your plan is underwritten by The Underpants Gnomes.
Her plan ain't my plan thank you. Again I am only stating the green is not going to be difficult in the near future. She does not have a plan, she has only set goals. Plans required instructions for implementation she has none. Also my plan is not my plan. It is Rockwell,MIT,Battelle and Abbot labs plan. You might actually be familiar with these names as they currently supply the things you do support like weopons systems. All those things that fly around and give your country air superiority,nuclear and biological weapon superiority. The same people that make us the strongest standing army on earth are making these plans not me. Go tell them what idiots they are. Guess who funded the developement of all the materials I have spoken about. The fucking pentagon! I can personally drive you to some of these bridges that are already being tested.

You're sorely misguided. The Green agenda is to destroy our economy. Try costing out switching all energy to Fake Green. (And I say fake because the land mass needed for wind mills and solar farms is massive - and would destroy a great deal of vegetation and wildlife).

As it happens, a team of Stanford engineers led by Mark Jacobson outlined just such a plan back in 2015. Jacobson's repowering plan would involve installing 335,000 onshore wind turbines; 154,000 offshore wind turbines; 75 million residential photovoltaic systems; 2.75 million commercial photovoltaic systems; 46,000 utility-scale photovoltaic facilities; 3,600 concentrated solar power facilities with onsite heat storage; and an extensive array of underground thermal storage facilities.

Assuming steep declines in the costs of each form of renewable electric power generation, just running the electrical grid using only renewable power would still cost roughly $7 trillion by 2030. The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation calculated that the total cost of an earlier version of Jacobson's scheme would amount to $13 trillion. And based on how fast it has taken to install energy generation infrastructure in the past, Jacobson's repowering plan would require a sustained installation rate that is more than 14 times the U.S. average over the last 55 years and more than six times the peak rate.

How Much Will the Green New Deal Cost?
Again wind is not the way we are going to beat it. Listen to what I am saying. Not wind and not solar. They are not the answer fusion is the answer and quantum entanglement are the answer but I am not getting into realy exotics here, lets understand fusion before we talk about the realy complicated. Again look into what Rockwell international,Abbot Labs, Battell labs and the Pentagon are doing. This is not my plan it is thier plan. You will sleep better knowing what is coming from these guys. We have a bright future.
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]


My dog hacked up a green new deal this morning because he ate something he wasnt supposed to. IMHO it looked way better than the Green new Deal Cortez is proposing... plus its a whole lot cheaper.

We already had a promise from Obama when it came to shovel ready jobs with a massive stimulus ... and what happened to all that? i mean we got the 77 Billion and rising HS Rail project in California that will never pay itself off... and this is what the democrats have planned for the entire country? labor unions will love it but its not going to bring prosperity to this country.... eliminate air travel? it's insanity. Democrats like this would truely make the US a laughing stock of the world.
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Sure it will, after murdering the tens of millions of people who will not "prosper", and will thus have the temerity to complain.

Sent from my SM-G892A using mobile app
Nice try Drama Queen
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]


My dog hacked up a green new deal this morning because he ate something he wasnt supposed to. IMHO it looked way better than the Green new Deal Cortez is proposing... plus its a whole lot cheaper.

We already had a promise from Obama when it came to shovel ready jobs with a massive stimulus ... and what happened to all that? i mean we got the 77 Billion and rising HS Rail project in California that will never pay itself off... and this is what the democrats have planned for the entire country? labor unions will love it but its not going to bring prosperity to this country.... eliminate air travel? it's insanity. Democrats like this would truely make the US a laughing stock of the world.
When did the Great Obama ever promise shovel ready jobs?

Shovel ready was a condition to receive stimulus funds
Look and see what Rockwell,Abbot Labs,Battelle and the pentagon are upto these days then come back and talk. They are the owners and developers of the techs I am talking about. I can drive you to four test bridges in the state of Ohio currently using these materials. They exist already. No transulucent test in this state but there is one in Arizna and unfortunately china stole the tech and has several of these bridges all ready in use. If you mother fuckers would get off your cell phones and actually take a look at the new tech coming out you would not be stting around in such fear. Building materials and nano tech are about to change our lives. You have not heard of it yet but soon there will be imaging machings that will be able to image your brain down to the molecular level.
View attachment 244840
I guess you want to be afraid all the time. Go for it. You know better than Rockwell and those guys. What ever, I could care less if ya wanna be afraid and stupid for the rest of your life. There are a million articles on this out there to be read. Read them and lose some stress. Once you read them and lose some stress you do not even have to thank me. Hoist one to the lost of stress will be good enough for me. Please note that the other are currently leaving me alone and reading the articles. it's freaking friday night I am going to figure out which of my buddies wives are dumb enough to let him go coyote hunting all night and go have some fun. talk to me after you read about Rockwell and fusion.
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Cortez is also launching a dialog on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) as a means for funding millions of productive jobs that pay a living wage:

The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us From Transforming Our Economy

"Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is getting significant media attention these days, after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that it should 'be a larger part of our conversation' when it comes to funding the 'Green New Deal.'

"According to MMT, the government can spend what it needs without worrying about deficits.

"MMT expert and Bernie Sanders adviser professor Stephanie Kelton says the government actually creates money when it spends.

"The real limit on spending is not an artificially imposed debt ceiling but a lack of labor and materials to do the work, leading to generalized price inflation.

"Only when that real ceiling is hit does the money need to be taxed back, but even then it’s not to fund government spending.

"Instead, it’s needed to shrink the money supply in an economy that has run out of resources to put the extra money to work."

"Modern Monetary Theory (MMT or Modern Money Theory) is a heterodox macroeconomic theory that describes the currency as a public monopoly and unemployment as the evidence that a currency monopolist is restricting the supply of the financial assets needed to pay taxes and satisfy savings desires."
Ever heard of modern monetary theory?

View attachment 244776

"'If you control your own currency and you have bills that are coming due, it means you can always afford to pay the bills on time,' Kelton said. 'You can never go broke, you can never be forced into bankruptcy. You're nothing like a household.'"
Nothing to worry about.:confused:

Ever heard of modern monetary theory?
Yes...It's repackaged Keynesian voodoo....No wonder you're a moronic commie.
Yes...It's repackaged Keynesian voodoo....No wonder you're a moronic commie.

Sovereign governments that print and borrow their own currency can NOT go bankrupt, Rockefeller

Ever heard of modern monetary theory?

"Let's back up for a second and think how this stuff works. Chairman Jay Powell and the gang at the Federal Reserve are the people thinking about the economy's big picture and keeping that water level right.

"The Fed uses monetary policy — interest rates — to keep that sink we were talking about from getting too empty or too full. The MMT folks want Congress to be doing that using fiscal policy — government spending and taxing decisions."
Bring peace, prosperity to the land and save this great nation for our children and grandchildren

God Bless Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez!

Green New Deal - Wikipedia

The Green New Deal (GND)[1][2] is any of several proposed[3][4] economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and climate change. The name refers to the New Deal, a combination of social and economic reforms and public works projects undertaken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression.[5] Supporters of a Green New Deal advocate a combination of Roosevelt's economic approach with modern ideas such as renewable energy and resource efficiency.[6] One small-scale example of a Green New Deal-type policy is tax incentives for solar panels, implemented in the United States in 2008.[7]
Cortez is also launching a dialog on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) as a means for funding millions of productive jobs that pay a living wage:

The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us From Transforming Our Economy

"Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is getting significant media attention these days, after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that it should 'be a larger part of our conversation' when it comes to funding the 'Green New Deal.'

"According to MMT, the government can spend what it needs without worrying about deficits.

"MMT expert and Bernie Sanders adviser professor Stephanie Kelton says the government actually creates money when it spends.

"The real limit on spending is not an artificially imposed debt ceiling but a lack of labor and materials to do the work, leading to generalized price inflation.

"Only when that real ceiling is hit does the money need to be taxed back, but even then it’s not to fund government spending.

"Instead, it’s needed to shrink the money supply in an economy that has run out of resources to put the extra money to work."

"Modern Monetary Theory (MMT or Modern Money Theory) is a heterodox macroeconomic theory that describes the currency as a public monopoly and unemployment as the evidence that a currency monopolist is restricting the supply of the financial assets needed to pay taxes and satisfy savings desires."
Ever heard of modern monetary theory?

View attachment 244776

"'If you control your own currency and you have bills that are coming due, it means you can always afford to pay the bills on time,' Kelton said. 'You can never go broke, you can never be forced into bankruptcy. You're nothing like a household.'"
Nothing to worry about.:confused:

Ever heard of modern monetary theory?
Yes...It's repackaged Keynesian voodoo....No wonder you're a moronic commie.
Yes...It's repackaged Keynesian voodoo....No wonder you're a moronic commie.

Sovereign governments that print and borrow their own currency can NOT go bankrupt, Rockefeller

Ever heard of modern monetary theory?

"Let's back up for a second and think how this stuff works. Chairman Jay Powell and the gang at the Federal Reserve are the people thinking about the economy's big picture and keeping that water level right.

"The Fed uses monetary policy — interest rates — to keep that sink we were talking about from getting too empty or too full. The MMT folks want Congress to be doing that using fiscal policy — government spending and taxing decisions."
More warmed over Keynesian claptrap...You're an economic nitwit....Just stop.

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