Green New Deal

If you add up all the free shit in the green big deal and Warren and Harris's fruity ideas all comes to around 38 trillion dollars. We DON"T have it. Even if you taxed everyone at 100% .......wouldn't fund the government but for a short time. And if you taxed everyone at 100% ....why work? Why employ yourself in labor....why make an effort? This is marxism.

Nothing is FREE
If you add up all the free shit in the green big deal and Warren and Harris's fruity ideas all comes to around 38 trillion dollars. We DON"T have it. Even if you taxed everyone at 100% .......wouldn't fund the government but for a short time. And if you taxed everyone at 100% ....why work? Why employ yourself in labor....why make an effort? This is marxism.

Nothing is FREE

But, this is DEMOCRATIC socialism!!!
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

That's what makes it so damnably frustrating that socialists are hijacking it for ulterior motives.
Something I have always wondered about is the dispersal of greenhouse gases and their effect on local weather. Greenhouses gas levels are a lot higher in say, Beijing than they are in Samoa due to local use of fossil fuels and other human activity.
boi, you swallowed the hook. too fking funny. perhaps one day you can tell me how warm CO2 is at different levels of ppm. hint, no one knows. but don't let that stop you from looking.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases act like a blanket, absorbing IR radiation and preventing it from escaping into outer space. The net effect is the gradual heating of Earth's atmosphere and surface, a process known as global warming.
What Is the Greenhouse Effect?
CO2 allows IR to leave the surface quicker than it not being there. It would get cooler quicker, not stay warm. More CO2 and the surface would be cooler. CO2 collides with oxygen and nitrogen and hands off what it absorbed through conduction. and that keeps us warm. There is no IR coming back to the surface, and you won't find any observed measurement of that at all.
well one day you may graduate and get to fourth grade, not sure though.

Poorly executed PeeWee Herman gambit.

Go away child
lol, you probably never watched Pee Wee Herman. his line was 'I know you are but what am I" why can't you stupid fks ever get a fact correct.
Why does that post not surprise me?
Like a smelly fart, it will go away if you ignore it
you're still here though
That's what makes it so damnably frustrating that socialists are hijacking it for ulterior motives

Jesus Christ

That's pure horse shit

It really isn't. If the green folks could divorce their desire to protect the environment from their desire to socialize the economy, they could find real consensus for the former.
If you add up all the free shit in the green big deal and Warren and Harris's fruity ideas all comes to around 38 trillion dollars. We DON"T have it. Even if you taxed everyone at 100% .......wouldn't fund the government but for a short time. And if you taxed everyone at 100% ....why work? Why employ yourself in labor....why make an effort? This is marxism.

Nothing is FREE

But, this is DEMOCRATIC socialism!!!
Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed
Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed

I guess it might be a little better. It depends on who the autocrat is and who's voting. Regardless, socialism sucks. I'll pass.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
While the US is a major producer of greenhouse gases, it pales in comparison to China. US policy toward climatic change as articulated by the president is to rollback US regulations on greenhouse gases since China leads the US in greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump's trade war with China has resulted in an increase in tariffs on Chinese products that reduce emissions. China has respond with a 25% charge on plastics and paper products sent to china for processing.

What should be happening is trade negotiations with China should be focusing on forcing China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, it is doing the opposite. This of course is what should be expected from a president who thinks climate change is a hoax.
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There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

Explain. What is no doubt? there is actually quite a lot of doubt. there is absolutely no observed empirical evidence to say man is doing anything other than living. so please, you know without a doubt. so share.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
While the US is a major producer of greenhouse gases, it pales in comparison to China. US policy toward climatic change as articulated by the president is to rollback US regulations on greenhouse gases since China leads the US in greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump's trade war with China has resulted in an increase in tariffs on Chinese products that reduce emissions. China has respond with a 25% charge on plastics and paper products sent to china for processing.

What should be happening is trade negotiations with China should be focusing on forcing China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, it is doing the opposite. This of course is what should be expected from a president who thinks climate change is hoax.
before one of us pays on dime toward anything climate, all of those countries spewing CO2 at rates 10 times us must get to our levels. k? The US is not the world.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

Explain. What is no doubt? there is actually quite a lot of doubt. there is absolutely no observed empirical evidence to say man is doing anything other than living. so please, you know without a doubt. so share.
"Quite a lot of doubt"?

Only in the minds of Climate Deniers

The scientific debate was over FIFTEEN years ago. Since then it has been a POLITICAL debate.

And in that time we ceded the leadership in renewable technology to China...while essentially doing nothing about a problem that will eventually cost TRILLIONS.

We gave away jobs, revenue, and leadership...because a couple of rich fossil fuel owning families have demanded that they retain their power and
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
While the US is a major producer of greenhouse gases, it pales in comparison to China. US policy toward climatic change as articulated by the president is to rollback US regulations on greenhouse gases since China leads the US in greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump's trade war with China has resulted in an increase in tariffs on Chinese products that reduce emissions. China has respond with a 25% charge on plastics and paper products sent to china for processing.

What should be happening is trade negotiations with China should be focusing on forcing China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, it is doing the opposite. This of course is what should be expected from a president who thinks climate change is hoax.
before one of us pays on dime toward anything climate, all of those countries spewing CO2 at rates 10 times us must get to our levels. k? The US is not the world.
So we should follow...not lead..

Yea...there's a recipe for success huh?
That's what makes it so damnably frustrating that socialists are hijacking it for ulterior motives

Jesus Christ

That's pure horse shit

It really isn't. If the green folks could divorce their desire to protect the environment from their desire to socialize the economy, they could find real consensus for the former.

I don't know about consensus, but they could at least get a conversation . . . assuming they were at all interested in such things.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

Explain. What is no doubt? there is actually quite a lot of doubt. there is absolutely no observed empirical evidence to say man is doing anything other than living. so please, you know without a doubt. so share.
"Quite a lot of doubt"?

Only in the minds of Climate Deniers

The scientific debate was over FIFTEEN years ago. Since then it has been a POLITICAL debate.

And in that time we ceded the leadership in renewable technology to China...while essentially doing nothing about a problem that will eventually cost TRILLIONS.

We gave away jobs, revenue, and leadership...because a couple of rich fossil fuel owning families have demanded that they retain their power and
when did science become that of calling someone denier exactly? post that link. Again, you said no doubt. there is doubt, much doubt, so much doubt you all make up shit that isn't science. why?

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