Green New Deal

There is no doubt at this point that Climate Change is real and that WE have in large part caused it.

We know this is going to affect us in very bad...and expensive ways.

So what do we do?

Republicans say we should do nothing. Just let it happen and let our kids and grand kids pay the price

In the mean time China reaps the benefits of the Green technology that is emerging.

That's myopic and stupid.

A Green New Deal is not only absolutely's an economic OPPORTUNITY.

We should be leading the world in new technology. Creating jobs!. And at the same time creating lower cost energy sources and strategies that address the issue before it destroys our economy and our way of life.
While the US is a major producer of greenhouse gases, it pales in comparison to China. US policy toward climatic change as articulated by the president is to rollback US regulations on greenhouse gases since China leads the US in greenhouse gas emissions.

Trump's trade war with China has resulted in an increase in tariffs on Chinese products that reduce emissions. China has respond with a 25% charge on plastics and paper products sent to china for processing.

What should be happening is trade negotiations with China should be focusing on forcing China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, it is doing the opposite. This of course is what should be expected from a president who thinks climate change is hoax.
before one of us pays on dime toward anything climate, all of those countries spewing CO2 at rates 10 times us must get to our levels. k? The US is not the world.
So we should follow...not lead..

Yea...there's a recipe for success huh?
If no one follows there’s no train! We need to allow the cars to catch up
when did science become that of calling someone denier exactly?

WTF? I repeat. The science debate ended 15 years ago. It's been a POLITICAL debate since then

If no one follows there’s no train! We need to allow the cars to catch up

How do you "lead" from the rear?

The cars you want to catch up...are in front of you
when did science become that of calling someone denier exactly?

WTF? I repeat. The science debate ended 15 years ago. It's been a POLITICAL debate since then

If no one follows there’s no train! We need to allow the cars to catch up

How do you "lead" from the rear?

The cars you want to catch up...are in front of you
WTF? I repeat. The science debate ended 15 years ago. It's been a POLITICAL debate since then

And you are wrong. You have zip solutions to your faked farce
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Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed

I guess it might be a little better. It depends on who the autocrat is and who's voting. Regardless, socialism sucks. I'll pass.
No, Autocracy begins as a benevolent dictatorship which always seems to become less benevolent and more dictatorial as time passes. What we are seeing in the current and previous presidents is the usurping of power from a congress that is becoming more and more ineffectual. Bush's debatable illegal Patriot Act, Obama's chain of executive orders, and finally Trump's power grab by declaring an emergency in order to usurp congress all leads us closer and closer to authoritarian government will all power lying in the executive branch.

The movement toward socialistic programs such as Medicare for All and free college education has gained wide spread support. For example, a vast majority of American, 70% according to Reuters are in favor of Medicare for All. And don't think this is just democrats. In the survey, 52% of republicans supported it and 85% of democrats. Support for free colleges is not as strong but is growing rapidly.

Combine autocracy and socialism and you have Authoritarian socialism such as we have seen in the Soviet Union and Maoist China, better known as communism. We may well call it "Making America Great Again", or "A Green New Deal for America" but the real meaning is far different.

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Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed

I guess it might be a little better. It depends on who the autocrat is and who's voting. Regardless, socialism sucks. I'll pass.
No, Autocracy begins as a benevolent dictatorship which always seem to become less benevolent and more dictatorial as time passes.

What are you saying "No" to here? The idea that it's possible for democracy to be worse than autocracy?

Anyway, apart from that (and the fact that it's all in bold), I agree with most of your post. We're headed toward totalitarian government. I just don't think democracy makes that any more acceptable.
Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed

I guess it might be a little better. It depends on who the autocrat is and who's voting. Regardless, socialism sucks. I'll pass.
No, Autocracy begins as a benevolent dictatorship which always seem to become less benevolent and more dictatorial as time passes.

What are you saying "No" to here? The idea that it's possible for democracy to be worse than autocracy?

Anyway, apart from that (and the fact that it's all in bold), I agree with most of your post. We're headed toward totalitarian government. I just don't think democracy makes that any more acceptable.
The No was misplaced. Sorry about the bold type, it just happens sometimes when I copy a sentence or few words. I believe democratic socialism should be a next step in the evolution of our goverment and society far better than autocracy. However, what Trump has done and to some extent other recent presidents coupled with ineffectiveness of congress is a very bad omen for what lies a head. People demand changes and if congress doesn't give it to them, they look to the president to do so.
Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed

I guess it might be a little better. It depends on who the autocrat is and who's voting. Regardless, socialism sucks. I'll pass.
No, Autocracy begins as a benevolent dictatorship which always seem to become less benevolent and more dictatorial as time passes.

What are you saying "No" to here? The idea that it's possible for democracy to be worse than autocracy?

Anyway, apart from that (and the fact that it's all in bold), I agree with most of your post. We're headed toward totalitarian government. I just don't think democracy makes that any more acceptable.
The No was misplaced. Sorry about the bold type, it just happens sometimes when I copy a sentence or few words. I believe democratic socialism should be a next step in the evolution of our goverment and society far better than autocracy. However, what Trump has done and to some extent other recent presidents coupled with ineffectiveness of congress is a very bad omen for what lies a head. People demand changes and if congress doesn't give it to them, they look to the president to do so.
No government forget socialism
Democratic socialism is far better than autocratic socialism which is where this country is headed

I guess it might be a little better. It depends on who the autocrat is and who's voting. Regardless, socialism sucks. I'll pass.
No, Autocracy begins as a benevolent dictatorship which always seems to become less benevolent and more dictatorial as time passes. What we are seeing in the current and previous presidents is the usurping of power from a congress that is becoming more and more ineffectual. Bush's debatable illegal Patriot Act, Obama's chain of executive orders, and finally Trump's power grab by declaring an emergency in order to usurp congress all leads us closer and closer to authoritarian government will all power lying in the executive branch.

The movement toward socialistic programs such as Medicare for All and free college education has gained wide spread support. For example, a vast majority of American, 70% according to Reuters are in favor of Medicare for All. And don't think this is just democrats. In the survey, 52% of republicans supported it and 85% of democrats. Support for free colleges is not as strong but is growing rapidly.

Combine autocracy and socialism and you have Authoritarian socialism such as we have seen in the Soviet Union and Maoist China, better known as communism. We may well call it "Making America Great Again", or "A Green New Deal for America" but the real meaning is far different.

Combine autocracy with massive corruption and you have Putin's Russia...which is a much more apt example
Trump has done nothing to increase job growth. He's riding an existing wave and claiming he made the ocean.

That wave is going to crest if we don't begin to get hold of the emerging technology
"A few stray thoughts on climate: 1) Conservation and efficiency sounds incremental but it’s actually a very big deal, plus it can employ plenty of people.

Solar and wind are getting cheaper so fast that they are already cheaper than fossil energy in lots of parts of the country.

Battery storage is getting better and better, which means super small scale generation, which will mean clean electricity in developing nations." - Hawaii Sen Sassy Brian Schatz
Trump has done nothing to increase job growth. He's riding an existing wave and claiming he made the ocean.

That wave is going to crest if we don't begin to get hold of the emerging technology

You have it ass backwards. It's DumBama that didn't do anything for job growth. Trump cut corporate taxes, individual consumer taxes, removed job killing government regulations.
The movement toward socialistic programs such as Medicare for All and free college education has gained wide spread support. For example, a vast majority of American, 70% according to Reuters are in favor of Medicare for All. And don't think this is just democrats. In the survey, 52% of republicans supported it and 85% of democrats. Support for free colleges is not as strong but is growing rapidly.

If somebody suggested government buy us a new car every three years, what do you suppose the outcome of a poll on that idea would be?

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