Green New Deal

in right wing fantasy,

Tax Cut economics is always fine and wonderful.

When he lowered the top rate to 70% from 90%. But Reagan and Bs GOP tax rates are now absolutely ridiculous and killing the country. Not to mention GOP minimum wage and sabotage of healthcare, and refusal of a national ID card that would end illegal immigration just like another countries with this problem. Another GOP scam for Dupes only. Snap out of it for crying out loud.
I remember the oppressive tax rates before the Reagan tax cuts. We had inflation during the 1970's and people kept moving up into higher tax brackets with wage increases that did not have that consideration. Reagan's tax cut reduced the federal income tax by 23% over a couple of years or so and indexed inflation to the tax rates. You have no idea how much relief that was. It may be BS to you but it helped people survive better back then. Also the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker raised interest rates to insane levels to squeeze out bad debts from the LBJ years. The 1970's were of malaise, inflation and massive quotas. It was fun. Only if you were younger.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.

Considering your position on just about every subject, gotta ask, which online university did you go to?

The online universities have FAR higher standards than the ivy leagues. Look at Boston U, it hands out degrees if you attend the right riots and hate people with skin color that is not popular among the left. No need to know the first thing about the subject at hand.

Oh, and within a decade, ALL universities will be online.
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Boston College is not ivy league and the only thing that's going to happen to most online universities is that they will be sued out of existence. Much like Trump University dumbass.
in right wing fantasy,

Tax Cut economics is always fine and wonderful.

When he lowered the top rate to 70% from 90%. But Reagan and Bs GOP tax rates are now absolutely ridiculous and killing the country. Not to mention GOP minimum wage and sabotage of healthcare, and refusal of a national ID card that would end illegal immigration just like another countries with this problem. Another GOP scam for Dupes only. Snap out of it for crying out loud.
I remember the oppressive tax rates before the Reagan tax cuts. We had inflation during the 1970's and people kept moving up into higher tax brackets with wage increases that did not have that consideration. Reagan's tax cut reduced the federal income tax by 23% over a couple of years or so and indexed inflation to the tax rates. You have no idea how much relief that was. It may be BS to you but it helped people survive better back then. Also the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker raised interest rates to insane levels to squeeze out bad debts from the LBJ years. The 1970's were of malaise, inflation and massive quotas. It was fun. Only if you were younger.
Reagan cut the top rate to 50% and had some success, along with tripling the debt and the S&l scandal. Cutting it to 28% and what we have now has been nothing but a long-term disaster for the middle class and the country. Inequality and upward Mobility continue to get worse and worse... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing, 15% higher than 3 years ago. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem according to a Monmouth University poll. Yet Americans are slow to endorse any proposed fix. It reminds me of my grandson's trip to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth pulled. He knows it should be done and he knows it will probably be painful. The difference is the wisdom teeth removal will stop the pain almost immediately and will certainly fix the problem.

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem. Furthermore we don't how long it will take to fix it nor do we know the deadline for acting. About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess. Any calamity due to climate change will be explained as just normal and will probably reverse itself if we just give it time. Unfortunately we don't have unlimited amounts time.
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Trains are electric so that is where it ended up..


No stupid, some subway systems are electric, virtually ALL trains are diesel. Hybrid technology started in trains, using 2000 HP Rolls Royce diesels to run generators to drive electric motors on passenger trains is where it all started. But they are still diesel.

That is why there is a move to electrify the rail system. The only thing standing in the way is capitalist who do not want change but they die and things change anyway.

Gee, where is that move again?
Please do, we've been waiting for something that resembles proof from you loons.
You'll never hear it on the GOP propaganda machine, dunce.

But you indicated you'd provide proof, no?
You really have to be ignorant and incredibly stubborn to miss all the proof on the internet, brainwashed functional moron.
I would say that claiming the internet as proof of anything puts that "brainwashed functional moron" claim right in a Vulcan mind meld with you! No wonder you idiots are insane!
Obviously not the internet GOP garbage propaganda, but Snopes fact check politico and respected media at newspapers and media around the world. You wouldn't understand ignoramus. In the entire world only the GOP propaganda machine believe your crap, basically media owned by Rupert Murdoch and incredible demagogues like Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin etc etc. You people are totally fos. Stupidest voters in the modern world by far. Though of course brexit voters, the right wing brainwashed idiots of the UK, are your only competition....

Snopes.. :rofl:


Got 'em.

  • Fact-checking' website Snopes is asking its users for help in a GoFundMe saying an 'outside vendor' is 'holding it hostage'
  • But the site which claims to be 'transparent' and to tell people the facts they need to know hasn't told those donating everything that is going on
  • In fact it is at the center of a bitter legal battle with its CEO being accused of fraud, lies, conspiracy and putting prostitutes and his honeymoon on expenses
  • David Mikkelson set up company which owns in 2003 with then wife Barbara but she sold her 50 per cent stake during bitter divorce
  • Owners of company which provided it with tech and advertising services bought her stake but have now fallen out with Mikkelson and call him a fraudster
  • Case could see judge order site closed - despite it being chosen by Facebook to arbitrate on fake news }

Snopes on brink as founder accused of fraud and lying | Daily Mail Online

Yet it's the democrats proposing this massive failure...liar.
The left side of the Democrats young ones, actually a good idea a good idea. Your brain washers and you don't even believe in global warming so of course you can't have a intelligent idea about this.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
7 trillion?? If your orange buddy is President for 8 years, he will run up the debt at least that much.

Which would be a huge improvement over the TEN TRILLION DOLLAR increase racked up by our failed former President Barack Hussein Obama!
Of course Obama's debt was a trillion for the stimulus and 6 or 7 trillion for unemployment and welfare for the victims of George Bush and GOP corrupt bubble and bust. You are a brainwashed functional moron. Reagan and George W dub tripled and doubled the debt in supposedly Good Times. And then left us with giant economic scandals. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...
The left side of the Democrats young ones, actually a good idea a good idea. Your brain washers and you don't even believe in global warming so of course you can't have a intelligent idea about this.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
That is communism, brainwash functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of Cold War propaganda knose that's socialism is now always democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Remember it is democratic socialism we are talking about like every successful rich country but us at this point. Great job, super duper.

Lincoln was a liberal not a Democrat. And southern conservatives worse still the biggest assholes in America...
in right wing fantasy,

Tax Cut economics is always fine and wonderful.

When he lowered the top rate to 70% from 90%. But Reagan and Bs GOP tax rates are now absolutely ridiculous and killing the country. Not to mention GOP minimum wage and sabotage of healthcare, and refusal of a national ID card that would end illegal immigration just like another countries with this problem. Another GOP scam for Dupes only. Snap out of it for crying out loud.
I remember the oppressive tax rates before the Reagan tax cuts. We had inflation during the 1970's and people kept moving up into higher tax brackets with wage increases that did not have that consideration. Reagan's tax cut reduced the federal income tax by 23% over a couple of years or so and indexed inflation to the tax rates. You have no idea how much relief that was. It may be BS to you but it helped people survive better back then. Also the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker raised interest rates to insane levels to squeeze out bad debts from the LBJ years. The 1970's were of malaise, inflation and massive quotas. It was fun. Only if you were younger.
Reagan cut the top rate to 50% and had some success, along with tripling the debt and the S&l scandal. Cutting it to 28% and what we have now has been nothing but a long-term disaster for the middle class and the country. Inequality and upward Mobility continue to get worse and worse... Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
Let Nancy and Schumer propose a big middle class tax cut then. You won't. Because revenue is gotten from them. There was supposed to be changes to the social welfare system that did not happen. There was supposed to be changes to the immigration system that did not happen. There were eventually huge social security increases as the oldest generation was retiring. And those increases were to keep the system solvent up until the 2070's. But that was with 4% growth. We have been averaging a bit over 2% or so. We have wasted tens of trillions of dollars of resources. You can blame the rich getting money but the Progressives at that time did their damage in a much more massive way. People did not pay attention as much at that time. But they are now.
You morons seem to think that Hillary should be a computer expert LOL. These people are busy and have security people, dumbass dupes.

Nah, we just think she should follow the same laws that regular people follow.

See, you have no knowledge of history so you have no clue that the USA has a long tradition of something called "equal justice under the law." It was so important that we put it in our constitution. Not that you know what a constitution is.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.

Your desperation is duly noted!

There are three branches of our government, are there not? That would be the Legislative, Judicial and the, what now? Oh yeah, the EXECUTIVE branch. That would be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

President Donald Trump is an incredibly successful EXECUTIVE. He's not a politician. That's why he is so incredibly good at what he does.

AOC has experience at what again?
It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather.

Gee, now why do you suppose they believe that?

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem.

We don't know if 100 trillion will fix the problem. The US spends more to clean up our messes than the rest of the world. Do you think the people in China or India are doing anything about it?

Green is a bottomless pit. All the money in the US can't fill it. But as we try, we keep taking more and more money out of circulation and that causes economic grief.

About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

Would you like a couple of links of people saying the exact same thing years ago; predicting that New York would be under water, or that entire countries would disappear?

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess.

Of course they will endorse it. Green costs are intrinsic. We pay them without even knowing about it.

Question: Would you like to see us do things for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: Uh.......yeah, sure I would!

Honest question: Would you be willing to pay $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: The air and water is fine. I need my money.
Moon Bats, Moon Bats on this wall! Who's the dumbest of you all. It Could be you oh can't you see, You make me laugh so hard I have to pee. So go and build your floating train, go fly a bike, go yank a chain, You swear? You can complete the deed! Your mom probably just smoked to much weed...….. It's okay go lay down and wake up in reality!
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.

Again, you have a masters in history the same way Che Guevara Barbie has a BA in Economics. Someone handed you a meaningless degree without you having proficiency
in the subject.

Any time history comes up, you prove yourself utterly ignorant. You don't even know the basics. Do you even know who the first president of the United States was? What year was the Magna Carta signed? What country was it signed in? Yes, you'll google them, but as we have ALL seen over and over, you have utterly no clue. You are a complete and total buffoon.
Washington 1215 England d u h. I've been to England 20 times and I had a choice at 18 of which country I wanted to be a citizen of. Actually everything I say is well-known historical fact, while you are a brainwashed functional moron of ridiculous GOP propaganda.


Everything you say is talking points from DailyKOS or ThinkProgress. The issue is when discussions delve into the question of historical facts, you ALWAYS fall short, FAR short.

Oh, and had North Korea been a choice rather than the UK, little doubt what you would have chosen.
We had Solar Panels installed for $ 20k over a year ago, and have not paid one dollar to PG&E for electricity use, we will receive a check in April for the excess electricity we sent back to PG&E and in April, and have an electric car (Chevy Bolt) which has not been to a gas station in one year. We also have a Toy. Hybrid and I fill up about every 6 weeks (usually 10 + or - gallons).

California Becomes 1st State to Require Solar Panels on New Homes

An article in the SF Chron a while back suggested by 2025 30% of the cars on the road in CA will be all electric.
For you that works. For people in many houses and apartments that is not an option and the price is to high.
Under Obama it was free dumbass... Same deal that Democrats are talking about now, if you weren't such a brain-washed functional moron...

What was free, retard?



Yes 4 years under Obama you got a tax refund for any money spent on solar panels etc. Which you stupid assholes listening to Fox never heard of...

No dumbfuck, the rebates amounted to anywhere from 5% to 10% of the price, though heavy subsidies caused systems to be far less than they actually cost.

Where do you come up with your idiocy?

Mostly this was a welfare scheme for billionaires, specifically Elon Musk (Solar City)
We really just need to prove the concepts on the simulator.

Please do, we've been waiting for something that resembles proof from you loons.
You'll never hear it on the GOP propaganda machine, dunce.

But you indicated you'd provide proof, no?
sure; we should get a simulator up and running merely for the metrics.

What the heck, if you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with BS.
if you can't make it work in simulation, why waste our tax money.
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.

Considering your position on just about every subject, gotta ask, which online university did you go to?

The online universities have FAR higher standards than the ivy leagues. Look at Boston U, it hands out degrees if you attend the right riots and hate people with skin color that is not popular among the left. No need to know the first thing about the subject at hand.

Oh, and within a decade, ALL universities will be online.
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Boston College is not ivy league and the only thing that's going to happen to most online universities is that they will be sued out of existence. Much like Trump University dumbass.


Fucking retard.

Online Courses | Harvard University
Online Learning | Center for Teaching and Learning
Online Courses: Courses by Category
Please do, we've been waiting for something that resembles proof from you loons.
You'll never hear it on the GOP propaganda machine, dunce.

But you indicated you'd provide proof, no?
You really have to be ignorant and incredibly stubborn to miss all the proof on the internet, brainwashed functional moron.
I would say that claiming the internet as proof of anything puts that "brainwashed functional moron" claim right in a Vulcan mind meld with you! No wonder you idiots are insane!
Obviously not the internet GOP garbage propaganda, but Snopes fact check politico and respected media at newspapers and media around the world. You wouldn't understand ignoramus. In the entire world only the GOP propaganda machine believe your crap, basically media owned by Rupert Murdoch and incredible demagogues like Rush Limbaugh Savage Levin etc etc. You people are totally fos. Stupidest voters in the modern world by far. Though of course brexit voters, the right wing brainwashed idiots of the UK, are your only competition....
Snope has been busted lying as much as CNN.

Snipes was accidentally honest once and rated itself 'FLAMING LIAR'.


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