Green New Deal

Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

Ironic coming from an anti-Trumper.
I watch Fox and listen to Rush and Savage to see what you idiots are up to. But I also read newspapers and all available media around the world and nobody agrees with your GOP bs and phony scandals...

This is the Real World "Calling Moon Bat" You must be very, very, busy reading all the available news from around the world. Do you travel by MB transporter to pick up the Beijing daily. Again! Please subscribe to My paper the Moon Bat daily. broadcast in Sign Language for over 2 days:fu:
The only thing AOC's Green New Deal is / was guaranteed to do is / was completely destroy her credibility and make her and the Democratic Party the butt of jokes worldwide.

Mission Accomplished.
AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.

A Socialist sorority sister versus a highly successful businessman who turned our economy around.

Let me know how your trip was after you take that TRAIN ride from San Fran to Honolulu.

Yeah they are both boots so get used to it.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
That is communism, brainwash functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of Cold War propaganda knose that's socialism is now always democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Remember it is democratic socialism we are talking about like every successful rich country but us at this point. Great job, super duper.

Lincoln was a liberal not a Democrat. And southern conservatives worse still the biggest assholes in America...

Moon Bat Moon Bat do you have a brain? Or did the best part of you become a bedding stain. :ahole-1:
Where did I say she was beautiful? Damn dude, do you ever respond with anything but lies?

The only thing about her that "attracts" me are her is you and those like you that are obsessed with her and start a dozen threads a day about her.

Yeah, obsessed like anyone watching a train wreck!

Where did I say she was beautiful? Damn dude, do you ever respond with anything but lies?

The only thing about her that "attracts" me are her is you and those like you that are obsessed with her and start a dozen threads a day about her.

Yeah, obsessed like anyone is watching a train wreck!


That picture is from Back to the Future 3.....
The only thing AOC's Green New Deal is / was guaranteed to do is / was completely destroy her credibility and make her and the Democratic Party the butt of jokes worldwide.

Mission Accomplished.
Here we go again, more of the SSDD from Twinkle Toes.

Bad, bad, bad Democrats...bad bad.............
The left side of the Democrats young ones, actually a good idea a good idea. Your brain washers and you don't even believe in global warming so of course you can't have a intelligent idea about this.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
They all have English versions, Einstein. Google BBC hindustani time France 24 Le Monde or just Google Japanese Israeli Russian newspapers. Here we are in the age of information and you people are total morons.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
They all have English versions, Einstein. Google BBC hindustani time France 24 Le Monde or just Google Japanese Israeli Russian newspapers. Here we are in the age of information and you people are total morons.

You read Huffing Glue and Think Progress, and watch CNN.

That's the extent of it.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

I know one thing for sure. The celebrities and politicians won't be seen going cross country on any of these high speed trains. I am betting a few private planes will be kept around "just in case".
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.


Hitler didn't say that.

It was Gregor Strasser, one of Hitlers Lieutenants.
Amazing how much propaganda and hate and character assassination is being aimed at her, isn't it, super duper hater dupe LOL? Thinking not required on the right...

It's not hate, dude. It's ridicule of stupid leftist bimbo.
the right wing is still "praising the virtues" of Tax Cut economics in public venues.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Tax Cut Economics are Worthless if they don't balance the budget.
AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.

Don became a billionaire and celebrity. She was a waitress.
Amazing how money doesn't make one any smarter than a poorer person.

You sure don't become a multi-billionaire NOT being pretty darn sharp!
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.
AOC placed the Democrats in a tough position - admit to the world she is an ignorant JOKE or back her, proving they are a joke.

They are desperately looking for a 3rd option somewhere in the middle.
She is no more naive or stupid than the Don who had absolutely zero experience before he was elected.

Don became a billionaire and celebrity. She was a waitress.
Amazing how money doesn't make one any smarter than a poorer person.

You sure don't become a multi-billionaire NOT being pretty darn sharp!
It happens all the time. Especially when you start with a fortune. Trump went bankrupt Four times and ended up just being a brand that was worth a lot. Of course now he is a genius making all this money by the presidency...

I don't care I'd like Trump he's a New Yorker, now if he would only get the facts. Can he really be this misinformed?
It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather.

Gee, now why do you suppose they believe that?

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem.

We don't know if 100 trillion will fix the problem. The US spends more to clean up our messes than the rest of the world. Do you think the people in China or India are doing anything about it?

Green is a bottomless pit. All the money in the US can't fill it. But as we try, we keep taking more and more money out of circulation and that causes economic grief.

About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

Would you like a couple of links of people saying the exact same thing years ago; predicting that New York would be under water, or that entire countries would disappear?

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess.

Of course they will endorse it. Green costs are intrinsic. We pay them without even knowing about it.

Question: Would you like to see us do things for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: Uh.......yeah, sure I would!

Honest question: Would you be willing to pay $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: The air and water is fine. I need my money.
If paying $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water includes serious reduction in greenhouse gases, absolutely.

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