Green New Deal

It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather.

Gee, now why do you suppose they believe that?

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem.

We don't know if 100 trillion will fix the problem. The US spends more to clean up our messes than the rest of the world. Do you think the people in China or India are doing anything about it?

Green is a bottomless pit. All the money in the US can't fill it. But as we try, we keep taking more and more money out of circulation and that causes economic grief.

About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

Would you like a couple of links of people saying the exact same thing years ago; predicting that New York would be under water, or that entire countries would disappear?

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess.

Of course they will endorse it. Green costs are intrinsic. We pay them without even knowing about it.

Question: Would you like to see us do things for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: Uh.......yeah, sure I would!

Honest question: Would you be willing to pay $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: The air and water is fine. I need my money.
If paying $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water includes serious reduction in greenhouse gases, absolutely.
There are 157,00,000 working Americans right now. The Socialist Green Deal will cost an estimated $50,000,000,000,000 probably a low estimate. If you think it's only going to cost $1500.00 per year go back to math Class Genius. AT 50 trillion it would cost every single working American (157,000,000) of us. $318,471.33 or $10,615.00 per yr. for 30 yrs. At 20 trillion it would be a measly $147,000.00 that's $4386.00 a yr for 30 yrs. and The 150,000,000 who don't want to work will have the same benefits and get to ride the "Moon Bat" train along with you for free because you won't have a car either. If all 7.5 Billion people on earth paid equally it would only cost you $7,142.00 . I don't think the Chinese will want the Train to stop there. Please no more Moon Bat mathematics.:desk::finger3::dance:
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
as a as I said doctors are some of the worst Republicans
Again, you have a masters in history the same way Che Guevara Barbie has a BA in Economics. Someone handed you a meaningless degree without you having proficiency
in the subject.

Any time history comes up, you prove yourself utterly ignorant. You don't even know the basics. Do you even know who the first president of the United States was? What year was the Magna Carta signed? What country was it signed in? Yes, you'll google them, but as we have ALL seen over and over, you have utterly no clue. You are a complete and total buffoon.

It is funnier than shit to see an uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash those with an education & call their degrees worthless.

That's Dr. uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash to you...


Bull shit.

Doctor of stupidity.



I studied under Eli Goldratt. My (joint) thesis is an extension of his work. You want to know who I really am? Look it up.
My father was a doctor, most doctors are some of the worst Republicans there are and believe all the misinformation. My father was for socialized medicine since 1940 and basically kept it a secret...
as a as I said doctors are some of the worst Republicans
Again, you have a masters in history the same way Che Guevara Barbie has a BA in Economics. Someone handed you a meaningless degree without you having proficiency
in the subject.

Any time history comes up, you prove yourself utterly ignorant. You don't even know the basics. Do you even know who the first president of the United States was? What year was the Magna Carta signed? What country was it signed in? Yes, you'll google them, but as we have ALL seen over and over, you have utterly no clue. You are a complete and total buffoon.

It is funnier than shit to see an uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash those with an education & call their degrees worthless.

That's Dr. uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash to you...


Bull shit.

Doctor of stupidity.



I studied under Eli Goldratt. My (joint) thesis is an extension of his work. You want to know who I really am? Look it up.
My father was a doctor, most doctors are some of the worst Republicans there are and believe all the misinformation. My father was for socialized medicine since 1940 and basically kept it a secret...
They don't take any history or poli-sci or courses, just pre-med quite often. College is so expensive now you don't waste money on irrelevant to your major courses.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing, 15% higher than 3 years ago. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem according to a Monmouth University poll. Yet Americans are slow to endorse any proposed fix. It reminds me of my grandson's trip to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth pulled. He knows it should be done and he knows it will probably be painful. The difference is the wisdom teeth removal will stop the pain almost immediately and will certainly fix the problem.

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem. Furthermore we don't how long it will take to fix it nor do we know the deadline for acting. About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess. Any calamity due to climate change will be explained as just normal and will probably reverse itself if we just give it time. Unfortunately we don't have unlimited amounts time.

How true, the sad part is the number of people willing to exploit the unknown.
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather. Two thirds of Republicans believe the same thing, 15% higher than 3 years ago. A majority of Americans (54%) consider it a "very serious" problem according to a Monmouth University poll. Yet Americans are slow to endorse any proposed fix. It reminds me of my grandson's trip to the dentist to have his wisdom teeth pulled. He knows it should be done and he knows it will probably be painful. The difference is the wisdom teeth removal will stop the pain almost immediately and will certainly fix the problem.

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem. Furthermore we don't how long it will take to fix it nor do we know the deadline for acting. About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess. Any calamity due to climate change will be explained as just normal and will probably reverse itself if we just give it time. Unfortunately we don't have unlimited amounts time.

When "Global Warming" didn't work out and became a laughing stock the believers quickly changed the name to "Climate Change" which, no one can deny. After all, we've had "Climate Change" for BILLIONS OF YEARS!


Call me when the rest of the world catches up! :D

China has 1.3 billion people in a country that is still developing.

You're like the guy who drinks 20 beers a day & then claims he cut out the most beer when he reduced his intake by 3 beers.
Notice how anyone that disagrees with these America hating liars is always uneducated?
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
That is communism, brainwash functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of Cold War propaganda knose that's socialism is now always democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Remember it is democratic socialism we are talking about like every successful rich country but us at this point. Great job, super duper.

Lincoln was a liberal not a Democrat. And southern conservatives worse still the biggest assholes in America...

Ah, Lincoln was a Republican, dumbass. Better get a $29.95 refund on that degree.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.


Hitler didn't say that.

It was Gregor Strasser, one of Hitlers Lieutenants.

Don't tell me, Hitler disagreed and executed him on the spot.

However, Hitler did say this:

"Whoever is prepared to make the national cause his own to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare of the nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem, “Deutschland ueber Alles,” to mean that nothing in the wide world surpasses in his eyes this Germany, people and land — that man is a Socialist."
Last edited:
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.


Hitler didn't say that.

It was Gregor Strasser, one of Hitlers Lieutenants.

Don't tell me, Hitler disagreed and executed him on the spot.
GOP propagandists just can't stop lying... And the dupes believe it all....
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.

Again, you have a masters in history the same way Che Guevara Barbie has a BA in Economics. Someone handed you a meaningless degree without you having proficiency
in the subject.

Any time history comes up, you prove yourself utterly ignorant. You don't even know the basics. Do you even know who the first president of the United States was? What year was the Magna Carta signed? What country was it signed in? Yes, you'll google them, but as we have ALL seen over and over, you have utterly no clue. You are a complete and total buffoon.

It is funnier than shit to see an uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash those with an education & call their degrees worthless.

That's Dr. uneducated, ignorant Trumpette trash to you...


Bull shit.

Doctor of stupidity.



I studied under Eli Goldratt. My (joint) thesis is an extension of his work. You want to know who I really am? Look it up.

This in the internet & I can make up shit too.
Miseducated and brainwashed that is
... Often educated in accounting engineering Madison, certainly not history political science etc. For example doctors are incredibly Republican and misinformed. I had to tell my physician's assistant about the existence of subsidies.

And yet you know less about history than my dog does. You are simply a drone who mindlessly bleats what the party programs in you on any given day.

You say shit like Lincoln was a democrat and don't even know that you're lying - because you know utterly nothing about history.
Actually I have a master's in history and I listen to all media and newspapers in the world, and you are the only idiots that believe GOP garbage propaganda in the entire world. You don't know the GOP is screwing the country and you oh, but you know every detail of imaginary scandals against Democrats that journalists and law enforcement have investigated and found nothing but your idiocy.
You have a Masters degree in what "Moonbat" You have very poor grammar for a someone with a Masters degree and how exactly do you listen to all the Newspapers so you understand Chinese and Farsi, And Turkish and Arabic and on and on and on. Stick the "Moon Bat" monthly newsletter. I write it in Sign language:fu::fu:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.

$7 Trillion?

If anyone were stupid enough to do it, we would be eating zoo animals by the end of the year.

Get rid of cars? Get rid of fuel oil? Get rid of airplanes?

If it were't coming from the dumbest person to ever enter congress, I'd think it were in the Onion.

This is the kind of shit 4 year olds come up with.

In order for US to switch to 100% renewable resources with existing technology... it would take 12 million square miles of solar panels, or 833 fully operational nuclear plants, 10 million windmills.

To get rid of all combustion engine cars in US, and replace them with all electric, battery powered cars, we'll have to purchase all known world reserves of cobalt (used in batteries and electroplating), and we would run out of it before reaching 75% mark.

How many transatlantic anti gravity floating trains are they going to build. One doesn't seem like nearly enough. We will need " Moon Bat II " at least. They don't want everybody to be able to drive a car only the Political Elite. Same thing with power and Food only the Special people will get those things everybody outside the Political Circle of Power will just be Forced to work or starve. Sound Familiar. Stalin didn't care ,starved more than 20,000,000. Mao didn't care either he over saw the Systematic starvation of an estimated 50,000,000 during his reign. Sounds like fun eh? Ah! Socialism the great Savior of humanity:26:
That is communism, brainwash functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of Cold War propaganda knose that's socialism is now always democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Remember it is democratic socialism we are talking about like every successful rich country but us at this point. Great job, super duper.

Lincoln was a liberal not a Democrat. And southern conservatives worse still the biggest assholes in America...

Ah, Lincoln was a Republican, dumbass. Better get a $29.95 refund on that degree.
A liberal Republican when the Republican party was liberal. I will tell you if you ever tell me something I didn't know, and factual of course.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.

Socialism is authoritarian system, not democratic.

Socialism, as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

I already explained it to you earlier, see post #1117.

By the way...

What's English translation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.

Socialism is authoritarian system, not democratic.

Socialism, as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

I already explained it to you earlier, see post #1117.

By the way...

What's English translation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
That is communism, Cold War dinosaur. Socialism is now no longer the same as Russian communism when they found out it was not Democratic in any shape or form.. ask the Socialists around the world the Socialist Party in France Germany or Social Democrat sometimes. They are not communist. "we are all socialists now"--finland's prime minister when ObamaCare passed. only GOP dupes in the whole world believe socialism is the same as communism now.
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.

Socialism is authoritarian system, not democratic.

Socialism, as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

I already explained it to you earlier, see post #1117.

By the way...

What's English translation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
Nazi propaganda, super duper.
Talking about the OP's "green new deal" ....

The President said it better than anybody! :04:

This President is the best! :2up: :thup:


Donald J. Trump
Verified account

45th President of the United States of America

I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military - even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!

3:21 PM - 9 Feb 2019
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.

Socialism is authoritarian system, not democratic.

Socialism, as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

I already explained it to you earlier, see post #1117.

By the way...

What's English translation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
not democratic socialism.
Talking about the OP's "green new deal" ....

The President said it better than anybody! :04:

This President is the best! :2up: :thup:


Donald J. Trump
Verified account

45th President of the United States of America

I think it is very important for the Democrats to press forward with their Green New Deal. It would be great for the so-called “Carbon Footprint” to permanently eliminate all Planes, Cars, Cows, Oil, Gas & the Military - even if no other country would do the same. Brilliant!

3:21 PM - 9 Feb 2019
It would take quite a while for all that to happen lol... No they are not going to confiscate cars or have railroads over the oceans.... LOL
We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.

Socialism is authoritarian system, not democratic.

Socialism, as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

I already explained it to you earlier, see post #1117.

By the way...

What's English translation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
not democratic socialism.
National socialist German workers Party. Lie much?
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.

yes, super dupe, Nazis and Communists like to call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but only dupes believe them anymore. For one thing they are extreme and totalitarian, never democratic. Socialism is always democratic and always needed to be somewhat democratic. That's why communism is no longer socialist.just look at the Socialist parties in democracies everywhere. They are not communist, those are called the Communist Party LOL. Jesus you people are dumb. Oops sorry brainwashed and ignorant. You certainly know all the details of all kinds of imaginary scandals and Misinformation.

Socialism is authoritarian system, not democratic.

Socialism, as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

I already explained it to you earlier, see post #1117.

By the way...

What's English translation of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
Yes, I know you are brainwashed and baffled by BS
It's really interesting that about 8 in 10 Americans believe the climate is changing, causing extreme weather.

Gee, now why do you suppose they believe that?

With climate change we don't know if spending 1 trillion or 7 trillion will fix the problem.

We don't know if 100 trillion will fix the problem. The US spends more to clean up our messes than the rest of the world. Do you think the people in China or India are doing anything about it?

Green is a bottomless pit. All the money in the US can't fill it. But as we try, we keep taking more and more money out of circulation and that causes economic grief.

About all we know for sure is it will eventually radical change our climate and make a lot of the earth uninhabitable.

Would you like a couple of links of people saying the exact same thing years ago; predicting that New York would be under water, or that entire countries would disappear?

IMHO, I believe most Americans will certainly endorse doing something but what something turns out to be is anybody's guess.

Of course they will endorse it. Green costs are intrinsic. We pay them without even knowing about it.

Question: Would you like to see us do things for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: Uh.......yeah, sure I would!

Honest question: Would you be willing to pay $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water?
Most Americans: The air and water is fine. I need my money.
If paying $1,500 a year for cleaner air and cleaner water includes serious reduction in greenhouse gases, absolutely.
There are 157,00,000 working Americans right now. The Socialist Green Deal will cost an estimated $50,000,000,000,000 probably a low estimate. If you think it's only going to cost $1500.00 per year go back to math Class Genius. AT 50 trillion it would cost every single working American (157,000,000) of us. $318,471.33 or $10,615.00 per yr. for 30 yrs. At 20 trillion it would be a measly $147,000.00 that's $4386.00 a yr for 30 yrs. and The 150,000,000 who don't want to work will have the same benefits and get to ride the "Moon Bat" train along with you for free because you won't have a car either. If all 7.5 Billion people on earth paid equally it would only cost you $7,142.00 . I don't think the Chinese will want the Train to stop there. Please no more Moon Bat mathematics.:desk::finger3::dance:
Pure garbage propaganda. Super duper
just like Americans fought the Nazis, Americans will now save the planet with The Green Big Deal!

We fought National Socialist back them. Now we have to fight Green Socialist.

The "national" wasn't a problem. The "green" is not problem neither. The "socialist" is the only problem.
So you believe Nazis were socialists, in other words you believe all right wing garbage propaganda LOL, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda define socialism as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. See every socialist Party in modern rich countries... Only GOP dupes believe socialism is communism at this point. In the entire world. Also the only fools who deny global warming, progressive tax rates, Great American institutions like the FBI, and stupid Wars.


Hitler didn't say that.

It was Gregor Strasser, one of Hitlers Lieutenants.

Don't tell me, Hitler disagreed and executed him on the spot.

However, Hitler did say this:

"Whoever is prepared to make the national cause his own to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare of the nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem, “Deutschland ueber Alles,” to mean that nothing in the wide world surpasses in his eyes this Germany, people and land — that man is a Socialist."
The biggest liar ever

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