Green Party Commie Bitch Jill Stein Refuses To Cooperate With Russia Investigation!

What you guys on the left don't think the Russians helped Stein in an effort to beat Hillary?

Of course they did.

the only question is, was Stein, like Trump, a useful idiot or a co-conspirator.

The difference is that mueller has nothing on actual inelligence. Stein refuses to turn over any documents.

If you read the link in the OP you will find you last sentence is false.
yea, this.

"The Stein campaign did provide part of the committee's request, but refused to turn over the campaign's internal communications regarding Russian policy, calling them "not pertinent to the subject of Russian interference" in the elections."

so - we're talking about politics and policy and russian interference and they leave out the info regarding russian policy. trying to give some credibility to this but there is no way the left would be cool with trump leaving out this type of information so it would be hypocritical for the left to defend stein here with this action.

if we can look into trumps investments and friends over the last 20 years background and dog on his lawyer, then yes, communications by the people making the accusations that talk about their views on russian policy i would view as pertinent - but no i'm not a lawyer.

Don't argue with Gator, he is an intellectual giant, just ask him. They'll get to Stein.
What you guys on the left don't think the Russians helped Stein in an effort to beat Hillary?

Of course they did.

the only question is, was Stein, like Trump, a useful idiot or a co-conspirator.

The difference is that mueller has nothing on actual inelligence. Stein refuses to turn over any documents.

If you read the link in the OP you will find you last sentence is false.
yea, this.

"The Stein campaign did provide part of the committee's request, but refused to turn over the campaign's internal communications regarding Russian policy, calling them "not pertinent to the subject of Russian interference" in the elections."

so - we're talking about politics and policy and russian interference and they leave out the info regarding russian policy. trying to give some credibility to this but there is no way the left would be cool with trump leaving out this type of information so it would be hypocritical for the left to defend stein here with this action.

if we can look into trumps investments and friends over the last 20 years background and dog on his lawyer, then yes, communications by the people making the accusations that talk about their views on russian policy i would view as pertinent - but no i'm not a lawyer.

Don't argue with Gator, he is an intellectual giant, just ask him. They'll get to Stein.
done my rounds with him. he can be a "challenge" as i don't think i've ever seen him say he was wrong but that's not an uncommon trait in a political forum. i doubt he's seen me say it either - but i have. :) just not very often.
So you agree that the OP is completely full of shit, and doesn't understand how the government works.

Glad to hear it.

What was your point, then?

You did not ask the right question.

I asked exactly the question necessary for me to make my point.

No you didn't and you aren't smart enough to now it. As for Stein, the DOJ will get to her. There are several investigations going on right now.
The doj.. aka swamp, will never be prosecute another swamp member. Trump is the first elected official in generations to not be a swamp member

Honey you're talking to a lifetime watcher. Mark my words. It's all a game and the game is to throw both sides a bone from time to time. Many "Rightwing" swampies have gone down.
No one is going down here, because Hillary is number 1 to visit the poky and that will never happen because she knows too much and will eat a bullet first
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Wow, a rant ^^^ one step beyond, did toofreak fall off the edge of extremism? Is his hate so intense as to be pathological. Stay tuned, he may flame out and that will be of benefit to the sanity of the world.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Why don't you just go ahead and have a good cry? You'll feel better after.
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Wow, a rant ^^^ one step beyond, did toofreak fall off the edge of extremism? Is his hate so intense as to be pathological. Stay tuned, he may flame out and that will be of benefit to the sanity of the world.
so you don't care about russia anymore?
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Wow, a rant ^^^ one step beyond, did toofreak fall off the edge of extremism? Is his hate so intense as to be pathological. Stay tuned, he may flame out and that will be of benefit to the sanity of the world.
so you don't care about russia anymore?

I don't find straw man posts to be relevant, and they seem to be your forte. Either because you are an ignorant ass, or a damn liar. Of course I believe, and you prove nearly daily, that you are both.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Wow, a rant ^^^ one step beyond, did toofreak fall off the edge of extremism? Is his hate so intense as to be pathological. Stay tuned, he may flame out and that will be of benefit to the sanity of the world.
so you don't care about russia anymore?

I don't find straw man posts to be relevant, and they seem to be your forte. Either because you are an ignorant ass, or a damn liar. Of course I believe, and you prove nearly daily, that you are both.
glad you've buried the russia russia stunt. thanks.
Al Franken is going to run for president in 2020 with Jill Stein as his VP.
Vote Franken Stein in 2020
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Wow, a rant ^^^ one step beyond, did toofreak fall off the edge of extremism? Is his hate so intense as to be pathological. Stay tuned, he may flame out and that will be of benefit to the sanity of the world.

TRANSLATION: Rant, hate, pathological, sanity! In other words, don't look too close at Stein! What did you do, Wry, work on her fricking campaign? Another voice of "sanity" from the seat of the insane, San Francisco, the idiots that dumped Pelosi on us.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Why don't you just go ahead and have a good cry? You'll feel better after.
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?

Not sure how you might think I don't care about Russian interference, but I don't understand your silly reasoning on most things anyway. I'm waiting on Mueller's investigation because it it the most credible and complete investigation being done. Accurate work takes time.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Why don't you just go ahead and have a good cry? You'll feel better after.
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?

Not sure how you might think I don't care about Russian interference, but I don't understand your silly reasoning on most things anyway. I'm waiting on Mueller's investigation because it it the most credible and complete investigation being done. Accurate work takes time.

Total cop out bull. You only care about the Mueller investigation because it is the one that is aimed primarily at Trump. The flaw in it is that Rosenstein didn't order Mueller to look for how Russia affected our election, but how Russia might have influenced, worked with or benefited the Trump campaign! No mention of Obumma's russian involvement, no mention of Hillary's ties, no question of if Stein, the DNC, even Google (yes, Google) was doing anything, just Trump. That makes Mueller's investigation fundamentally flawed and why it has dragged on so long with no real fruits to all its digging.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Why don't you just go ahead and have a good cry? You'll feel better after.
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?

Not sure how you might think I don't care about Russian interference, but I don't understand your silly reasoning on most things anyway. I'm waiting on Mueller's investigation because it it the most credible and complete investigation being done. Accurate work takes time.

Total cop out bull. You only care about the Mueller investigation because it is the one that is aimed primarily at Trump. The flaw in it is that Rosenstein didn't order Mueller to look for how Russia affected our election, but how Russia might have influenced, worked with or benefited the Trump campaign! No mention of Obumma's russian involvement, no mention of Hillary's ties, no question of if Stein, the DNC, even Google (yes, Google) was doing anything, just Trump. That makes Mueller's investigation fundamentally flawed and why it has dragged on so long with no real fruits to all its digging.

Wrong, but if you really feel that way, you should fuss at Trump. His administration authorized the investigation. Thanks Donald.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Why don't you just go ahead and have a good cry? You'll feel better after.
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?

Not sure how you might think I don't care about Russian interference, but I don't understand your silly reasoning on most things anyway. I'm waiting on Mueller's investigation because it it the most credible and complete investigation being done. Accurate work takes time.

Total cop out bull. You only care about the Mueller investigation because it is the one that is aimed primarily at Trump. The flaw in it is that Rosenstein didn't order Mueller to look for how Russia affected our election, but how Russia might have influenced, worked with or benefited the Trump campaign! No mention of Obumma's russian involvement, no mention of Hillary's ties, no question of if Stein, the DNC, even Google (yes, Google) was doing anything, just Trump. That makes Mueller's investigation fundamentally flawed and why it has dragged on so long with no real fruits to all its digging.

Wrong, but if you really feel that way, you should fuss at Trump. His administration authorized the investigation. Thanks Donald.
has nothing to do with the OP. do you or don't you want to know what russia actually did? Is your focus just to destroy trump and nothing to do with election interference?
Why don't you just go ahead and have a good cry? You'll feel better after.
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?

Not sure how you might think I don't care about Russian interference, but I don't understand your silly reasoning on most things anyway. I'm waiting on Mueller's investigation because it it the most credible and complete investigation being done. Accurate work takes time.

Total cop out bull. You only care about the Mueller investigation because it is the one that is aimed primarily at Trump. The flaw in it is that Rosenstein didn't order Mueller to look for how Russia affected our election, but how Russia might have influenced, worked with or benefited the Trump campaign! No mention of Obumma's russian involvement, no mention of Hillary's ties, no question of if Stein, the DNC, even Google (yes, Google) was doing anything, just Trump. That makes Mueller's investigation fundamentally flawed and why it has dragged on so long with no real fruits to all its digging.

Wrong, but if you really feel that way, you should fuss at Trump. His administration authorized the investigation. Thanks Donald.
has nothing to do with the OP. do you or don't you want to know what russia actually did? Is your focus just to destroy trump and nothing to do with election interference?

You don't know what you are talking about.


  • Rosenstein-letter-appointing-Mueller-special.pdf
    243.1 KB · Views: 40
all of the sudden you don't care about the russian interference? why are you still waiting on mueller then?

Not sure how you might think I don't care about Russian interference, but I don't understand your silly reasoning on most things anyway. I'm waiting on Mueller's investigation because it it the most credible and complete investigation being done. Accurate work takes time.

Total cop out bull. You only care about the Mueller investigation because it is the one that is aimed primarily at Trump. The flaw in it is that Rosenstein didn't order Mueller to look for how Russia affected our election, but how Russia might have influenced, worked with or benefited the Trump campaign! No mention of Obumma's russian involvement, no mention of Hillary's ties, no question of if Stein, the DNC, even Google (yes, Google) was doing anything, just Trump. That makes Mueller's investigation fundamentally flawed and why it has dragged on so long with no real fruits to all its digging.

Wrong, but if you really feel that way, you should fuss at Trump. His administration authorized the investigation. Thanks Donald.
has nothing to do with the OP. do you or don't you want to know what russia actually did? Is your focus just to destroy trump and nothing to do with election interference?

You don't know what you are talking about.
again, not the OP. the board is about following the OP. try that.
What has the little commie socialist Jill Stein have to hide in the Russia probe? She was the one that had the audacity to demand a three state recount after the election which only showed more votes which should have been given Trump!

Now she is refusing to comply with the Senate Intelligence Committee to turn over documents seeking to discover the extent to which she worked with Russia to interfere in the election. What is the dried up little twat trying to hide from us? How deep are her connections with the DNC and Hillary? Why aren't the Democrats demanding action?

Jill Stein campaign declines doc requests in Senate Russia probe

I hope they send the FBI in as they did to Manafort and Cohen to bust down her door at 4AM and seize all her records and computers. Then stand the little slut up and do a full cavity search on her and shake her down until she spills the beans.

It will be when the FBI DOESN'T do any of that you will know the FIX IS IN. The Deep State is only interested in searching for evidence when it has a chance of harassing and implicating Trump.

Wow, a rant ^^^ one step beyond, did toofreak fall off the edge of extremism? Is his hate so intense as to be pathological. Stay tuned, he may flame out and that will be of benefit to the sanity of the world.

TRANSLATION: Rant, hate, pathological, sanity! In other words, don't look too close at Stein! What did you do, Wry, work on her fricking campaign? Another voice of "sanity" from the seat of the insane, San Francisco, the idiots that dumped Pelosi on us.

You're a lunatic. But you have every right to express your emotions.

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