Green Party Disavows Jill Stein

See if you actually read and followed the link you get this
Greens Speak Out on Recount and Our Commitment to an Independent Party
Greens Speak Out on Recount and Our Commitment to an Independent Party
Posted by Margaret Flowers 230sc on November 28, 2016


They may be kooks, but kudos on their integrity - except for Stein, who is a scumbag.
. Yep, I interpret the wordings in the link to mean that the green party is indirectly targeting their disappointment at Stein allegedly colluding with Hillary in this effort to undermine the democracy. They don't want to come right out and say it, so they muddied the waters a little bit... LOL
Undercover Hillary Clinton operative, Jill Stein has been disavowed by her own party, the Green Party. I don't agree much with the Green Party, but give them credit for disavowing this fraud. The only thing green about Stein is the green of money.

Green Party Disowns Jill Stein Over Hillary Recount

The Greens shot themselves in the foot when they nominated Cynthia McKinney, the loud mouthed racist. It's apparent the Democratic Party targeted them for dirty tricks, just as the Kochs and Richard Viguerie took over the 'Libertarians'; they needed to be neutralized and discredited as challengers to the establishment parties and their 'Good Cop Bad Cop' scam.
"fake news" by InfoWars

The headline is misleading for attention-grabbing purposes. She hasn't been officially disowned by the Green Party.

Get past the headline and the story itself is legit. There's a movement and petition drive among Greens to disavow the recount action of Jill Stein because it makes the Greens look like lackeys of one of the "big-money" parties.
Only a fool would believe horseshit copy produced by InfoWars!
They predicted a Trump win when no one else was able to. They have been right about Clinton and her server. They were right about the Clinton foundation....what has to happen? do you need a kick in the head to wake up? Go ahead keep denying the obvious and you will do well in life.
I almost voted for this little b!tch until the CIA guy came along so I voted for him instead.

Stein is out of control.
Only a fool would believe horseshit copy produced by InfoWars!
They predicted a Trump win when no one else was able to. They have been right about Clinton and her server. They were right about the Clinton foundation....what has to happen? do you need a kick in the head to wake up? Go ahead keep denying the obvious and you will do well in life.
Only a fool would believe horseshit copy produced by InfoWars, FOOL!
Only a fool would believe horseshit copy produced by InfoWars, FOOL!
I voted for a winner and you call me a fool? lol
My friend as time passes; the vale of progressivism and liberalism will be removed. The nations blinders will be removed, the current state of the media will change for the better. This country is going to win from now on and when it does the Obama and Clinton and Pelosi /Reid type of thinking and governing will be non existent as a competitive and respected ideology. All of the bullshit stops. Either get with it or get run over by it. This nation has been returned to the rightful majority. If you don't like it screw you.

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