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Green Renewable Energy's Toxic Cancer Causing Pollutants.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
We here much about how clean Wind and Solar power is, but is that the truth?
The destruction of land, habitat, and wildlife is easy to document and see. Just travel to California, 1000's of square miles is covered with these monstrosities. What we do not see is where they are manufactured.

It is all about money, greed, power, and making Marxist China thee World Power.

Rare-earth mining in China comes at a heavy cost for local villages

Rare-earth mining in China comes at a heavy cost for local villages
Pollution is poisoning the farms and villages of the region that processes the precious minerals

Wind Turbine magnets.jpg
Rare Earth Metals Stocks Heavy With Potential Profits

Rare Earth Metals Stocks Heavy With Potential Profits
David Zeiler, Associate Editor, Money Morning • @DavidGZeiler • November 17, 2011

Despite a severe pullback in the prices of many rare earth metals mining stocks, constricting supplies and rising demand eventually will bring big profits to the select few companies sitting on rich deposits.

Prices for rare earths skyrocketed over the summer, but have since fallen – though nowhere close to where they were in 2010. That volatility was reflected in the prices of many mining stocks.

For example, one of the most heavily produced of the 17 rare earth metals, lanthanum oxide, was $5 a kilogram in early 2010. Lanthanum hit $140 a kilogram in July, then dropped 56% to $62 a kilogram in November.
Big Wind’s Dirty Little Secret: Toxic Lakes and Radioactive Waste - IER

Big Wind’s Dirty Little Secret: Toxic Lakes and Radioactive Waste

‘It turned into a mountain that towered over us,’ says Mr Su. ‘Anything we planted just withered, then our animals started to sicken and die.’

People too began to suffer. Dalahai villagers say their teeth began to fall out, their hair turned white at unusually young ages, and they suffered from severe skin and respiratory diseases. Children were born with soft bones and cancer rates rocketed.

Official studies carried out five years ago in Dalahai village confirmed there were unusually high rates of cancer along with high rates of osteoporosis and skin and respiratory diseases. The lake’s radiation levels are ten times higher than in the surrounding countryside, the studies found.

As the wind industry grows, these horrors will likely only get worse. Growth in the wind industry could raise demand for neodymium by as much as 700 percent over the next 25 years, while demand for dysprosium could increase by 2,600 percent, according to a recent MIT study. The more wind turbines pop up in America, the more people in China are likely to suffer due to China’s policies. Or as the Daily Mail put it, every turbine we erect contributes to “a vast man-made lake of poison in northern China.”

Big Wind’s Dependence on China’s “Toxic Lakes”

The wind industry requires an astounding amount of rare earth minerals, primarily neodymium and dysprosium, which are key components of the magnets used in modern wind turbines. Developed by GE in 1982, neodymium magnets are manufactured in many shapes and sizes for numerous purposes. One of their most common uses is in the generators of wind turbines.

Estimates of the exact amount of rare earth minerals in wind turbines vary, but in any case the numbers are staggering. According to the Bulletin of Atomic Sciences, a 2 megawatt (MW) wind turbine contains about 800 pounds of neodymium and 130 pounds of dysprosium. The MIT study cited above estimates that a 2 MW wind turbine contains about 752 pounds of rare earth minerals.

To quantify this in terms of environmental damages, consider that mining one ton of rare earth minerals produces about one ton of radioactive waste, according to the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security. In 2012, the U.S. added a record 13,131 MW of wind generating capacity. That means that between 4.9 million pounds (using MIT’s estimate) and 6.1 million pounds (using the Bulletin of Atomic Science’s estimate) of rare earths were used in wind turbines installed in 2012. It also means that between 4.9 million and 6.1 million pounds of radioactive waste were created to make these wind turbines.

For perspective, America’s nuclear industry produces between 4.4 million and 5 million pounds of spent nuclear fuel each year. That means the U.S. wind industry may well have created more radioactive waste last year than our entire nuclear industry produced in spent fuel. In this sense, the nuclear industry seems to be doing more with less: nuclear energy comprised about one-fifth of America’s electrical generation in 2012, while wind accounted for just 3.5 percent of all electricity generated in the United States.

While nuclear storage remains an important issue for many U.S. environmentalists, few are paying attention to the wind industry’s less efficient and less transparent use of radioactive material via rare earth mineral excavation in China. The U.S. nuclear industry employs numerous safeguards to ensure that spent nuclear fuel is stored safely. In 2010, the Obama administration withdrew funding for Yucca Mountain, the only permanent storage site for the country’s nuclear waste authorized by federal law. Lacking a permanent solution, nuclear energy companies have used specially designed pools at individual reactor sites. On the other hand, China has cut mining permits and imposed export quotas, but is only now beginning to draft rules to prevent illegal mining and reduce pollution. America may not have a perfect solution to nuclear storage, but it sure beats disposing of radioactive material in toxic lakes like near Baotou, China.

Not only do rare earths create radioactive waste residue, but according to the Chinese Society for Rare Earths, “one ton of calcined rare earth ore generates 9,600 to 12,000 cubic meters (339,021 to 423,776 cubic feet) of waste gas containing dust concentrate, hydrofluoric acid, sulfur dioxide, and sulfuric acid, [and] approximately 75 cubic meters (2,649 cubic feet) of acidic wastewater.”
Wall Street Pumps Billions Into Renewable Energy

Wall Street Pumps Billions Into Renewable Energy

After years of lofty promises, Wall Street believes the renewable energy industry can produce a payoff.

In just a few years, investors have gone from zero to billions in the amount of money they’re pumping into renewable-energy companies and environmentally friendly projects.

Tax-equity funds and specialty financial tools like “green bonds” and yieldcos have become increasingly popular. And investments in the renewable-energy companies that benefit from these financial tools have far outperformed those in oil-and-gas drilling and coal mining since the start of 2013, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, a research arm of Bloomberg LP.

Analysts, bankers and investors at the Renewable Energy Finance Forum in New York this week were ebullient. Many see the sector as past a tipping point: Skepticism has melted among the financial brokers of the energy world, and they have started to fund the renewable-power sector as a legitimate upcoming rival to fossil fuels.

“Wall Street is really warming up to this,” said Kevin Birzer, chief executive of Tortoise Capital Advisors, which manages $18 billion. “And I think we’ll see a lot more of it.”

U.S. solar companies had closed a cumulative $2.6 billion in tax-equity funds by late 2014, up from nothing about five years before. “Green bonds,” a type of debt designed to fund environmentally friendly projects, drew $40 billion in investment in 2014, about eight times what it had seen in 2012. Yieldcos have had $4 billion in issuances announced this year, up from about $2.5 billion in each of the last two years, according to Bloomberg NEF.

Dang .......had no idea.

More fodder that the whole climate change thing has nothing to do with the environment. Never has......has everything to do with promotion of the destruction of capitalism = the goal of every modern progressive. Promoting climate change is a key element in achieving that. Just go do a little research on Saul Alinksy, the father of modern progressivism.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: All the regular members in this forum love this guy Saul Alinsky.........what does that tell us?

I got his book and listen to the person who found thousands of Sal Alinsky's book in the basement of a government office, they were left over from the Carter Presidency
All this twaddle by exactly the same people that constantly rail at the government regulations that prevent that sort of pollution here. And those rare earths are used almost all our present electronic devices, not just in solar panels and wind turbines. That is the very basic dishonesty that you are indulging in. But that is all you have left, now that wind and solar are more cost effective than coal.
All this twaddle by exactly the same people that constantly rail at the government regulations that prevent that sort of pollution here. And those rare earths are used almost all our present electronic devices, not just in solar panels and wind turbines. That is the very basic dishonesty that you are indulging in. But that is all you have left, now that wind and solar are more cost effective than coal.
Last I checked my cell phone does not use 1,000 lbs of rare earth metal, brainiac.

The same people that rail against preventing pollution? Are you referring to the Republicans who started the EPA to prevent the destruction the Democrats allowed?

More cost effective? The are not effective as electricity producers let alone at cost. The government pays for them, the government mandates that electricity rates increase to pay for them, Industry flees where they are placed, and you call that "cost effective".
All this twaddle by exactly the same people that constantly rail at the government regulations that prevent that sort of pollution here. And those rare earths are used almost all our present electronic devices, not just in solar panels and wind turbines. That is the very basic dishonesty that you are indulging in. But that is all you have left, now that wind and solar are more cost effective than coal.

You fucking moron..

This is your side, your green energy companies that Obama and Democrat idiots keep giving billions of dollars in freebies to keep your communist lies alive.. Killing birds and destroying habitats by wind farms, PV arrays, and huge battery farms..


Dang .......had no idea.

More fodder that the whole climate change thing has nothing to do with the environment. Never has......has everything to do with promotion of the destruction of capitalism = the goal of every modern progressive. Promoting climate change is a key element in achieving that. Just go do a little research on Saul Alinksy, the father of modern progressivism.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: All the regular members in this forum love this guy Saul Alinsky.........what does that tell us?

I call him salunsky, he's a radical jackass author of the rules for radicals. I use their own rules against them, my favs are 5 & 6. On to another subject on who came up with the idea of carbon banks what a load of liberal bull shit to fleece world for loot & power...
Salinsky has nothing to do with rare earth mining.

Rare earth mining is taking place in California and Nevada once more and will be expanding. And it will be done under EPA regulations. You could not find a mine anywhere in China mining anything that was not completely unacceptable to US health and safety standards.The same accusation may be made for half the products sold in Wal Mart. US corporations have moved overseas to avoid such costly regulatory environments and those moves have been enabled by the RNC, whose willing puppets they are; caring more and more for the almighty dollar and less and less for human life.

And by the way Ms Elektra, YOUR cellphone may have little in the way of rare earth elements, but the billions of cellphones on this planet and the billions of computers and the billions of other items containing solid state electronics all contain rare earth elements and in total quantities that absolutely dwarf what may be found in the world's photovoltaics.
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Salinsky has nothing to do with rare earth mining.

And by the way Ms Elektra, YOUR cellphone may have little in the way of rare earth elements, but the billions of cellphones on this planet and the billions of computers and the billions of other items containing solid state electronics all contain rare earth elements and in total quantities that absolutely dwarf what may be found in the world's photovoltaics.

Yes all the Cell phones add up to the equivalent of one Wind Turbine's worth of rare earth.

What is true, is the recent explosive expansion in China is because the USA now dictates that we must buy millions of Wind Turbines.

This entire city grew out of the need to supply Wind Turbines with magnets.

It seems like a ridiculous argument that Crick makes, "but you started it"???
We buy wind turbines because they supply electricity cheaper than any other source we have. And they, as well as solar, are now both cheaper to install and run than even dirty coal. Coal is all but dead.


The ministers who preside over the International Energy Agency recentlycited phasing out inefficient coal-fired power plants as one of the biggest, most cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Burning coal produces nearly twice as much carbon dioxide as burning natural gas, according to the United States Energy Information Administration.

Meanwhile, a wave of a half-dozen bankruptcies has hit major coal companies, including Alpha Natural Resources, which sought bankruptcy protection in August. Arch Coal warned last month that a filing could come soon.

In the United States, environmental regulations like the Obama administration’s controversial Clean Power Plan are only part of the industry’s challenges.

Continue reading the main story
The rise of cheap alternatives like natural gas, as well as wind and solar power, has had a far greater effect on coal’s fortunes. Plummeting coal prices and business decisions by the companies to take on debt have also weighed down the industry. In addition, campaigns by well-funded activists have helped to reduce the number of coal-burning plants in the United States.
Wrong. Electricity is used to make everything. As the portion of coal used for power declines, that portion used to produce wind turbines also declines.

Rare earths are being mined in the US under US health and safety guidelines. If you're not happy with the way China is doing it, talk to China. The amount of rare earths used in cellphones and digital electronics worldwide dwarfs the amount being used in wind turbine generators.
Wrong. Electricity is used to make everything. As the portion of coal used for power declines, that portion used to produce wind turbines also declines.
Correct, so less Wind Turbines will be made as we use less Coal.
Well, the wildlife simply must go somewhere else to live. Small things like snakes, burrowing animals, there homes are destroyed, as they are, when the wild pristine land is turned into a base for the Industry of Wind.
Wind Power Facts | Wind Energy FAQ [aweo.org]
Several acres around each turbine have to be cleared as well. For best performance, the GE 1.5-megawatt turbine needs 82 unobstructed acres around it and the Vestas V90 needs 111. On a ridgeline, the sloping away of the land and the hope that the wind is always perpendicular to the line of the ridge mean that about 5 acres are actually cleared around each turbine.

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