Greenpeace Founder: No Scientific Proof for Global Warming

Skook, if you'll remember, spent months spamming pictures proclaiming the inevitability of Mitt Romney's landslide win. That is, Skook is a 'tard on all issues. When he's proven to be a 'tard on one issue, he forgets his past 'tarddom there and moves on to a new issue to be a 'tard about. He shifted from his retardation about the elections to his current retardation about the global warming issue. And after he fails completely here, he'll move his retardation to a new issue. It's the cycle of Skook. Skook is such a reliable 'tard, you can be pretty sure the exact opposite of anything he says is the case.

Gipper just raves endlessly about the global socialist conspiracy, confirming his status as a hardcore cultist. However, he's going to have to work much harder to climb to the pinnacle of 'tarddom which Skook now occupies.

Whitehall? Doesn't make much sense on any topic. Seems like an bitter old FOX News junkie, using any excuse to spit mindless hate at liberals.

Eflat is new. We'll have to wait and watch to see precisely which cult symptoms he manifests. So far, he's just parroting old debunked nonsense, making him the boring sort of cultist.

Meanwhile, the rational side hasn't ever cared about Patrick Moore, or generally even heard of him. However, it seems a lot of denialists are aging hippies who used to consider Patrick Moore to be their guru. The constant thing about them is how they've always been in somebody's cult.
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Skook, if you'll remember, spent months spamming pictures proclaiming the inevitability of Mitt Romney's landslide win. That is, Skook is a 'tard on all issues. When he's proven to be a 'tard on one issue, he forgets his past 'tarddom there and moves on to a new issue to be a 'tard about. He shifted from his retardation about the elections to his current retardation about the global warming issue. And after he fails completely here, he'll move his retardation to a new issue. It's the cycle of Skook. Skook is such a reliable 'tard, you can be pretty sure the exact opposite of anything he says is the case.

Gipper just raves endlessly about the global socialist conspiracy, confirming his status as a hardcore cultist. However, he's going to have to work much harder to climb to the pinnacle of 'tarddom which Skook now occupies.

Whitehall? Doesn't make much sense on any topic. Seems like an bitter old FOX News junkie, using any excuse to spit mindless hate at liberals.

Eflat is new. We'll have to wait and watch to see precisely which cult symptoms he manifests. So far, he's just parroting old debunked nonsense, making him the boring sort of cultist.

Meanwhile, the rational side hasn't ever cared about Patrick Moore, or generally even heard of him. However, it seems a lot of denialists are aging hippies who used to consider Patrick Moore to be their guru. The constant thing about them is how they've always been in somebody's cult.

Nothing upsets me more than those who promote big unlimited government. AGW, at its essence, is the promotion of big unlimited government and history tells us big unlimited government always causes terrible harm...why can't you see that?

Why are you willing to give up your freedom so a small leftist elite can impose their will upon you...while they will live like kings and queens?

AGW is not science it is politics.
Over 20% of methane emissions in the U.S. comes from enteric fermentation in ruminant animals.

Why is there not a single word of this spoken in the AGW debate?

Hands off agriculture, folks. Too many voters there.

Hydrocarbons are the whipping boy du jour.
Skook, if you'll remember, spent months spamming pictures proclaiming the inevitability of Mitt Romney's landslide win. That is, Skook is a 'tard on all issues. When he's proven to be a 'tard on one issue, he forgets his past 'tarddom there and moves on to a new issue to be a 'tard about. He shifted from his retardation about the elections to his current retardation about the global warming issue. And after he fails completely here, he'll move his retardation to a new issue. It's the cycle of Skook. Skook is such a reliable 'tard, you can be pretty sure the exact opposite of anything he says is the case.

Gipper just raves endlessly about the global socialist conspiracy, confirming his status as a hardcore cultist. However, he's going to have to work much harder to climb to the pinnacle of 'tarddom which Skook now occupies.

Whitehall? Doesn't make much sense on any topic. Seems like an bitter old FOX News junkie, using any excuse to spit mindless hate at liberals.

Eflat is new. We'll have to wait and watch to see precisely which cult symptoms he manifests. So far, he's just parroting old debunked nonsense, making him the boring sort of cultist.

Meanwhile, the rational side hasn't ever cared about Patrick Moore, or generally even heard of him. However, it seems a lot of denialists are aging hippies who used to consider Patrick Moore to be their guru. The constant thing about them is how they've always been in somebody's cult.

The "Tard" wants to see a smidge of evidence ( via links ) that the "consensus science" is mattering in the real world.

Meanwhile, skooks can produce a 189 page thread of WIN littered with links from Westwall, SSDD, FlaCalTenn, Frank, Polar Bear, BriPat, Henry, Helena, ToddPatriot, Daveman et. al.........displaying the laughable impact of "the consensus". >>>

In fact, in just the first 4 pages of the thread, there are 11 links that decimate the efforts of the fascist AGW nutters who have owned the PR for 20 years thanks to the msm. In other words, 20 years of bomb throwing alarmist horse crap has had just short of zero impact on energy policy anywhere in the world. Fossil fuels still hugely dominate and there is nothing changing that for decades ( see WINNING link above ).

But skooks is the "Tard"!!:D:D:D:eusa_dance:

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Eflat is new.

With more than double the number of posts you have.

Whatever dude.

We'll have to wait and watch to see precisely which cult symptoms he manifests. So far, he's just parroting old debunked nonsense, making him the boring sort of cultist.

Thanks for making my point about your being incapable of responding with even a modicum of logic, reason or specificity.

You'd do well on a grade school playground. Beyond that, not so much.
The helpless denialist cultists stink at the science, hence the endless threads like this raging about people that nobody cares about. The endless nutty conspiracies really are the best they can do.

Denialists, why are you prolonging your agony like this? Your cult is collapsing. Either bail out with the other rats, or go down the ship.

When you can't retort with logic, reason or specificity, childish name calling is always the best course of action. Well done! :lol:

Mamooth is complaining about a broad pattern of characteristic and behavior among climate change deniers. They do tend to be bad at science and spend a great deal of time complaining about irrelevant issues. They have made frequent charges that involve or require an enormous conspiracy among climate scientists.

His comments are snug enough that the folks he's talking to know precisely who they are.
The helpless denialist cultists stink at the science, hence the endless threads like this raging about people that nobody cares about. The endless nutty conspiracies really are the best they can do.

Denialists, why are you prolonging your agony like this? Your cult is collapsing. Either bail out with the other rats, or go down the ship.

When you can't retort with logic, reason or specificity, childish name calling is always the best course of action. Well done! :lol:

Mamooth is complaining about a broad pattern of characteristic and behavior among climate change deniers. They do tend to be bad at science and spend a great deal of time complaining about irrelevant issues. They have made frequent charges that involve or require an enormous conspiracy among climate scientists.

His comments are snug enough that the folks he's talking to know precisely who they are.

Still childish, but I get your point.

A reasonable, balanced critique of temperature predictions can be found in this 2009 WSJ article, which a continued plateau (or even cooling) since then only strengthens the case of the so-called "deniers":

The Case Against Global Warming?and How Believers Respond -

Something the article doesn't mention is that a modest rise in temperatures, should that ever occur, would mean plants grow more efficiently, which would be a boon to mankind. Bottom line, for me anyway, is that I will not stand for anyone that claims ANY science is "settled". History has proven such arrogance a foolhardy claim.

If you truly believe the climate is warming and the shores will be engulfed, feel free to move inland and leave the rest of us alone. You'll not impose central planning of energy resources, which most certainly will cost lives, because of what think may happen. Make you case for predicting the weather, fine. If it's a strong enough case, people will voluntarily adapt, as they always have.
A reasonable, balanced critique of temperature predictions can be found in this 2009 WSJ article, which a continued plateau (or even cooling) since then only strengthens the case of the so-called "deniers":

No, you will not find a balanced critique in the Wall Street Journal. By 2009, it had been the property of the News Corporation - the owner of Fox News - for two years. Even before that, you couldn't find a more business-friendly periodical on the planet. If you want scientific information, I'd strongly suggest you go to a science source. The best source for information on climate for the last decade, worldwide, has been the analysis reports of the IPCC.

Something the article doesn't mention is that a modest rise in temperatures, should that ever occur, would mean plants grow more efficiently, which would be a boon to mankind.

The net change to raising the Earth's temperature 2C over the next will most assuredly NOT be beneficial. You are an idiot to suggest otherwise.

Bottom line, for me anyway, is that I will not stand for anyone that claims ANY science is "settled". History has proven such arrogance a foolhardy claim.

No science is ever truly settled, but that's only because that's the way science works. There is a great deal of science that has been so widely accepted it is treated by all as fact. Among the scientifically literate and climate scientists in particular, anthropogenic global warming is so accepted.

If you truly believe the climate is warming and the shores will be engulfed, feel free to move inland and leave the rest of us alone.

If you truly believe that you can put the lives of my children and their children and their children and the children of billions of people at risk DESPITE overwhelming evidence which says you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, feel free to take a very long walk off a very short pier.

You'll not impose central planning of energy resources, which most certainly will cost lives, because of what think may happen. Make you case for predicting the weather, fine. If it's a strong enough case, people will voluntarily adapt, as they always have.

I will do whatever I feel needs doing to rectify this problem and that the laws of this country allow. I will certainly not take direction from fools like you.
A reasonable, balanced critique of temperature predictions can be found in this 2009 WSJ article, which a continued plateau (or even cooling) since then only strengthens the case of the so-called "deniers":

No, you will not find a balanced critique in the Wall Street Journal. By 2009, it had been the property of the News Corporation - the owner of Fox News - for two years. Even before that, you couldn't find a more business-friendly periodical on the planet. If you want scientific information, I'd strongly suggest you go to a science source. The best source for information on climate for the last decade, worldwide, has been the analysis reports of the IPCC.

Something the article doesn't mention is that a modest rise in temperatures, should that ever occur, would mean plants grow more efficiently, which would be a boon to mankind.

The net change to raising the Earth's temperature 2C over the next will most assuredly NOT be beneficial. You are an idiot to suggest otherwise.

No science is ever truly settled, but that's only because that's the way science works. There is a great deal of science that has been so widely accepted it is treated by all as fact. Among the scientifically literate and climate scientists in particular, anthropogenic global warming is so accepted.

If you truly believe the climate is warming and the shores will be engulfed, feel free to move inland and leave the rest of us alone.

If you truly believe that you can put the lives of my children and their children and their children and the children of billions of people at risk DESPITE overwhelming evidence which says you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, feel free to take a very long walk off a very short pier.

You'll not impose central planning of energy resources, which most certainly will cost lives, because of what think may happen. Make you case for predicting the weather, fine. If it's a strong enough case, people will voluntarily adapt, as they always have.

I will do whatever I feel needs doing to rectify this problem and that the laws of this country allow. I will certainly not take direction from fools like you.

Another central planner wannabe that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Another central planner wannabe that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Personally, I think it takes a great deal more unjustified ego to choose to reject mainstream science and ignore a very real threat to us and our descendants - than not.

"Central planner wannabe"... wow, that cuts me to the bone.
Another central planner wannabe that's just SURE he knows what's best for everyone else.

Personally, I think it takes a great deal more unjustified ego to choose to reject mainstream science and ignore a very real threat to us and our descendants - than not.

"Central planner wannabe"... wow, that cuts me to the bone.

If one "rejects and ignores" science, yes. Of course, keeping an open mind as the scientific findings change, as theories evolve and as conflicting evidence is presented isn't that same thing, is it?

What you propose, because YOU know what's best of course, would send energy prices skyrocketing resulting in the death of many, many people.

You were saying something about a threat?! Pot, kettle, I see you've met.

Screw you and the central planners that seek to cut off scientific evidence that doesn't fit their narrative. You really don't know what's best for everyone else. Sorry, you just don't.
Climate change is the taking of our wealth and giving it away. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ENVIRONMENT.

It was the hand maiden of NAFTA. It was used to shut us down and make China wealthy. And it worked.
It is a monetary change that has 0 to do with the ozone or clean air and water. Here is your proof:




And guess what. As bad as ^ that is, it still hasn't caused the sun to change it's mind about our weather. AND, we are now committed to distributing our tax dollars to the Pacific Rim to do exactly the same thing...
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What on earth?

This headline blew me away when I came across is on yes, a Breitbart site!!!

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore told a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earths atmosphere over the past 100 years.

Moreover, the Canadian ecologist, who was a member of Greenpeace from 1971-86, admitted that Greenpeace intentionally used faulty computer models and scare tactics in promoting claims man-made gases are heating up the planet. More told the Senate committee that he decided to leave Greenpeace because it was more concerned with politics than it was with the environment.

Read more w/links @ Greenpeace Founder: No Scientific Proof for Global Warming
He's been truthful and the communists/globalists will now try to destroy him.
Goofball, Greenpeace is not an organization with any credibility on this subject. You want to see what organizations with real credentials are stating?

American Geophysical Union
AGU Statement on Climate Change

Human-induced climate change requires urgent action.

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes.

“Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large-scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long- understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human-caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

Climate models predict that global temperatures will continue to rise, with the amount of warming primarily determined by the level of emissions. Higher emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to larger warming, and greater risks to society and ecosystems. Some additional warming is unavoidable due to past emissions.

AGU Statement on Climate Change: Update | Environment
AGU---globabist nut collection furthering the globablist agenda is a mixture of scientists (I use the term loosely) and students-----in 4 different fields and none of them involve Climatologists. Their statement like their opinion means nothing as they push their agenda.

Don't know why you have affinity for these freaks---but they are really nobodies.

The Earth is in a cooling cycle now---thanks to the sun. It has nothing to do with Carbon---and if you leftist/globalists/communists actually believe the bs you spew about carbon warming the planet----you would support blocking immigration, cutting population, and the ending of modernizing primitive people.
Goofball, Greenpeace is not an organization with any credibility on this subject. You want to see what organizations with real credentials are stating?

American Geophysical Union...
The fact that they agree w/ your faction of course has nothing to do w/ it. [/sarc]

Meanwhile the faction rants about "climate change" & when pressed will cite "evidence" of global warming. Said "evidence" never mentions the actual temperature of the globe comparing it to a long term trend of actual temperature measurements. They'll obfuscate w/ "anomalies" etc. but will never mention a temperature.

This is flat out not believable.
Climate change is the taking of our wealth and giving it away. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ENVIRONMENT.

Was there some reason you necro'd a 7-year old thread for that? Couldn't you have whined out your idiot propaganda on one of the recent threads, like all of your cult pals do?
If we are lucky we will live an approximately 75 years on this planet...and with that in mind some weal minded people will allow other people to dictate how you live on this planet because you are destroying a world that's been here for 4.54 billion years...I'm sorry that's just stupid especially when the people telling you how to live do not abided by their own rules....

We could not destroy this planet if we tried way....if you know of a way we could destroy the planet let me hear it....that would be very interesting....
This is a perfect example of a strawman argument. No one is suggesting that global warming will "destroy the world". We're saying that it'll cause people a lot of suffering and death.
This is a perfect example of a strawman argument. No one is suggesting that global warming will "destroy the world". We're saying that it'll cause people a lot of suffering and death.
We can talk about that if u want.

Correct me if I err but I understand that you're saying that global warming will cause a lot of suffering and death. So please tell us what temp of the world is now, what it's been, and what it should be. Is that too much to ask?

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