
Read ALL the rules, sap, and save the political stuff for the Board. Welcome aboard.
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.

You are correct: typing in bold is not forbidden, but in internet-speak, it is taken to mean that you are screaming.

However, I would encourage you to not type in bold and in red, because that color is reserved for the mods when they are posting as mods.

I can already tell you have control issues and Hillary needs two planes for her luggage as far as I'm concerned. She has a lot of luggage going all the way back to her Rose law firm-Whitewater-Mena Arkansas days. Then there's Benghazi and her private email account while she was Sec. of State and her harddrive on her personal server has been conveniently wiped. Yep.... she's as pure as the driven white wash she is.
So you are versed in the Clinton/ Mena drug cartel? I found that a very interesting study.

Just don't forget to post it in the right Conspiracy forum this time!
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.

You are correct: typing in bold is not forbidden, but in internet-speak, it is taken to mean that you are screaming.

However, I would encourage you to not type in bold and in red, because that color is reserved for the mods when they are posting as mods.

I can already tell you have control issues and Hillary needs two planes for her luggage as far as I'm concerned. She has a lot of luggage going all the way back to her Rose law firm-Whitewater-Mena Arkansas days. Then there's Benghazi and her private email account while she was Sec. of State and her harddrive on her personal server has been conveniently wiped. Yep.... she's as pure as the driven white wash she is.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I gave you a helpful suggestion and was polite, too, nothing more. If you don't take the suggestion and a mod ends up pouncing on you, then I not a fuck give.

Furthermore, intro threads are not supposed to be overtly political. If you feel like going all ballistic over Hillary because of my sigfile, well, have at it, but it says alot about you, since you don't even know me yet.

So, you can either think about the suggestion - or you can be a dick.

Your call.
BOLD type is NOT against the rules. If SO quote it now. This NEW member has the RIGHT to EXPECT other members to tell the truth about USMB.

Before you go in for your next lobotomy, l'il slugger, feast your eyes on this:

"You are correct: typing in bold is not forbidden, but in internet-speak, it is taken to mean that you are screaming."

That's a quote of me.

Which part of the word "not" did you not understand, l'il slugger?
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!

Ya think? :eek:

Got to wonder if some who arrive here are only doing so because they have just been banned elsewhere.

That would explain the attitude.
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
No, I was being nice and giving you something to bitch about.

Sense of humor. Get one.
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!

Ya think? :eek:

Got to wonder if some who arrive here are only doing so because they have just been banned elsewhere.

That would explain the attitude.

"Razzle-frazzle-schnitzen-fritzen, they are gonna have to pry those bolds and caps from my cold, dead hands! Live free or die! Aaaaaaargh!!!"
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
You ARE a net vet and forum hard. This site needs more of that.
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?

I think that your therapist is going to have a lot to work with at your next session. You seem needy!
I am looking forward to sharing my views and to debating with others on a variety of topics. I am an iconoclastic Libertarian Constitutionalist who is going to challenge a lot of peoples beliefs I'm sure.
Welcome, pilgrim. I don't care whether you're someone's sock or not. Jump right in. The waters fine.

One of those words you wrote was the absolute truth. Well, actually, two....


See you out there, l'il slugger. Lots of Sapere to earn....
The two words were CONTROL ISSUES Statistics Stallion and go pound sand you control freak!
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
You ARE a net vet and forum hard. This site needs more of that.
Sounds like you're making a pass at him.
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
You ARE a net vet and forum hard. This site needs more of that.
Sounds like you're making a pass at him.

They have so much in common! :D
Welcome! Typing in bold is against the rules. It also makes you look angry.

I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
You ARE a net vet and forum hard. This site needs more of that.
Sounds like you're making a pass at him.
This board NEEDS STRONG posters. And they NEED them of every political stripe.

One of those words you wrote was the absolute truth. Well, actually, two....


See you out there, l'il slugger. Lots of Sapere to earn....
The two words were CONTROL ISSUES Statistics Stallion and go pound sand you control freak!

"I am sorry, Hal, but I cannot close the pod bay door. Your ASS is stuck in it."

On top of that, it seems like your anger may cause you to break something.


It may be helpful to know that USMB does not have a money-back guarantee for broken egos. You break it, you are stuck with it. Nosiree, no USMB nanny-state here to help "glue your Sigmund Humpty" back together. But if you hum a couple of bars, I may be able to improvise some.
I've read the USMB rules and guidelines and typing in bold is NOT against the rules Ravi. If it were against the rules then why would USMB make it available to make bold letters and color texts? Besides, I noticed people posting in bold letters all over this board. It's only your opinion that typing in bold letters makes people look angry but your opinion is not going to dictate how I choose to post.
You seem angry!
You seem controlling! You used an exclamation mark? Are you angry?
You ARE a net vet and forum hard. This site needs more of that.
Sounds like you're making a pass at him.

They have so much in common! :D

Yes, they do!!!

BTW, the two cheerleaders at the end are HAWT!!

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