Greg Abbott Falls Apart When Asked How He Will Eliminate All Rape in Texas


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
When asked about rape and incest abbott doesn't answer the question.

He just filibusters.

A republican in the state Senate has written a bill that will exempt rape and incest from that horrible law.

abbott doesn't think it will pass. If it does he won't sign it.

That's how much he wants to punish women for being raped and surviving incest.

The man is very sick.

When asked about rape and incest abbott doesn't answer the question.

He just filibusters.

A republican in the state Senate has written a bill that will exempt rape and incest from that horrible law.

abbott doesn't think it will pass. If it does he won't sign it.

That's how much he wants to punish women for being raped and surviving incest.

The man is very sick.

Girls, this is what happens when you dont vote.
When asked about rape and incest abbott doesn't answer the question.

He just filibusters.

A republican in the state Senate has written a bill that will exempt rape and incest from that horrible law.

abbott doesn't think it will pass. If it does he won't sign it.

That's how much he wants to punish women for being raped and surviving incest.

The man is very sick.

Coming from the people that elected Joe “fingers Biden, I’d say you guys don’t care about punishing rapists at all. You all voted for one and then installed him in the White House.

Of course it is a stupid claim

But Abbott offered it as his solution to banning victims of rape and incest from access to abortion

Did Gov. Abbott actually say that banning abortion would eliminate Rape?

I doubt if he did, but he obviously he either misspoke or you misheard
How many women will be forced to carry a baby from RAPE to birth against their personal wishes due to this Texas law?
When asked about rape and incest abbott doesn't answer the question.

He just filibusters.

A republican in the state Senate has written a bill that will exempt rape and incest from that horrible law.

abbott doesn't think it will pass. If it does he won't sign it.

That's how much he wants to punish women for being raped and surviving incest.

The man is very sick.

If you took the rapist and cut off his private parts, then you wouldnt have any repeat offenders....You progressives slaves who think rapists are human beings are sick.
Because women alone are responsible for conception ?

No woman consents to rape or incest.

No woman is responsible for those barbaric acts.

To actually blame the woman for being raped or surviving incest is beyond disgusting.

But it's what I expect from republicans.
When asked about rape and incest abbott doesn't answer the question.

He just filibusters.

A republican in the state Senate has written a bill that will exempt rape and incest from that horrible law.

abbott doesn't think it will pass. If it does he won't sign it.

That's how much he wants to punish women for being raped and surviving incest.

The man is very sick.

Rape is not a crime punishable by death

The lib abortion crowd should be pushing for capital punishment - death - for convicted rapists

And if not why not?
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Because women alone are responsible for conception ?

They are responsible for their bodies?!? Yes? No?!?

It ultimately hinges on what the woman agrees to. If she is not on the pill or another form of contraception then she should make sure the guy wears a condom.

The choice..........Sex with a condom OR no sex.

Which one you choosing? :cul2:
No one can eliminate "all" rape, that's an impossibility.

It was a stupid question to ask any reasonable person.
It was a stupid answer.

Ladies need to get out the vote in all Red States and turn the American Taliban out of power because they are driven by belief, and they believe it is their right to co-opt your body for the State.

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