Greta T gets serious dose of real!

I might agree with you if this were a one off. Weather may be variable from day to day, but climate deals in the long-term changes. If 70 degrees in December and January in Alaska become more common place, then we may be witnessing a climatic shift rather than typical weather variation IMHO.
And you base your climate change narrative on 138 years of record keeping--a blink in the earth's history.
When it's 60 degrees on Christmas does that make global warming real? Or does weather only count when it fits your narrative?
Wow, do you even fucking know what you just said?

It may be 60 degrees where you are (called an Indian Summer) while in Californication they are getting record snowfall. You MMGW zealots really do have a mental problem.

Record-breaking Sierra snow buries towns, closes highways
"It's snowmaggedon," said Kulieke, 71, whose mountain cabin was buried under at least 4 feet of powder Monday amid record-breaking snowfall in the Sierra Nevada. "It's just beyond belief how much snow there is."

Oh i forgot the global warming chant. It must be warming (above 32 degrees) in the Arctic, for the below freezing(below 32 degrees) temperatures to come into America and cause rain to form snow.
I might agree with you if this were a one off. Weather may be variable from day to day, but climate deals in the long-term changes. If 70 degrees in December and January in Alaska become more common place, then we may be witnessing a climatic shift rather than typical weather variation IMHO.
You're right. So there's no need to go all Chicken Little just yet, is there?
Greta Nazi.jpg
The idiocy of these people claiming "climate change" when they know absolutely NOTHING about this planets science or how the planet works, is beyond any descriptive term.

So what if it snows in Mexifornia or is 70 degrees near the North Pole!! TODAY is not the FIRST fucking day this planet has been in existence in this universe. It's had MANY, MANY, MANY other days like the ones you complain and whine about. Maybe not in YOUR lifetime, but YOUR lifetime is a fart in the wind, compared to the lifespan of this planet!!! Do some fucking RESEARCH and you'll see that the WEATHER has gone off the non-typical patterns hundreds, if not thousands of times before in this planets history!!!
Who do we trust if not the people that know more than anybody else?

Should I get my news from RealClimateScienz?
Who do we trust if not the people that know more than anybody else?

I will listen to a scientist, speaking in the language of science, concerning any subject that is their area of study.

I won't put any faith in a politician or their media lapdogs shoveling out an overly-simplistic doomsday prognostication in order to seize more power.

Several political states in the past used their own "version" of science to push a politically-slanted message to the masses, labeling anyone who questioned that message as ignorant or un-scientific and ridiculing anyone who dared question "greater minds".

Notice that almost invariably, it is always these bulldog looking women who take up some k00k cause thing. You see it all the time. Its always the bulldogs......although I get it.......who wouldnt be miserable as fcuk?

What is hysterical is that the climate crusaders never seem to get around to recognizing that every time there is some historic snow event like this, it sets back the climate k00k agenda 10 years. The research is clear on that.....folks tend to perceive the climate based upon local weather observations. They see a historic bomb blizzard, concerns about climate change get put waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list of concerns. Another reason why "the science" doesnt matter to voters. Common sense > theory.

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