Greta Thurnberg

They melted well before the 1300s.
How many Vikings on Greenland 20,000 years ago?

For scientific purposes that does not matter. Greenland continued to freeze as the North American Ice Age continued to melt. How did Co2 do that???


we had ice sheets thousands of miles from the pole.
How is that possible under your "scenario"?

Greenland is LAB B - the top of Northern Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole - Earth glacier manufacturing system ON
How far south does Greenland push its glaciers today? Well outside of the Arctic Circle, but ... Greenland runs out of LAND.

So Greenland does not prove glaciers get to Chicago when started in Northern Canada, but it certainly proves they get outside of the polar circle, the Greenland ice age is also very "young," a "baby," and hence it is not hard to understand that when the center of Greenland gets to 2 miles thick, that ice will get further south before it melts...

North American Ice Age chart above is where they start and where they melt. Chicago was near the melting point, never the start... so stop lying about that...
For scientific purposes that does not matter. Greenland continued to freeze as the North American Ice Age continued to melt. How did Co2 do that???


Greenland is LAB B - the top of Northern Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole - Earth glacier manufacturing system ON
How far south does Greenland push its glaciers today? Well outside of the Arctic Circle, but ... Greenland runs out of LAND.

So Greenland does not prove glaciers get to Chicago when started in Northern Canada, but it certainly proves they get outside of the polar circle, the Greenland ice age is also very "young," a "baby," and hence it is not hard to understand that when the center of Greenland gets to 2 miles thick, that ice will get further south before it melts...

North American Ice Age chart above is where they start and where they melt. Chicago was near the melting point, never the start... so stop lying about that...

Greenland is LAB B - the top of Northern Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole - Earth glacier manufacturing system ON


How far south does Greenland push its glaciers today? Well outside of the Arctic Circle, but ... Greenland runs out of LAND.

Did Greenland have extra land 20,000 years ago?

North American Ice Age chart above is where they start and where they melt. Chicago was near the melting point, never the start... so stop lying about that...

How long ago, before the 20,000 year max of the last glaciation, was Chicago ice-free?
Yep. You catch on slowly.
What was it supposed to mean?
That's the data. When Yellowstone erupted 600k years ago, it left an ash trail all over. But the ash that landed on ice did not end up getting buried for us to find it later. The Yellowstone ash map helped to map the glaciers...
My point is that your map shows ice covering all of Illinois at the same time the Laurentide Sheet had just reached Chicago. Is that what happened?
Did Greenland have extra land 20,000 years ago?

It actually did. The glaciers dig and dump "land" in the ocean. Center of Greenland is now below sea level. It was not 2 million years ago. 20k years ago the Greenland ice age had not yet penetrated the mountain range at the northern part of the Southern Tip. That is how the Vikings found it. They looked on the other side, the northern side, and saw nothing but ice. They were "safe" for a few hundred years, because when ice ages penetrate mountain ranges, they rip off parts of the mountains, causing a "spill" effect and rapid - in the glacier context - movement

before the 20,000 year max of the last glaciation

Your claim of a "max" is laughable. Chicago was likely under ice for 40+ million years. As the NA ice age melted, and it likely was already melting when the Yellowstone eruption happened 600k years ago, it did so very slowly, and caused rivers and lakes which pushed chunks of ice here and there. Indiana still had glaciers 10k years ago.
My point is that your map shows ice covering all of Illinois at the same time the Laurentide Sheet had just reached Chicago. Is that what happened?

I believe the map shows 1 million years ago, with a stub of what was perhaps 25-30 million years ago, the "earlier" stub.

Chicago was likely under ice age glacier for 30+ million years. Just how far south the glaciers got was a function of how thick they were and the position of land relative to Sun. Clearly, the ice did not get to Texas, meaning the Sun was strong enough to melt it before it got to Texas. Data is data. NA has moved SW for 30 million or so years.
It actually did. The glaciers dig and dump "land" in the ocean. Center of Greenland is now below sea level. It was not 2 million years ago. 20k years ago the Greenland ice age had not yet penetrated the mountain range at the northern part of the Southern Tip. That is how the Vikings found it. They looked on the other side, the northern side, and saw nothing but ice. They were "safe" for a few hundred years, because when ice ages penetrate mountain ranges, they rip off parts of the mountains, causing a "spill" effect and rapid - in the glacier context - movement

Your claim of a "max" is laughable. Chicago was likely under ice for 40+ million years. As the NA ice age melted, and it likely was already melting when the Yellowstone eruption happened 600k years ago, it did so very slowly, and caused rivers and lakes which pushed chunks of ice here and there. Indiana still had glaciers 10k years ago.

Your claim of a "max" is laughable. Chicago was likely under ice for 40+ million years.

Your claim is that Chicago was under ice, uninterrupted, for millions of years, until 20,000 years ago?


Any backup?
Your claim of a "max" is laughable. Chicago was likely under ice for 40+ million years.

Your claim is that Chicago was under ice, uninterrupted, for millions of years, until 20,000 years ago?


Any backup?

North American Ice Age.

Laurentine Ice Sheet

It is what it does. Do you think 200 miles inland on Antarctica has not been under ice for 30+ million years?
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel
I think she is on the Autism spectrum and is the product of disgustingly manipulative Liberal parents and an unbelievably gullible public. That little twit addressed the United Nations ferchrisssakes!
North American Ice Age.

Laurentine Ice Sheet

It is what it does. Do you think 200 miles inland on Antarctica has not been under ice for 30+ million years?

Do you think 200 miles inland on Antarctica has not been under ice for 30+ million years?

No backup for Chicago under ice for 40 million years?
Do you think 200 miles inland on Antarctica has not been under ice for 30+ million years?

No backup for Chicago under ice for 40 million years?

What is your evidence that Chicago was not under ice for 30 (and I'll stay at 30, 40 is an aggressive number) million years??

Do you think Ice Ages happen as fast as Dennis Quaide's movie???
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel

She's good at getting noticed. Whether she's good at understanding reality is something else.
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel
She's as hypocritical as the day is long. She spews her Marxist tripe and warns everyone that the world is about to end if we don't stop burning "fossil" fuel while, simultaneously, traveling all over the world in vehicles that burn fossil fuel. Nobody could ever accuse her of being a genius. That's for sure. In fact ... just looking at her makes me wonder if she's two clicks away from being a victim of Down Syndrome.


What is your evidence that Chicago was not under ice for 30 (and I'll stay at 30, 40 is an aggressive number) million years??

Do you think Ice Ages happen as fast as Dennis Quaide's movie???

The starting point for the development of ecosystems in the Chicago region is the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age, the Wisconsin glaciation. During the maximum of the Wisconsin glaciation, the Lake Michigan lobe of the great Laurentide ice sheet, which covered much of Canada and the northern United States, advanced over the entire Chicago region. The ice sheet entered northeastern Illinois about 30,000 years ago during the Marengo Phase of the Wisconsin glaciation, and it reached its southernmost extent near Shelbyville in central Illinois about 24,000 years ago. At this time, glacial ice covered the entire Chicago region. The outer edge of the ice sheet advanced and retreated several times before finally disappearing from Illinois. By about 18,000 years ago, the active ice sheet retreated into the Lake Michigan basin, although stagnant, melting ice remained behind. The ice then rapidly readvanced to the prominent Valparaiso moraine in the western Chicago region. After retreating from the Valparaiso moraine, the ice margin made a series of minor advances and retreats, building the Lake Border moraines just north of Chicago about 17,000 years ago, after which the Wisconsin glacier finally retreated from Illinois. Thus, time zero for development of post-Pleistocene ecosystems in the Chicago region is about 17,000 years ago.

Your turn, what is your evidence that Chicago was under ice for 30 million years??
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel

Lessee: Some very young EU girl with no education, no experience, no job and no skills
jaunts all around the world 12 months a year giving lectures to adults and before TV
cameras fighting for the Earth unasked by the planet, self-professed spokeswoman---
Gee, this has got to be the greatest scam ever dreamed up! I just want to know
who the guy is putting her up to all of this writing all these speeches for her
paying for her flights, transportation, hotels, clothes and food and
whether and how often he is hitting that. :smoke:
The starting point for the development of ecosystems in the Chicago region is the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age, the Wisconsin glaciation. During the maximum of the Wisconsin glaciation, the Lake Michigan lobe of the great Laurentide ice sheet, which covered much of Canada and the northern United States, advanced over the entire Chicago region. The ice sheet entered northeastern Illinois about 30,000 years ago during the Marengo Phase of the Wisconsin glaciation, and it reached its southernmost extent near Shelbyville in central Illinois about 24,000 years ago. At this time, glacial ice covered the entire Chicago region. The outer edge of the ice sheet advanced and retreated several times before finally disappearing from Illinois. By about 18,000 years ago, the active ice sheet retreated into the Lake Michigan basin, although stagnant, melting ice remained behind. The ice then rapidly readvanced to the prominent Valparaiso moraine in the western Chicago region. After retreating from the Valparaiso moraine, the ice margin made a series of minor advances and retreats, building the Lake Border moraines just north of Chicago about 17,000 years ago, after which the Wisconsin glacier finally retreated from Illinois. Thus, time zero for development of post-Pleistocene ecosystems in the Chicago region is about 17,000 years ago.

Your turn, what is your evidence that Chicago was under ice for 30 million years??

From your link

Geologists refer to the last 1.8 million years as the Quaternary period, a time when great continental glaciers advanced and then retreated 20 or more times

For them to keep their jobs, they must spin and lie to make it sound like there are "ice ages" every 20 years or so...

In reality, the ice age near the "melting point line" ie Chicago and Indiana will grow and advance in the winter and shrink melt retreat in the summer. GENIUS....

Study finds current Arctic warming is almost unheard of in past 2.5 million years.


Covered with ice, and then it melts = warming = brilliant.

Not covered with ice, and then covered with ice = cooling = Greenland = time to fudge and lie a lot....

It is perfectly clear that in the past decade, there has been a serious taxpayer funded effort to erase "North american ice age" from history and claim it advanced and retreated based on planetary warming and cooling. All of that is complete nonsense.

If they admit the truth that NA thawed while Greenland froze, they out their fraud, and they know it....

So we get taxpayer funded BS like the stuff you parrot.
The second chart is also marked "earlier" meaning 30-50 million years ago. That was the point where the ice that originated in Northern Canada melted. 1 million years ago that point was Indiana and Chicago because NA moved SW starting around 30 million years ago.

As Greenland proves, a continent specific ice age that starts on land within 600 miles of a pole will push glaciers way past the polar circle before they melt, and that takes under 2 million years....

No .. your second chart is labled `~20,000 years ago` ... is Englishing your second language or something? ...
No .. your second chart is labled `~20,000 years ago` ... is Englishing your second language or something? ...

No, that's near the Pacific Coast.

The subtitle under Illinois is "earlier glaciation"

Nice try...
From your link

Geologists refer to the last 1.8 million years as the Quaternary period, a time when great continental glaciers advanced and then retreated 20 or more times

For them to keep their jobs, they must spin and lie to make it sound like there are "ice ages" every 20 years or so...

In reality, the ice age near the "melting point line" ie Chicago and Indiana will grow and advance in the winter and shrink melt retreat in the summer. GENIUS....

Study finds current Arctic warming is almost unheard of in past 2.5 million years.


Covered with ice, and then it melts = warming = brilliant.

Not covered with ice, and then covered with ice = cooling = Greenland = time to fudge and lie a lot....

It is perfectly clear that in the past decade, there has been a serious taxpayer funded effort to erase "North american ice age" from history and claim it advanced and retreated based on planetary warming and cooling. All of that is complete nonsense.

If they admit the truth that NA thawed while Greenland froze, they out their fraud, and they know it....

So we get taxpayer funded BS like the stuff you parrot.

Geologists refer to the last 1.8 million years as the Quaternary period, a time when great continental glaciers advanced and then retreated 20 or more times

For them to keep their jobs, they must spin and lie to make it sound like there are "ice ages" every 20 years or so...

Every 20 years? Link?

Your turn, what is your evidence that Chicago was under ice for 30 million years??
Geologists refer to the last 1.8 million years as the Quaternary period, a time when great continental glaciers advanced and then retreated 20 or more times

For them to keep their jobs, they must spin and lie to make it sound like there are "ice ages" every 20 years or so...

Every 20 years? Link?

Your turn, what is your evidence that Chicago was under ice for 30 million years??

They have been busy re-writing climate history since 2010, that's for sure. Even the formation of the shale rock with hydrocarbon has been re-written since 2010. What our "climate science" purchases, re-writing history to fit the narrative...

The vast deposits of shale in North America contain 3 times the hydrocarbon of Saudi Arabia. Why is that not oil? Why and how was it "pressed" into rock? Climate "scientists" did not like that answer either. 30 million years of being under mile plus thick ice is the real answer.

The age of the ice in Chicago you cite is based upon the age of the scratches in rocks. It is not hard to understand that older scratches got "erased" over time.

In 2010 a search of North American Ice Age got many answers all citing the 30-50 million year old estimate. homO clearly told those receiving the taxpayer climate research dollars to re-write that. And now we have the bogus "glaciation cycles" clearly refuted by the NA-Greenland paradox.

So, show us the evidence of LIFE in Chicago 2-30 million years ago.... We have evidence of LIFE on Greenland 2 million years ago at the top and 400-800k years ago at the center.


They'll fund some "new studies" to "refute" that, because THERE WAS NO LIFE.... and it isn't hard to figure out why.

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