Greta Von Death Metal, killer climate song.

this is dumb and anyone who thinks its funny should have their right to vote revoked
How about you stop your boo hooing, your mewling, and your hysterical handwringing, and actually pony up at least one piece of real science that supports your pissing and moaning bullshit....

I already have... I'm kind of done treating evil, stupid Koch-suckers like they have something to say..

Much more fun to mock you.

I already have... I'm kind of done treating evil, stupid Koch-suckers like they have something to say.. have denied a great deal of peer reviewed science that has been published in respected journals.....

And you have not denied it based on the content, the data, the methodology, or the conclusions...or even based on the conclusions of other scientists who published work with different findings.

You denied the science based on a demented fantasy that involves the koch brothers have bought and paid for the research, and bought the publisher or scientific institution, up to and including the National Academy of Science that doesn't agree with what you have been told that the science finds.

But have not provided anything even resembling science...But it has been entertaining to watch, and a very informative look into the mind of a person who has a quasi religious view of climate science.

Much more fun to mock you.

Refer to the little info I gave you regarding being stupid. This will probably come as a surprise to you, but you are the subject of the mockery here. Look back through this thread....and note that not one of your warmer buddies has stepped up to help you out, in the least. Even they can see that you have not posted anything that even begins to support your claims...nor have any of them posted anything for the simple reason that there is no published sceince to support your beliefs.

And every time you post up your fantasy about the koch brothers, they cringe because you exemplify the prototypical useful idiot and they simply do not want to be associated with you may get a bit of encouragement in the form of a rating from another prototypical useful idiot, but nothing like someone else actively defending your position with you and helping you out with science that supports your position.

When you are stupid...and trying mockery, it rarely works tend to end up being the object of mockery..

And your video....same old shit...someone telling you about what the science says and not providing any actual science. You accept what they say on faith...not based on the actual published science. Acceptance based on faith is religious....not scientific. have denied a great deal of peer reviewed science that has been published in respected journals.....

Nothing you repost is "respected", Koch-Sucker.


This will probably come as a surprise to you, but you are the subject of the mockery here. Look back through this thread....and note that not one of your warmer buddies has stepped up to help you out, in the least.

I think everyone else had a good laugh at your expense and moved on...

But I know you are a black hole of emotional need, and want someone to pay attention to you.

WTF is it with progressives always rolling out these kids like David Hogg and this young girl?? Just shows you the level of bobblehead in these people.......bozo's like JoeB would follow a 10 year old right over a cliff if he concurred with their ideology!:2up:. Not give it a second thought!

He's talking about the Koch cares.
Nothing you repost is "respected", Koch-Sucker.

You seem to have an irrational fixation on the Koch brothers and seem to believe that they are capable of undermining an entire branch of science with their money.

Tell me...can you point to any body of work that they have financed which is particularly threatening to climate sceince and demonstrably false? Can you point to any peer reviewed, published paper financed by the Koch brothers which undermines climate science and is demonstrably false?

Or, as I suspect, is your fixation on the koch brothers just something else someone told you to think and you can't actually point to any science funded by the koch brothers which is false?

Do you think that their money can overturn all the repeatable experiments and data that support the AGW hypothesis and......never mind...there are no repeatable experiments and data which support the AGW hypothesis.

Point out some koch brothers funded work and demonstrate how and why it is false...or don't and just show people what a tool you are.

But I know you are a black hole of emotional need, and want someone to pay attention to you. are the one who needs to have the needs to be focused on you whether you desire it or not. People need to see how weak and mewling the argument in support of the AGW hypothesis really is...people need to see that you can't support your position with anything like science...people need to see that name calling, and memes, and vague claims of bought and paid for science are really all you have. People need to see your whining, impotent defense of your position...

Thanks for obliging...a weaker defense of the AGW hypothesis has never been presented...except perhaps for realdave's...but yours and his are so close that you may be the same poster..
You seem to have an irrational fixation on the Koch brothers and seem to believe that they are capable of undermining an entire branch of science with their money.

Yes, that's pretty much what they did. Too bad you don't realize you are a dupe.

Point out some koch brothers funded work and demonstrate how and why it is false...or don't and just show people what a tool you are.

I've done this dozens of times, Koch-sucker.
Yes, that's pretty much what they did. Too bad you don't realize you are a dupe.

So lets see an example or two...if they are that powerful, you should have no problem demonstrating by providing some evidence...

Unless of course, it is all just what someone else told you to which case, you probably can't provide any evidence since you never saw any...and have no idea whether any such thing even exists or not.

So which is it? Got evidence to show...or only evidence that it is just what someone told you to think?

I've done this dozens of times, Koch-sucker.

No doubt you have told that lie dozens of is highly doubtful that you have ever actually done it since you can't even provide a single peer reviewed, published paper funded by the koch brothers that is demonstrably wrong...
So lets see an example or two...if they are that powerful, you should have no problem demonstrating by providing some evidence...
Again, already did that.. .not going to waste time on a Koch-Sucker who believes any shit the Koch Brothers tell him because he hates the thought of the government telling him what to drive.

I posted these earlier in the thread.

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine

“Kochland” Examines the Koch Brothers’ Early, Crucial Role in Climate-Change Denial

David Koch Is Dead, But His Legacy of Climate Denial Lives On

The terrifying legacy of David Koch

But of course, these are all part of the vast conspiracy involving the media, the government and academia...this vast conspiracy to make you not drive a gas-guzzling SUV.
The Kochs' place in funding climate denial is covered well in the recent book Kochland by Christopher Leonard. They were big funders of a key 1991 Cato Institute conference, which mobilized furiously after President George H.W. Bush announced he would support a climate change treaty. They went on to spend gargantuan sums boosting up the handful of credentialed scientists who deny climate change, funding climate-denying "think tanks" and publications, donating to climate-denying politicians (and refusing money to those who don't), and so on. Greenpeace estimates that between 1997 and 2017 the Koch family spent more than ExxonMobil funding climate denial, and thus established climate-change denial as conservative dogma. While conservative parties in almost every other country have endorsed at least some kind of climate policy; the reason Republicans still do not is to a great degree the responsibility of just two men.

So all those "Papers" you cite that deny Climate Change...

The Koch Brothers paid for them.
The Kochs' place in funding climate denial is covered well in the recent book Kochland by Christopher Leonard. They were big funders of a key 1991 Cato Institute conference, which mobilized furiously after President George H.W. Bush announced he would support a climate change treaty. They went on to spend gargantuan sums boosting up the handful of credentialed scientists who deny climate change, funding climate-denying "think tanks" and publications, donating to climate-denying politicians (and refusing money to those who don't), and so on. Greenpeace estimates that between 1997 and 2017 the Koch family spent more than ExxonMobil funding climate denial, and thus established climate-change denial as conservative dogma. While conservative parties in almost every other country have endorsed at least some kind of climate policy; the reason Republicans still do not is to a great degree the responsibility of just two men.

So all those "Papers" you cite that deny Climate Change...

The Koch Brothers paid for them.
And this is a bad thing?
So lets see an example or two...if they are that powerful, you should have no problem demonstrating by providing some evidence...
Again, already did that.. .not going to waste time on a Koch-Sucker who believes any shit the Koch Brothers tell him because he hates the thought of the government telling him what to drive.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? I asked you to name some specific piece of science funded by the koch brothers that is demonstrably false...

All you have done with this is to prove that you really have no idea what they might have funded and simply fear them because you were told to...your fantasy isn't based on anything other than what you have been told to think.

So you provided a hit piece by greenpeace which doesn't name any specific research that the koch brothers have funded....merely speculations on what the money was spent on...of course they do tell you to hate them and to deride them at every opportunity...

Then there is another hit piece by that liberal rag...the new yorker which also is full of vagaries...and doesn't name any particular bit of science that the brothers funded...or suggest that any of it is demonstrably false...

Is this sort of drivel really what informs your thinking? Little wonder you are a dupe... provide a liberal blog that calls itself news...yet mention of any particular research funded by the koch brothers...nor is there any mention of research that is demonstrably false...

These are the people who tell you what to think? Really? Geez guy...wise up...

And you finish up in fine form with yet another blog which again, doesn't mention any research funded by the brothers nor does it mention any research that is demonstrably false.

So have not even come close to providing a single piece of research funded by the brothers...nor have you come close to showing that any of it is demonstrably false...

So in short...either you deliberately lied about what you have provided or aren't smart enough to know that what you did provide doesn't even come close to providing evidence of anything other than vague conspiracy that really where you get your information?

But of course, these are all part of the vast conspiracy involving the media, the government and academia...this vast conspiracy to make you not drive a gas-guzzling SUV.

Ooooohhhhhh...a vast conspiracy is it? Which part of the conspiracy is covered by the fact that even though they have wasted more than a trillion dollars, climate science can't provide you with even a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability?
The Kochs' place in funding climate denial is covered well in the recent book Kochland by Christopher Leonard. They were big funders of a key 1991 Cato Institute conference, which mobilized furiously after President George H.W. Bush announced he would support a climate change treaty. They went on to spend gargantuan sums boosting up the handful of credentialed scientists who deny climate change, funding climate-denying "think tanks" and publications, donating to climate-denying politicians (and refusing money to those who don't), and so on. Greenpeace estimates that between 1997 and 2017 the Koch family spent more than ExxonMobil funding climate denial, and thus established climate-change denial as conservative dogma. While conservative parties in almost every other country have endorsed at least some kind of climate policy; the reason Republicans still do not is to a great degree the responsibility of just two men.

So all those "Papers" you cite that deny Climate Change...

The Koch Brothers paid for them.

Kochland...conspiracy theory writ large...are you kidding? The book is written like a pulp fiction thriller...amazing that people read that sort of drivel and actually believe it...

How about you name some particlar piece of research that the brothers funded and is demonstrably can have your conspiracy theories...I am more of a fact based me some research that they funded which you can demonstrate is flawed, or deliberately false...none of your sources seem to be able to do you, they seem to be limited to vague theories regarding what they might have done but seem to be quite short on specifics...
And this is a bad thing?

Um. Yeah. The planet being rendered uninhabitable would be a bad thing.

Uninhabitable....that is a hell of a leap to make considering that you can't even provide a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

And since there has never been a single paper published in which the warming that we are supposed to be causing has been empirically measured, and quantified...upon what do you base your belief that the planet is going to be uninhabitable..

Just more bullhshit that you have been told to believe without any actual evidence...and like a true believe...laughable joe...and f'ing sad...
And this is a bad thing?

Um. Yeah. The planet being rendered uninhabitable would be a bad thing.
Jeez Louize, what with the impending depression, uninhabitable planet and Trump's re-election you might consider how you can stop your suffering. It really isn't that hard and there are many ways to do it.

I don't see how these people manage to live day to day...the depths of their fantasies is incredible..

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