Greta Von Death Metal, killer climate song.

Fair share? What does that mean in socialist speak? The rich already pay more than their fair share. A fair share would be each individual paying an equal percentage of their soon as you say that one must pay more than that percentage, then you have stopped being fair and become punitive......punishing people for being successful.

Nope, fair s hare is what we had before Reagan screwed it all up. Wealth was redistributed, we had a healthy middle class and stuff got done...

The debt went out of control when liberals decided to start handing out other people's earnings to people who were not earning, in ever increasing amounts...spending more than you earn is what causes debt to spiral out of will never go into debt till you start spending more than you earn..

Bullshit. If the government ONLY did welfare, it would be a lot smaller than it is now.

I know, you think that people should work well into their 80's making sure your Koch Masters get more Dressage Horses.. but decent people really thought they should be able to spend their final years in comfort.
No..actually it didn't...And there never was a threat.

Not that I suppose it would matter a whit to you...or that I would expect for you to understand any of it...but here are some undeniable facts regarding the ozone hole scam...

Oh, no, we are going into Black Helicopters flown by lizard people territory here...

So the best response you can manage is a logical fallacy? How completely unsurprising is that?

If you believe I am wrong, the proper response from someone other than a dupe would be to provide some actual science that demonstrates that I am wrong...Then we could go back and forth with the science a bit and either you could sufficiently make your case that I am wrong, in which case I, being a thinking person, would modify my position to encompass the new information, or you couldn't in which case my position would remain unassailed and stand.

Instead, you offer up a very weak, logical fallacy that required almost no thought at all and admitted defeat. When the only response you can muster is an insult, then you have lost...
Fair share? What does that mean in socialist speak? The rich already pay more than their fair share. A fair share would be each individual paying an equal percentage of their soon as you say that one must pay more than that percentage, then you have stopped being fair and become punitive......punishing people for being successful.

Nope, fair s hare is what we had before Reagan screwed it all up. Wealth was redistributed, we had a healthy middle class and stuff got done...

Like I said...what does "fair" mean in socialist speak. You may be unaware, but the word fair has a definition and it is pretty clear. Fair is defined as treating all sides alike....justly and equitably with no bias.

If every citizen in the nation paid the same percentage of their earnings as taxes, then you would have a fair, equitable system with no bais. As soon as you start saying that because one person has created more success for himself and therefore must pay an additional amount beyond the fair and equitable amount that shows no bias, then you stop being fair and must use some other word.

Now since fair isn't the word that you should be using for the tax system you favor, how about you try to come up with a different word. One in which the definition of the word fits the system you favor. The word punitive comes to mind if you wish for someone to pay a higher percentage of his or her earnings because they have more earnings...but if you can think of a better one, by all means lets hear it...but fair isn't it.

Bullshit. If the government ONLY did welfare, it would be a lot smaller than it is now.

Social spending is why we are in debt up to our eyeballs..

I know, you think that people should work well into their 80's making sure your Koch Masters get more Dressage Horses.. but decent people really thought they should be able to spend their final years in comfort.

I think that people should spend their working years not satisfying every impulse for instant gratification and actually save for their retirement... That is what I did...that is what my parents did...that is what their parents did...that is what my children are doing..and I can only hope that they teach their children to do the same. I will be comfortable with out without social security...and social security is no sort of security is little more than continued existence...had you put all the money you pay into social security, over the span of a working career into a financial vehicle that pays even the relatively low interest of a treasury note, you would actually be able to retire in comfort...not mere existence as is the case if you depend on government programs like social security to "take care" of you.


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Like I said...what does "fair" mean in socialist speak. You may be unaware, but the word fair has a definition and it is pretty clear. Fair is defined as treating all sides alike....justly and equitably with no bias.

If every citizen in the nation paid the same percentage of their earnings as taxes, then you would have a fair, equitable system with no bais. As soon as you start saying that because one person has created more success for himself and therefore must pay an additional amount beyond the fair and equitable amount that shows no bias, then you stop being fair and must use some other word.

As a very smart and wise man said, "you didn't build that". If you've had "success", it's because a stable, effective government provided the infrastructure for you to thrive. So of course, if you get more out of it, you should pay more.

Sounds totally fair to most people... except for the Koch Brothers and their Ball-Lickers like you. Just remember, Charles Koch's balls aren't going to lick themselves.

Now since fair isn't the word that you should be using for the tax system you favor, how about you try to come up with a different word. One in which the definition of the word fits the system you favor. The word punitive comes to mind if you wish for someone to pay a higher percentage of his or her earnings because they have more earnings...but if you can think of a better one, by all means lets hear it...but fair isn't it.

Actually, "Fair" would be to take the bloodsucking capitalists, take every last fucking thing they own, and then harvest them for transplant organs for needy people. That seems totally fair to me. They'll finally be doing some good in the world rather than the absolute fucking misery they inflict on the rest of us.

BUt that would be a bit harsh, so a larger percentage of their income it is.

Social spending is why we are in debt up to our eyeballs..

No, that would be bloated military spending on the Miltiary Industrial Complex. Social spending is just enough to keep the poor from rioting...

I think that people should spend their working years not satisfying every impulse for instant gratification and actually save for their retirement... That is what I did..

I'm sure a lot of people who hit 64 in 2008 thought that way, before the Banksters looted the system. They were all glad social security was there for them.
As a very smart and wise man said, "you didn't build that". If you've had "success", it's because a stable, effective government provided the infrastructure for you to thrive. So of course, if you get more out of it, you should pay more. [/qujote]

Fair is having everyone live under the stable and effective government...fair is not penalizing some people because they are able to make more success for themselves/

Sounds totally fair to most people... except for the Koch Brothers and their Ball-Lickers like you. Just remember, Charles Koch's balls aren't going to lick themselves.

No..that would only sound fair to socialists...and perhaps to people who don't actually know what the word fair means.

Actually, "Fair" would be to take the bloodsucking capitalists, take every last fucking thing they own, and then harvest them for transplant organs for needy people. That seems totally fair to me. They'll finally be doing some good in the world rather than the absolute fucking misery they inflict on the rest of us.

Ahhhh...the hate, inspired by envy and jealousy comes rushing forth. You couldn't manage to eek out a bit of real success for yourself so your envy drives you to hate those who did manage...

Not a rational position, but you don't show much rationality in anything. Clearly you are driven by emotions that you not only have no control over, but don't understand...

No, that would be bloated military spending on the Miltiary Industrial Complex. Social spending is just enough to keep the poor from rioting...

No it is the trillion dollars plus per year spent on unconstitutional social spending...again...your envy and hate prevents you from taking a rational look at anything...

I'm sure a lot of people who hit 64 in 2008 thought that way, before the Banksters looted the system. They were all glad social security was there for them.

Bad decisions and bad investments are to blame now? Like I said, if you put the money that you pay into social security into something as mundane as treasury bonds...or even US savings bonds over the course of a working career, you would retire comfortable...not have the the mere existence that social security allows..
If you believe I am wrong, the proper response from someone other than a dupe would be to provide some actual science that demonstrates that I am wrong...

Did that... bunch of times... Not going to get into Black Helicopter territory with you, bud. I had enough of that with Dale Smith before he left the board.

Nope..all you did was lie and say that you you think that people can't look back through the thread to see that you haven't actually posted any of the things you claim to have posted? Do you think that everyone is as stupid as you? Maybe looking back would never occur to you, but it does to thinking people..
Nope..all you did was lie and say that you you think that people can't look back through the thread to see that you haven't actually posted any of the things you claim to have posted?

Most sensible people can read.... and don't believe in black helicopter theories on how the whole scientific community is out to get your SUV.
Actually, "Fair" would be to take the bloodsucking capitalists, take every last fucking thing they own, and then harvest them for transplant organs for needy people. That seems totally fair to me. They'll finally be doing some good in the world rather than the absolute fucking misery they inflict on the rest of us.

Ahhhh...the hate, inspired by envy and jealousy comes rushing forth. You couldn't manage to eek out a bit of real success for yourself so your envy drives you to hate those who did manage...

Not a rational position, but you don't show much rationality in anything. Clearly you are driven by emotions that you not only have no control over, but don't understand...

I understand it perfectly well. The rich are parasites who've convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs. Most of the misery in the world is because the rich are too fucking greedy.

Since you are as ignorant of history as you are of science, this is how this works out...

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979
America 20??

No, that would be bloated military spending on the Miltiary Industrial Complex. Social spending is just enough to keep the poor from rioting...

No it is the trillion dollars plus per year spent on unconstitutional social spending...again...your envy and hate prevents you from taking a rational look at anything...

Two points-

One, I don't give a rat's fuck what a bunch of slave rapists wrote down in the constitution.
We have a 20 Trillion dollar economy and a 4 Trillion dollar Federal budget. 1 Trillion in entitlement spending is a pittance, and most of that goes to fat middle class entitlement. Even the Koch Brothers are stupid enough to openly call for the end of those. They'd get lynched.

I'm sure a lot of people who hit 64 in 2008 thought that way, before the Banksters looted the system. They were all glad social security was there for them.

Bad decisions and bad investments are to blame now? Like I said, if you put the money that you pay into social security into something as mundane as treasury bonds...or even US savings bonds over the course of a working career, you would retire comfortable...not have the the mere existence that social security allows..

Uh, sorry, guy, we did what we were supposed to do. We invested in our homes and our 401K's, and the One Percenters whose balls you just can't stop licking cheated us all, and then DEMANDED we bail them out.

That's when they aren't trying to fight saving the environment, because they probably already have their underground bunkers when the rest of us die.
Actually, "Fair" would be to take the bloodsucking capitalists, take every last fucking thing they own, and then harvest them for transplant organs for needy people. That seems totally fair to me. They'll finally be doing some good in the world rather than the absolute fucking misery they inflict on the rest of us.

Ahhhh...the hate, inspired by envy and jealousy comes rushing forth. You couldn't manage to eek out a bit of real success for yourself so your envy drives you to hate those who did manage...

Not a rational position, but you don't show much rationality in anything. Clearly you are driven by emotions that you not only have no control over, but don't understand...

I understand it perfectly well. The rich are parasites who've convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs. Most of the misery in the world is because the rich are too fucking greedy.

Since you are as ignorant of history as you are of science, this is how this works out...

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979
America 20??

No, that would be bloated military spending on the Miltiary Industrial Complex. Social spending is just enough to keep the poor from rioting...

No it is the trillion dollars plus per year spent on unconstitutional social spending...again...your envy and hate prevents you from taking a rational look at anything...

Two points-

One, I don't give a rat's fuck what a bunch of slave rapists wrote down in the constitution.
We have a 20 Trillion dollar economy and a 4 Trillion dollar Federal budget. 1 Trillion in entitlement spending is a pittance, and most of that goes to fat middle class entitlement. Even the Koch Brothers are stupid enough to openly call for the end of those. They'd get lynched.

I'm sure a lot of people who hit 64 in 2008 thought that way, before the Banksters looted the system. They were all glad social security was there for them.

Bad decisions and bad investments are to blame now? Like I said, if you put the money that you pay into social security into something as mundane as treasury bonds...or even US savings bonds over the course of a working career, you would retire comfortable...not have the the mere existence that social security allows..

Uh, sorry, guy, we did what we were supposed to do. We invested in our homes and our 401K's, and the One Percenters whose balls you just can't stop licking cheated us all, and then DEMANDED we bail them out.

That's when they aren't trying to fight saving the environment, because they probably already have their underground bunkers when the rest of us die.[/QUOTE]

Kudos Joe! I agree with much of your rant. Surprisingly.

I do however disagree with your condemnation of the Constitution, because SOME of the Founding Fathers were slave holders. That’s not a good reason for condemning it. Much of the Constitution is worthy of our praise, no matter who wrote it. The problem lies in the fact that today, government is not limited by it and often ignores it.

This is the thinking of a deep state government elitist..."people are innocent, you know, until alleged to be involved in some kind of criminal activity." Former CIA Director John Brennan
Kudos Joe! I agree with much of your rant. Surprisingly.

I do however disagree with your condemnation of the Constitution, because SOME of the Founding Fathers were slave holders. That’s not a good reason for condemning it. Much of the Constitution is worthy of our praise, no matter who wrote it. The problem lies in the fact that today, government is not limited by it and often ignores it.

This is the thinking of a deep state government elitist..."people are innocent, you know, until alleged to be involved in some kind of criminal activity." Former CIA Director John Brennan

The Constitution is shit. It's the best thinking of 18th century slave rapists who barely stopped believing witchcraft was a thing.

This is a Constitution that produces Trump when a vast majority says No, and all the "elites" know he's unfit for office but do nothing about it.
Kudos Joe! I agree with much of your rant. Surprisingly.

I do however disagree with your condemnation of the Constitution, because SOME of the Founding Fathers were slave holders. That’s not a good reason for condemning it. Much of the Constitution is worthy of our praise, no matter who wrote it. The problem lies in the fact that today, government is not limited by it and often ignores it.

This is the thinking of a deep state government elitist..."people are innocent, you know, until alleged to be involved in some kind of criminal activity." Former CIA Director John Brennan

The Constitution is shit. It's the best thinking of 18th century slave rapists who barely stopped believing witchcraft was a thing.

This is a Constitution that produces Trump when a vast majority says No, and all the "elites" know he's unfit for office but do nothing about it.
Oh brother. Must you always go off the rails?

Trump has broken your brain.
Oh brother. Must you always go off the rails?

Trump has broken your brain.

Not broken at all.. the system is broken, but trying it's very best to compensate.

The "Deep State" you whine about is the only thing keeping it on track.
LOL. Joe is FOR the Deep State. Damn Joe! I know you don’t know how dumb that is. You hate Donny and that’s fine, but the Deep State is much worse.

Are you a totalitarian?

The Deep State perpetuates the corrupt system you rant about. I know you won’t get this, because Donny broke your brain and you get all your “knowledge” from MSNBC.
LOL. Joe is FOR the Deep State. Damn Joe! I know you don’t know how dumb that is. You hate Donny and that’s fine, but the Deep State is much worse.

Yes, the Deep State is why you are such a failure at life. They are all out to get you.

The Deep State perpetuates the corrupt system you rant about. I know you won’t get this, because Donny broke your brain and you get all your “knowledge” from MSNBC.

Guy, there is no "Deep State"... if there was, Donny would have been found dead by now next to a dead hooker.
LOL. Joe is FOR the Deep State. Damn Joe! I know you don’t know how dumb that is. You hate Donny and that’s fine, but the Deep State is much worse.

Yes, the Deep State is why you are such a failure at life. They are all out to get you.

The Deep State perpetuates the corrupt system you rant about. I know you won’t get this, because Donny broke your brain and you get all your “knowledge” from MSNBC.

Guy, there is no "Deep State"... if there was, Donny would have been found dead by now next to a dead hooker.
LOL. Now you say the DS doesn’t exist, when earlier you stated it was the only thing working. Good God, must you always repeat what you hear on MSNBC?
LOL. Joe is FOR the Deep State. Damn Joe! I know you don’t know how dumb that is. You hate Donny and that’s fine, but the Deep State is much worse.

Yes, the Deep State is why you are such a failure at life. They are all out to get you.

The Deep State perpetuates the corrupt system you rant about. I know you won’t get this, because Donny broke your brain and you get all your “knowledge” from MSNBC.

Guy, there is no "Deep State"... if there was, Donny would have been found dead by now next to a dead hooker.
LOL. Now you say the DS doesn’t exist, when earlier you stated it was the only thing working. Good God, must you always repeat what you Howard on MSNBC?
Joe? Have you ever heard of President Dwight D Eisenhower? He warned of the Deep State way back in 1961. Do you think he was lying? Did he make it up? Do you think the Deep State disappeared?

Wake the fuck up.
LOL. Now you say the DS doesn’t exist, when earlier you stated it was the only thing working. Good God, must you always repeat what you hear on MSNBC?

Whatever, dude.

What you call "Deep State" I call the competent people who know what they are doing.

The only difference between Trump and other politicians is other politicians let the professionals do their jobs.

Joe? Have you ever heard of President Dwight D Eisenhower? He warned of the Deep State way back in 1961. Do you think he was lying? Did he make it up? Do you think the Deep State disappeared?

Wake the fuck up.

Well, no, he discussed the "Military-Industrial Complex".. which isn't really the same thing. He originally wanted to say "Military-Industrial-Congressional complex", rightly calling Congress on its role in bloated military spending.

Sadly, the nutters who think that there is a vast conspiracy to make their lives unhappy equated this criticism of spending priorities to be proof of their nuttiness.

Do you think there are Aliens buried under Roswell, too?
LOL. Now you say the DS doesn’t exist, when earlier you stated it was the only thing working. Good God, must you always repeat what you hear on MSNBC?

Whatever, dude.

What you call "Deep State" I call the competent people who know what they are doing.

The only difference between Trump and other politicians is other politicians let the professionals do their jobs.

Joe? Have you ever heard of President Dwight D Eisenhower? He warned of the Deep State way back in 1961. Do you think he was lying? Did he make it up? Do you think the Deep State disappeared?

Wake the fuck up.

Well, no, he discussed the "Military-Industrial Complex".. which isn't really the same thing. He originally wanted to say "Military-Industrial-Congressional complex", rightly calling Congress on its role in bloated military spending.

Sadly, the nutters who think that there is a vast conspiracy to make their lives unhappy equated this criticism of spending priorities to be proof of their nuttiness.

Do you think there are Aliens buried under Roswell, too?
The Deep State are competent people. LMFAO. please Joe stop....your stupidity is making me laugh. It’s too early in the day.

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