''Grey Lady' Telling Hillary To Shut Up Proves Hillary Is 'Radioactive'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
FINALLY someone has told Hillary to STFU...and admitted that she is 'radioactive'...corrosive, damaging, most of all to the Democrats.

New York Times board member telling Hillary Clinton to stay quiet proves she is ‘politically radioactive,’ experts say

A member of the New York Times editorial board has a message for “broadly unpopular” Hillary Clinton as the crucial midterms loom: stay off the campaign trail or risk firing up the GOP base.

“Having Mrs. Clinton proclaim political civility dead until her team wins again is unlikely to prove an inspirational message for these voters,” Cottle wrote. “It is, however, extremely likely to electrify the Republican base.”

“The bad news for the Times and for Democrats everywhere is that Hillary doesn’t care. She never has. She will always do what she thinks is in her best interest - even at the expense of her party and her political allies. That’s just how the Clintons operate.”

No truer words have ever been spoken

'F* the American people. F* the country. F* the party. It is MY turn!'

New York Times board member telling Hillary Clinton to stay quiet proves she is ‘politically radioactive,’ experts say

AS I said Hitlery isn't well liked even by fellow Democrate's

They know how toxic she is and you can bet she won't get the nod from the DNC come 2020.

To bad. I'd like to see Trump kick her ass all over the map.

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