Griner needs to be brought back home

I'm watching a report on television about legalized cannabis in Los Angeles. Not one expected benefit has materialized. The cartels were supposed to be put out of business. They are stronger and richer than ever. The state was supposed to get millions in taxes, they get nothing. The paying public still prefers cheap, untaxed pot over legal, taxed pot.
I'm watching a report on television about legalized cannabis in Los Angeles. Not one expected benefit has materialized. The cartels were supposed to be put out of business. They are stronger and richer than ever. The state was supposed to get millions in taxes, they get nothing. The paying public still prefers cheap, untaxed pot over legal, taxed pot.

So they lied. Imagine that. And it's not just in LA or CA either. The days of truth from and trust in your gov't at every level are gone.
So they lied. Imagine that. And it's not just in LA or CA either. The days of truth from and trust in your gov't at every level are gone.
Trust - in this government? That's a joke right. The cartels are probably lining political pockets to fast track legalization since they make more money that way.

San Francisco legalized heroin. They opened safe shoot up sites. The cartel sellers are right outside the shoot up sites. The clinics where legal methadone is given - free is a bother when the real sellers are right outside the door.

Not one city that has legalized or decriminalization drugs has seen anything but unmitigated disaster. Clue, Needle Park was a failure folks.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you go to another country and break their laws you deserve to face their justice. My opinion would not change no matter who it is and what their political leanings are.
I'm watching a report on television about legalized cannabis in Los Angeles. Not one expected benefit has materialized. The cartels were supposed to be put out of business. They are stronger and richer than ever. The state was supposed to get millions in taxes, they get nothing. The paying public still prefers cheap, untaxed pot over legal, taxed pot.
What the fuck are you watching?

CA is collecting ~$100 million a month in weed tax.
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Yes, cannabis not only feminizes male gonads, but also provides cartoons for the criminal while performing the crime.
Is that what you call it? It's pot caused erectile dysfunction

Not that Brittany Griner would ever have such a problem.
Wait wait wait, you've said that people don't buy legal weed and CA does not collect weed taxes.

Do you still think thats true or do you think whatever you watched pumped you full of bs?
I gave you the report. Judge it for yourself.
I gave you the report. Judge it for yourself.
You gave no report on legal sales and taxation.

You've asserted that you watched something on TV about that, but the video you linked to makes zero mention of that.

So did you just make that up?
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Not only did Biden give back the arms dealer, but he hosed Ukraine too.

Griener was deliberately targeted. The Russians knew she had the hash oil all along. She had been to Russia many times with the same vape pen, same oil.

Putin plays the tune, Fuckwad Biden dances his shuck and jive.
Horrible trade. Biden leaves US Marine behind.
But the best explanation was reserved for Van Jones
at CNN. Calling this Female an Epic example player.What a dopey
crock.Her name barely recognized still.Jones as usual making a
verdict based solely on the color of the person.Which obvioulsy it was.
At least more and more Americans are waking up to the fraud
perpetrated by the BlackLivesMatter Hoax narrative.
Not only did Biden give back the arms dealer, but he hosed Ukraine too.

Griener was deliberately targeted. The Russians knew she had the hash oil all along. She had been to Russia many times with the same vape pen, same oil.

Putin plays the tune, Fuckwad Biden dances his shuck and jive.
Has Biden done anything Positive.I know in his mind he does everything
positive for benefit of the Country.Um ... what Country would that be.
Who's been tutoring this Biden.He needs to get his tuition money back.
And then Go ta hell.
Has Biden done anything Positive.I know in his mind he does everything
positive for benefit of the Country.Um ... what Country would that be.
Who's been tutoring this Biden.He needs to get his tuition money back.
And then Go ta hell.
Fuckwad Biden isn't doing anything. He's being controlled. But, by who?

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