Griner needs to be brought back home

Well I am a true liberal. But I also don’t agree with BLM and all that other far left nonsense. So that’s what’s going on here brother. It doesn’t matter if it’s Russia or America or China I’m a real liberal so I want just laws for all over the world. So that’s why you get my response whether you agree or disagree with it brother.

I don’t think she’ll ever serve the full nine years at most maybe two years. I could be wrong here but I think it’s a pretty good bet

And there is a problem here between me and you and a few other people …. I believe it is still possible that Britney was framed so that’s a huge situation. And if you or somebody else don’t wanna believe that OK man then we have a disagreement.

I would bet Britney is getting along greatly with her fellow Russian prisoners. You know there’s so much disinformation in the media and one of them is this idea that the Russian society is the patriarchal society that doesn’t like blacks or LGBT people. Yes LGBT laws are different in Russia but at the same time just watch the interviews Russian people are very diverse and welcoming. There’s gay people in every country there’s gay sex in Russia. Just happens behind closed doors.

Besides Britney‘s not very feminine she comes off as very strong masculine if you will. She’s physically fit and she has a great sight for physical strength compared to these fat obese overweight Americans ….were so lazy look at how lazy and fat our country is. We need Britney back we need more physically fit people.

There’s often great stories in cases like this where are you have the prisoner who is a political prisoner or maybe they have been given a harsh sentence too harsh but then while they are in prison they make the lives of those around them better.
Ohhh. One world. One law. As long as you make the laws right?

You door understand that the pot Griner was caught with wasn't a baggie or weed in a zip lock. It was a thc cartridge for an evape pen. Her evape pen. So there really is no question of planting the drug. She had a prescription for the pen and the thc cartridges from her US doctor. So there is no question about the pot being planted, along with the pen and the prescription. It's hers.

She's not going to be so physically fit when she gets out. Being black gets her nothing in Russis except a beating.
I cant agree with you man. I understand your angle, but she is an American Citizen, and that has rights. She exercised her free speech rights to shit on our awesome nation…but I do not think she deserves to die in a Russian labor camp for some thc vape.

What if, just what if she had an epiphany and then came back and was a flag waver?

I dunno, man. I have had a change of heart since I heard a guy on a pod talk about the conditions of these labor camps.

I am a Christian and I forgive.

I might agree to bringing her home with two conditions -- six months in hard core drug treatment and five years of community service changing diapers in a Veterans' home, so she can see the real America.

We can disagree in this, my conservative friends, but I would like to see her come back home.

I do not think she should serve 9 years in a gulag.

My great grandfather did. If we relish in her misery for essentially nothing. It seems ghoulish.

You are all welcome to disagree.

Did your great grandfather shit on Russian law?

Why zero sympathy?
She harmed no one, had no attempt to profit from it, and could easily have made a simple mistake anyone could have made in packing.

So laws don't apply to you or to those with whom you sympathize.

Got it.

God, democriminals are a fun gang of thugs!

Law is only law if based on inherent legal principles.
When there are instead arbitrary edicts that violate basic principles, like the War on Drugs in the US, then we should fight them instead of complying with them.
For example, the corrupt idiots who passed Prohibition amendment in the US, should have been prosecuted for violating basic principles of law.

Ooh! You're such a revolutionary!


That is NOT a legal principal.

You're talking to someone who believes that this is a summer block party.

Is a law that gives 9 years imprisonment for a small amount of pot just to you? Do you feel every law in every country is just?

You obviously feel that you have the right to tell another country that their laws are unjust.

I suggest you hop on a plane for Moscow today and let us know how your protest works out over there.

How does her being a basketball player in Russia equate will her being well familiar Russian law?

So travelers in foreign countries do not need to be responsible for knowing the laws of those countries and how they need to modify their behavior to avoid violating those laws.


General Kelly. He pleaded GUILTY.

Your are ...... fucking moron.
You call people out constantly.
Back at you fucker.
Give us back our taxes. One third less as an example. then you can get live what you want and break the bonds of others paying for you to a degree. Believe me. the House Repubs will be RINO for your beliefs.
You said well familiar. What makes you this woman is knowledgeable about Russian law? Do you think she understood the consequences of being caught with pot and was willing to risk a 9 years sentence for pot, dumbass?

I just heard the biggest WHOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that ever whooshed.

I am serious. She has been punished enough. The woke cult needs to take the loss and profess they understand that the US is not so bad.

She is a misguided soul fooled from very bad domestic communists trying to take down the USA.

She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

Biden, get her home.

I know I am a hardcore TRUMPER, but this is sincere.
Why her and not any of the other people who were put in prison for the exact same crime? I dont think weed should be punishable, but i also dont think that she deserves special treatment over anyone else.
Griner is not trans. She's a lesbian. Just a big girl lesbian. Russian drug laws are a bright spot in a world gone mad with addiction.

You're right. My bad.

And I agree.

Having moved from Washington State to South Dakota, a place where cannabis has long been completely legal to a place where medical cannabis just passed last year, and having seen incredible benefits of controlled cannabis use for some neurological conditions, I still voted against recreational use in SD on Nov. 8.

I've seen motivation and innovative thinking simply wrecked by recreational cannabis. Wasted six years of the best part of my life with a lazy, useless pothead.
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