Griner needs to be brought back home

I am serious. She has been punished enough. The woke cult needs to take the loss and profess they understand that the US is not so bad.

She is a misguided soul fooled from very bad domestic communists trying to take down the USA.

She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

Biden, get her home.

I know I am a hardcore TRUMPER, but this is sincere.
She violated Russian law, let her serve her time.
She broke Russian law. You can harp all day but it's Russia law.

Law is only law if based on inherent legal principles.
When there are instead arbitrary edicts that violate basic principles, like the War on Drugs in the US, then we should fight them instead of complying with them.
For example, the corrupt idiots who passed Prohibition amendment in the US, should have been prosecuted for violating basic principles of law.
I understand why some of your want her to die in a Russian gulag for some thc vape, I simply disagree.
Law is only law if based on inherent legal principles.
When there are instead arbitrary edicts that violate basic principles, like the War on Drugs in the US, then we should fight them instead of complying with them.
For example, the corrupt idiots who passed Prohibition amendment in the US, should have been prosecuted for violating basic principles of law.

You stupid fck, she broke the laws of a nation and now pays the price. I don't care about your left loon gibberish

You clowns using word salad trying to make some humanitarian bs is tiresome. She BROKE Russian law
I am serious. She has been punished enough. The woke cult needs to take the loss and profess they understand that the US is not so bad.

She is a misguided soul fooled from very bad domestic communists trying to take down the USA.

She does NOT deserve to be in a Russian labor camp.

Biden, get her home.

I know I am a hardcore TRUMPER, but this is sincere.
Do you think that the State Dept and WH are actively trying to keep her in a Russian prison or not working to get her out? The problem is neither the Russians nor any other foreign nation has to abide by our laws or sense of morality. We have to abide by theirs when we are in their country. Would we expect anything different if a Russian national were here? If I'm a Ugandan citizen and the speed limit there is 100 mph and you can drive around drunk as a skunk, can I do that in the US and use the excuse well in my country this isn't a big deal? Honor killings are legal in some parts of the world, but we would certainly prosecute and send to jail a father who killed his daughter because she had sex with someone out of wedlock. If you want to stay out of jail in a foreign country the best way to do that is either dont go to a foreign country or if you do, make sure you know and follow their laws. Pretty simple concept.
That America is a lot better place to love than most other countries in the world.

That does not matter.
When ancient Rome was invading and enslaving all the countries around Europe and the Mideast, it had free food, circuses, baths, etc., for the people in Rome.
That does not mean ancient Rome was not evil, doing bad things, and should have been stopped.

The point is the US is immorally and illegally murdering or imprisoning millions of innocents all over the world, establishing dictators, stealing resources, etc.
And we could and should be doing a lot better, like public health care based on ability to pay, lower college tuition as it used to be, end the war on drugs, end mandatory sentences, end asset forfeiture, etc.
You stupid fck, she broke the laws of a nation and now pays the price. I don't care about your left loon gibberish

You clowns using word salad trying to make some humanitarian bs is tiresome. She BROKE Russian law

I dont agree with you Sass…and I am pretty sure you see the tone of posts. I dont hold back.

There are 3 pillars of judicial punishment.

1) punishment
2) justice
3) protect the community

I know your point. I do.

If my son jaywalked in Malaysia and was going to be executed. I would think that is roughl
That does not matter.
When ancient Rome was invading and enslaving all the countries around Europe and the Mideast, it had free food, circuses, baths, etc., for the people in Rome.
That does not mean ancient Rome was not evil, doing bad things, and should have been stopped.

The point is the US is immorally and illegally murdering or imprisoning millions of innocents all over the world, establishing dictators, stealing resources, etc.
And we could and should be doing a lot better, like public health care based on ability to pay, lower college tuition as it used to be, end the war on drugs, end mandatory sentences, end asset forfeiture, etc.

You blabber a lot and nobody cares
I cant agree with you man. I understand your angle, but she is an American Citizen, and that has rights. She exercised her free speech rights to shit on our awesome nation…but I do not think she deserves to die in a Russian labor camp for some thc vape.

What if, just what if she had an epiphany and then came back and was a flag waver?

I dunno, man. I have had a change of heart since I heard a guy on a pod talk about the conditions of these labor camps.

I am a Christian and I forgive.
What she has or has not said about the United States has literally zero bearing on whether the Russian Government will release her back to the US? Why would the Russian Government care if she thinks the US is the best or worst country on the planet?
I dont agree with you Sass…and I am pretty sure you see the tone of posts. I dont hold back.

There are 3 pillars of judicial punishment.

1) punishment
2) justice
3) protect the community

I know your point. I do.

If my son jaywalked in Malaysia and was going to be executed. I would think that is roughl

Nations have laws, she broke those laws. That's on her. There's no doubt in my mind she wasn't told not to try and bring drugs into Russia. She did anyway
You stupid fck, she broke the laws of a nation and now pays the price. I don't care about your left loon gibberish

You clowns using word salad trying to make some humanitarian bs is tiresome. She BROKE Russian law

Russian law has to have consideration of mitigating circumstances, like lack of intent or it being done by accident instead of deliberate.
These are generic principles, and Russia does not get to dictate over them without an extreme reaction from everyone who supports real justice.
No, the point is law has basic legal principles of justice that are not arbitrary or up to the whim of government.
Those who do not uphold these basic principles are evil and need to be fought, not supported.
Go get elected President of Russia and change the law there. Outside of that you're just pissing in the wind, and your opinion of whether the Russian law is "moral" or "right" is of little consequence. We do not have the right to tell other nations how to run their shit.
Go get elected President of Russia and change the law there. Outside of that you're just pissing in the wind, and your opinion of whether the Russian law is "moral" or "right" is of little consequence. We do not have the right to tell other nations how to run their shit.

Dude is a loon
I dont agree with you Sass…and I am pretty sure you see the tone of posts. I dont hold back.

There are 3 pillars of judicial punishment.

1) punishment
2) justice
3) protect the community

I know your point. I do.

If my son jaywalked in Malaysia and was going to be executed. I would think that is roughl

The principles of legal justice are not arbitrary and violation of inherent principles by any country should be strongly resisted.

What Russia did to Griner was simply wrong.
1) as punishment it is stupid because if they did not like her having THC, they could have just expelled her. Keeping her there as a prisoner does not reduce drug use in Russia, but instead just costs them more room and board for her imprisonment.
2) it is not justice to punish one who harmed no one else and likely had no deliberate intent to violate even.
3) she did not harm the community and imprisoning her does harm the community because they now have to pay for her imprisonment for 10 years.

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