Groan button


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
it would be cool if we could groan a post. had one on another board i posted at. just like a thanks button, but you could groan posts. there are posts that are so bad i want to let them know, but, they've turned off their rep and i don't feel like creating a post to let them know.

You can always just use this.

Yep, if you can thank a post, you should be able to give it a thumbs down if they don't have rep or you don't feel it is bad enough for a neg.

I like it!!
A groan button might sound good but sooner or later somebody is gonna hijack it and use it as a sexually suggestive groan.

How would you like it if all the old guys on here groaned at your daughter everyday?

just sayin'......

I have a daughter?? I HAVE A DAUGHTER???!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
I demand a paternity test!
my daughter does not post here

no worries....

My daughters are forbidden to join, and they're all adults...


wise choice

A new spin on an old joke...

Dear Abby,

I have met a wonderful woman, one might say the woman of my dreams, but I have a problem. My father is an alcoholic serving time for robbing a convenience store, my mother is awaiting trial on charges of possession with intent to sell. I am a crossdresser and occasionally turn tricks for a thrill when not posting on United States Message Board. My sister fell on hard times and is now a crack whore while my brother is her pimp.

My question is this, should I tell this woman I post on USMB?
it would be cool if we could groan a post. had one on another board i posted at. just like a thanks button, but you could groan posts. there are posts that are so bad i want to let them know, but, they've turned off their rep and i don't feel like creating a post to let them know.

We have such a button. It's called "Post Reply." And you can get as specific as the situation requires with your level of comprehension and riposte acumen. :D

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