Grocery bag hack.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Many grocery stores pay a credit if you bring your own bag (my store credits 10 cents per bag).
If you reuse a paper shopping bag, the ones with the paper handles, reinforce them by placing a strip of packaging tape over the handles to reinforce them. Then there is no fear of them tearing away.
Very sturdy with a rigid bottom. Bag folds flat. I have four of these and they've lasted about 8 years. I think they cost less than $4 each at Amazon.

In the Midwest, where I moved to a year ago, they just started catching on and everyone is thrilled when I bring my reusable bag.

On the West Coast, where I moved from, every store has a big guy named Guido who wants to have a little talk with you in the alley if you DON'T bring your reusable bag.
I often have to get fresh paper bags from the store as I freeze my garbage in them before putting it in the dumpster. This ensures that there are no smells, and that critters aren't attracted to it. I once had to help a racoon out of the dumpster. It had gone in for a snack and was unable to escape.
Many grocery stores pay a credit if you bring your own bag (my store credits 10 cents per bag).
If you reuse a paper shopping bag, the ones with the paper handles, reinforce them by placing a strip of packaging tape over the handles to reinforce them. Then there is no fear of them tearing away.
We get charged 8 cents a bag if we don’t bring our own. It’s a state law.
I often have to get fresh paper bags from the store as I freeze my garbage in them before putting it in the dumpster. This ensures that there are no smells, and that critters aren't attracted to it. I once had to help a racoon out of the dumpster. It had gone in for a snack and was unable to escape.

You. Not the raccoon.
I often have to get fresh paper bags from the store as I freeze my garbage in them before putting it in the dumpster. This ensures that there are no smells, and that critters aren't attracted to it. I once had to help a racoon out of the dumpster. It had gone in for a snack and was unable to escape.
The frozen garbage doesn't melt?

I've been holding off a bit waiting for the mandatory claims that producing one of those bags requires burning 100,000 barrels of unrefined crude oil on the hottest day of summer in the basement of an orphanage for the liberal poor.

And... so... you're freezer is full of garbage? On a completely unrelated note, the wife and I are going to have to turn down that dinner invitation for next weekend. She's.. she's got... she's got to have some surgery. Yeah, that's it. Surgery. Have to get her finger extracted from my eye... ; - )

I've been holding off a bit waiting for the mandatory claims that producing one of those bags requires burning 100,000 barrels of unrefined crude oil on the hottest day of summer in the basement of an orphanage for the liberal poor.
Sounds more realistic than your lie about having 45 million year old records.
And... so... you're freezer is full of garbage?
Top freezer with garbage bag and frozen water. Food kept in top freezer will degrade because of twice daily defrost cycle. Frozen water jugs will help keep food in refrigerator cool if power fails. I keep frozen food in a small chest freezer, which doesn't have a defrost cycle.

Top freezer.JPG

I also keep four gallons of frozen water in the bottom of the chest freezer as well in case the power fails.

Chest freezer.JPG
Well, that's borders on TMI but... I love chest freezers. All that cold air pouring out of our kitchen fridges every time that door is so much as cracked just drives me nuts. I'm in Florida, so relatively frequent power outages. Finding my wife or kids standing in front of the open door trying to figure out what they want while the power's out drives me absolutely ape.
Well, that's borders on TMI but... I love chest freezers. All that cold air pouring out of our kitchen fridges every time that door is so much as cracked just drives me nuts. I'm in Florida, so relatively frequent power outages. Finding my wife or kids standing in front of the open door trying to figure out what they want while the power's out drives me absolutely ape.
Perfect place for solar panels. You should get some. But shouldn't you be working?

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