Groomer Alert: LGBTQ youtubers/TikTok creators claim all your children belong to us and that they will raise your children just right.

I look at a picture of a bunch of very cute little girls, a bit more ā€œmade-upā€ than usual, and I see a bunch of very cute little girls.

You look at that same picture, and see something sexual.

And you're the one who is openly defending the sexual grooming, brainwashing, and abuse of young children.

And you're trying to tell me that I'm the one with whom there is something wrong?

A man is taking a Rorschach test
The doctor shows him an inkblot, and the man says "That looks like a huge pair of breasts".
The doctor shows him another inkblot, and the man says "That looks like a big thick cock".
The doctor shows him another inkblot, and the man says "That looks like a man fucking a woman in the ass".
At this point the doctor puts the inkblots away, and says, "Well, it seems as though you may be obsessed with sex".
And the patient says, "Me, obsessed with sex? You're the one who's showing me all these filthy pictures!"
You sure are making an awful lot of excuses for the blatent sexualizing of little girls in these pageants.
You're selling a theory as science. and it's never been observed. You're pushing historical or origins science as observational science. they're different. But seein' as that is not taught...the difference, in school would you know.
You sure are making an awful lot of excuses for the blatent sexualizing of little girls in these pageants.
Pageants teach Poise, confidence, public speaking, makeup, hair styling...they are no different than say a DANCE school and competitions. Pageants serve a purpose atleast for the contestants---the pervies watching the pageants and the overly competitive parents might be different.

I wish I would have been in pageants to get over my public speaking issues when I was younger.

GROOMER ALERT: LGBTQ YouTubers/TikTok creators claim ā€œall your children belong to usā€ and that they will raise your children ā€œjust rightā€

These sickos have grown so bold all types of videos are coming out similar to this or worse.
Parents , or Grandparents please wake the hell up they are seuxalizing your children,
they are going to grow up as rapist or child molesters this is insane!!!!

Unfortunately they are pretty much correct. The left or the globalists marxists or children of Satan own the culture and nothing really new. They aren't hiding anymore. They are deliberate. I fear for them and I fear for myself for not standing up or following the Lord.

This may sound pessimistic but I do think it's too late at this point. I do.
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You believe that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

This totally refutes any claim that you might try to lay to ā€œscienceā€.
No. Jenner is a transgender woman. Maybe you ought to quit thinking you know what I believe.
And again, someone who believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman is in no position to credibly speak of science.
You are delusional.
You believe that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

This totally refutes any claim that you might try to lay to ā€œscienceā€.
No. Jenner is a transgender woman. Maybe you ought to quit thinking you know what I believe.

And again, someone who believes that Bruce Jenner is a woman is in no position to credibly speak of science.
You are delusional.

The term ā€œtransgender womanā€ is anti-scientific bullshit.

He's a man. A badly-damaged, mutilated version of a man, but still a man.

Your refusal to acknowledge this hard, immutable, undeniable biological truth is what totally discredits any claim that you might ever try to make to science.

It is what marks you as delusion and insane. And together with your unabashed support of the sexual abuse of children, it shows you to be a severely fucked-up mockery of a human being.

Your efforts to project all your fucked-upness on actual human beings does nothing to lend any credit to any claim that you might ever make.
The term ā€œtransgender womanā€ is anti-scientific bullshit.

He's a man. A badly-damaged, mutilated version of a man, but still a man.

Your refusal to acknowledge this hard, immutable, undeniable biological truth is what totally discredits any claim that you might ever try to make to science.

It is what marks you as delusion and insane. And together with your unabashed support of the sexual abuse of children, it shows you to be a severely fucked-up mockery of a human being.

Your efforts to project all your fucked-upness on actual human beings does nothing to lend any credit to any claim that you might ever make.
He/she is a transgender woman. Who cares? Why do you obsess over it? And why do you support the rampant sexualization of little kids in pageants? Sounds like you are a severely fucked up bit of protoplasm masquerading as a human.
He/she is a transgender woman. Who cares? Why do you obsess over it? And why do you support the rampant sexualization of little kids in pageants? Sounds like you are a severely fucked up bit of protoplasm masquerading as a human.

More GO ON THE ATTACK STRATEGY..........How we are the problem and not the LUNATICS pushing this gender BS............The kids in the pagents aren't being told they are a girl with a wanker...............

Anyways...........Disney just got both eyes dotted............So did the Old Governor in Virginia .............keep up the good work APPEASING the left...........The implosion is enjoyable.
They shitted the topic by attacking pisters saying they were the problem and normal kids pagents.

They do this because they have no moral leg to stand on with the lunatic left
^^^^ thinks this is ā€œnormalā€ for little kidsā€¦


Meanwhile most folks consider this to be normalā€¦


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