Groomer Alert: LGBTQ youtubers/TikTok creators claim all your children belong to us and that they will raise your children just right.

The problem being you don't know who these people are. It's not difficult for a conservative to pretend to be some crazed liberal, you know?

And yet you people lap this up.
We donā€™t know these ppl lmfao, that is one of the most pathetic fkg excuses iā€™ve ever heard for these child raping ***(*(*!
But I'm going to discuss the people you've shown, if they have anything that shows who they are.

1) Allyn Walker.

"Walker insisted it it was important to use the term ā€œminor-attracted personsā€ instead of ā€œpedophileā€ because itā€™s less stigmatizing."

This is all about controlling narratives. For a bunch of people who complain about shutting others up, this is a clear case of this.

The guy merely said the term is stigmatizing. Which to an extent it is.

Pedophilia is when someone is attracted to pre-pubescent children. It doesn't mean they've acted on this desire. I wouldn't know how many pedophiles have never harmed children at all, I doubt there are statistics for it.

It's like saying because someone's attracted to women they will rape people.

The narrative of trying to keep the term pedophile is pretty clear. They like the word having stigma.

Now, the debate (in a free society with freedom of speech) would be whether the term should have stigma or not. I'd guess most people would would say yes, it should have stigma and I'm not going to say they're wrong. HOWEVER what this guy said isn't necessary worth losing a job over, nor is it anything for you to come on here and claim some kind of kiddy fiddling conspiracy.

The second one, about school teachers wanting to talk about gay parents.

I'm going to turn it around.

When a woman is pregnant, it means she's FUCKED. It means some guy put a dick up her vagina and fucked until the sperm came out. Should we ban all talk about pregnant women? Lock them up until they've given birth to not "hyper sexualize our children"?

Should we ban talk of mommy and daddy, because clearly mommy and daddy were FUCKING. Dick, vagina problem again.

The reality is that this is, again, a narrative trying to attack gay people. It's religious in nature. Children don't really have much problem dealing with mommy being pregnant again. They don't really need to know that daddy had her knickers down on the dining room table and was thrusting for five minutes straight. So why would kids have a problem with two men or two women? The reality is they wouldn't.

The third one about a kid dressing up in girls' clothing. This is just ridiculous. Kids don't really have any preconceived ideas about what is what. Long hair for kids is hair until the point where adults have put their preconceptions on the kids that "Long hair is for girls". Or that skirts are for girls (what about kilts?)

I've worked in schools and I've worked around gay kids. I've worked around small children and I know that identity is something that kids don't really give a damn about. Some kids are very masculine, some very feminine, others in the middle, regardless of gender.

What you're saying is that a kid who feels that he prefers going against conservative norms should be kept in the quiet, as if, if we don't talk about it, they'll stop thinking about it.

The very same reason why STDs are higher in conservative places that simply don't talk about things other than abstinence.

The drag queen thing seems to hinge on profanity and the appropriateness of the song.

It's stigmatizing because IT SHOULD BE! Pedophiles should be locked away for ever when convicted.

But I'm going to discuss the people you've shown, if they have anything that shows who they are.

1) Allyn Walker.

"Walker insisted it it was important to use the term ā€œminor-attracted personsā€ instead of ā€œpedophileā€ because itā€™s less stigmatizing."

This is all about controlling narratives. For a bunch of people who complain about shutting others up, this is a clear case of this.

The guy merely said the term is stigmatizing. Which to an extent it is.

Pedophilia is when someone is attracted to pre-pubescent children. It doesn't mean they've acted on this desire. I wouldn't know how many pedophiles have never harmed children at all, I doubt there are statistics for it.

It's like saying because someone's attracted to women they will rape people.

The narrative of trying to keep the term pedophile is pretty clear. They like the word having stigma.

Now, the debate (in a free society with freedom of speech) would be whether the term should have stigma or not. I'd guess most people would would say yes, it should have stigma and I'm not going to say they're wrong. HOWEVER what this guy said isn't necessary worth losing a job over, nor is it anything for you to come on here and claim some kind of kiddy fiddling conspiracy.

The second one, about school teachers wanting to talk about gay parents.

I'm going to turn it around.

When a woman is pregnant, it means she's FUCKED. It means some guy put a dick up her vagina and fucked until the sperm came out. Should we ban all talk about pregnant women? Lock them up until they've given birth to not "hyper sexualize our children"?

Should we ban talk of mommy and daddy, because clearly mommy and daddy were FUCKING. Dick, vagina problem again.

The reality is that this is, again, a narrative trying to attack gay people. It's religious in nature. Children don't really have much problem dealing with mommy being pregnant again. They don't really need to know that daddy had her knickers down on the dining room table and was thrusting for five minutes straight. So why would kids have a problem with two men or two women? The reality is they wouldn't.

The third one about a kid dressing up in girls' clothing. This is just ridiculous. Kids don't really have any preconceived ideas about what is what. Long hair for kids is hair until the point where adults have put their preconceptions on the kids that "Long hair is for girls". Or that skirts are for girls (what about kilts?)

I've worked in schools and I've worked around gay kids. I've worked around small children and I know that identity is something that kids don't really give a damn about. Some kids are very masculine, some very feminine, others in the middle, regardless of gender.

What you're saying is that a kid who feels that he prefers going against conservative norms should be kept in the quiet, as if, if we don't talk about it, they'll stop thinking about it.

The very same reason why STDs are higher in conservative places that simply don't talk about things other than abstinence.

The drag queen thing seems to hinge on profanity and the appropriateness of the song.

So can your neighbor tell your 6 yr old hey you want to learn how to put a condom on a dildo come on in Iā€™ll show you how.

Your making excuse FOR FUCKING PEDOā€™S!
So can your neighbor tell your 6 yr old hey you want to learn how to put a condom on a dildo come on in Iā€™ll show you how.

Your making excuse FOR FUCKING PEDOā€™S!

Nothing you've said, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you've said has suggested any of these people wanted to talk about condoms with kids who don't need to know what a condom is.

So why the fuck have you brought this up?

I'll tell you why. Because you have NOTHING other than insults, childish labels and an inability to see what's what.
WTF they arenā€™t about sexualizing children? Have you LOOKED at those pictures? Talk about sick filth.

Those pageants often do sexualize children. They're often sickening actually.

But we live in binary times. Parents putting their children on show = good because parents are always right. Teachers teaching = bad because "indoctrination", because apparently almost all teachers are "groomers"

Stupid times. We're just stone cold stupid much too often.
Even the Beauty pageants aren't as twisted and loaded with Groomers as the schools and the rest of the gay community have become. And that is saying a lot.

Leave kids alone---especially those that belong to other people. NO sane normal person wants to talk about their sex lives to 4-12 years olds.

So your assertion is that your average elementary school is creepier than any episode of Toddler and Tiaras.

That's insane. But you do you.
Those pageants often do sexualize children. They're often sickening actually.

But we live in binary times. Parents putting their children on show = good because parents are always right. Teachers teaching = bad because "indoctrination", because apparently almost all teachers are "groomers"

Stupid times. We're just stone cold stupid much too often.


PUBLIC SCHOOLS TEACH YOUR KIDS HOW TO BE RAPIST BY AGE 4 , ā€œ TEACHERS ARE TEACHING , MANDATING, FORCING PEOPLE TO ACCEPT SEXUALIZED TEACHINGS TO KIDS WHO ARENā€™T EVEN THINKING ABOUT SEX YET!! OR AT LEAST THEY DIDNā€™T USE TO! ( kids have NO CHOICE) not to go to school or not, they have no choice this is the main point of the bs pagent excuse while trying to change the narrative everyone else sees.

You know over in those Muslim nations 40 yr olds like to marry 9 yrs see where they defend it.

Pagents donā€™t have laws applied saying if your kid does not attend you go to jail, or if your kid doesnā€™t attend it wonā€™t graudate.

THESE FKRS support child rapist and they are so out of it they canā€™t even see it.
Nothing you've said, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you've said has suggested any of these people wanted to talk about condoms with kids who don't need to know what a condom is.

So why the fuck have you brought this up?

I'll tell you why. Because you have NOTHING other than insults, childish labels and an inability to see what's what.
They want your children and you will help them lmfao. Wait until your kids or grand kids get some of this bahah.
They want your children and you will help them lmfao. Wait until your kids or grand kids get some of this bahah.

No they are turning ADULTS ONTO WATCHING KIDS acting like PORN whores.
The thread premise is a lie.

No one is ā€˜groomingā€™ anyone to be gay or tansgender.
"Grooming" is the intentional normalization of the abnormal and/or desensitization of certain behavior.

While maybe not intentional in most cases, if a kid grows up in a house where dad beats the crap out of mom on a regular basis or where mom gets shitty drunk every night, then the kid starts accepting this behavior as "normal" in short order and stands a good chance at continuing the unacceptable behavior in adult life.. The same applies to sexualization.

Kids are very impressionable and are easily influenced by their environments.

"Teaching" a room full of second graders that it's "normal" for boys to be girls or girls to be boys is definitely "grooming", because it is definitely abnormal... and it will leave a lasting impression on the child in later life.
"Teaching" a room full of second graders that it's "normal" for boys to be girls or girls to be boys is definitely "grooming", because it is definitely abnormal...
Good thing nobody does that.

What's the point of trying to spread the BigLie, when you know everyone knows you're lying?

Are you lying due to peer pressure from the cult, or are you deliberate trying to incite violence against gay and trans people?
Do they tea h the little ones how to use sex toys? Do they instruct them on masturbation techniques

Dang, you just keep getting weirder and more perverted.

We do understand. You want gay and trans people dead. Yes, you want _all_ liberals dead, but you really really REALLY want to see gay and trans people murdered. That's why you make up the lies. Goebbels would be so proud of you.

I shouldn't be the one who has to tell conservatives that being a violent perv isn't normal, but since they're in a violent perv cult, there are no normal people around to tell them, and I end up having to stage the intervention.
Good thing nobody does that.

What's the point of trying to spread the BigLie, when you know everyone knows you're lying?

Are you lying due to peer pressure from the cult, or are you deliberate trying to incite violence against gay and trans people?
If it's not happening, then why is the left so distraught over legislation that prohibits that very thing from occurring?

I mean, if it's not an issue in the first place, then why all the angst?
So as long as it's conservative parents and their pals hypersexualizing kids, you're fine with it.

Do you understand how bad that makes you look?

Nobody is defending conservative parents hypersexualizing children. And even if we were, that would still be no excuse for the abusive shit that you are defending being done to children.
Well, in the beauty pageants they don't try to talk the kids into cutting off their penis or get a double mastectomy.

And no, calling someone a groomer is NOT calling them a pedo, no matter how many lying leftists say otherwise.
The kiddie pageants are mostly driven by moms that are trying to live vicariously through their children, but they tend to attract the freaks that get off on oogling little girls in skimpy outfits as a byproduct. The whole enterprise is rather deranged in my opinion.

The push for "normalizing" LGBTQ ideals in the minds of children is much more nefarious. It's purpose is not only to push LGBTQ as a mainstream entity, but to actually promote it and grow the group's numbers down the road... much like a neo-nazi group would do with their youth. It's about growing the ranks.

The difference here is, the LGBTQ sect don't want parents to have a say in the indoctrination, and want it as widespread as possible, which is why we're seeing this crap popping up in the public education system.

The LGBTQ community doesn't want to groom just a handful of kids either, they want the entire generation.

"Progressivism" in action.

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